Some help on child night wetting the bed ...

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Some help on child night wetting the bed ...

Post by YanaKhan »

I need some help. My daughter is 6 and she is still wetting the bed at night if I don't wake her up to go to the toilet. I know it's a common thing among children and I know her father was the same and it will go in time, but I am so tired, waking up every night and then having trouble going back to sleep, working the next day and all over again. Do you have any ideas on how to help her grow this thing? She hasn't had any traumatic events in her life, and she is not a nervous child, has no health problems and basically there is no reason (in my opinion) for it. I mean she is not experiencing any stress or anything, it's just the way things are. So any ideas? Thank you.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by random417 »

If she's responsible enough, you guys could set an alarm, and she could get herself up. If course, watch fluid intake for a couple hours before bed.

On a magical level, a sleep pillow with herbs and small stones that raise awareness levels, so she can wake up when she had to go, or fire attributes, to dry her out might help, but watch that she doesn't have trouble sleeping. I'll dig through my correspondences and see if I can come up with a few that might help
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by Firebird »

The alarm thing is a good well as no liquids after 6 or so. Sears sells something that will alert the child after it senses wetness, but then it's too late..I guess the idea is to get the child to be aware when it is time to pee.
On a different note, children do not openly or outwardly display signs of distress when they are troubled, it usually shows up in events such as wetting the bed. It also may be school related, is she in a new school? or have you moved recently?
You might want to try meditating with her, or some yoga.
I had an ex once who's new girlfriends daughter was 12 and still wetting the bed, but she was in a bad situation, and I imagine it got worse when my ex moved in with them, he was terribly abusive, verbally and physically.
Children tap into all kinds of things we tend to blow off, (or try to ignore) ...the state of the world today could be troubling her...
I imagine you have done this, but maybe see it there is anything that is distressing her, and try to get her to talk about it, sometimes they need to talk and don't know how to begin.
I wish you the best Elcida,
blessings, FF
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by YanaKhan »

Thank you both for your help. Yet, my daughter is a heavy sleeper, like myself and her father. When I take her to the toilet, she is still asleep and sometimes even mumbling. It's got nothing to do with responsibility, as she is a responsible child when awake. But that won't work, unfortunately.
ff, she is not under any stress, she's in that school for 2 years now and before that she was in a kindergarten with the same kids. She likes her school and her teachers too (she is not a child that won't tell me about a bad thing that happened in school). I know every parent believes their child is smart and taken good care of, but the truth is, my daughter is a sweet child that shares everything and is not under any stress whatsoever. We haven't moved since she was born and I am absolutely sure she hasn't been treated badly in any way by anyone. And it's not a recent problem either, but it's been like this always.
I know this kind of thing is inherited and her dad did the same till he was 8. I just don't know if I can handle it. If I take her to the toilet, she doesn't wet the bed. But it wears me off. Once I wake up, it's very hard for me to go to sleep again and I end up sleeping for 4 - 5 hours a night and I feel like I'm going to pass out in the afternoon. Yet, when the evening comes, I can't possibly go to sleep even if my life depended on it :D
Me and my husband take shifts and one night I wake her up, then the next he does, but lately it's become too much of a habit and I wake up every night at about 1.30 and can't sleep after that.
Not drinking anything after 6 pm is a practice in our house. Even we don't drink anything, so she doesn't get the feeling we are allowed to do things she is not. And I am just desperate at this point as I feel like we have done everything possible and didn't get any results.
So any herbs you might think of and won't be bad for her or if someone you know has had the same problem and solved it, would help.
Thanks again, you are so kind!
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by random417 »

Check with her doc first, this one does screw with some meds, but St. John's Wort is supposed to help.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

See her doctor to check she doesn't have a urinary tract infection and get a referral to a paediatrician for a review. They can help you out with a special device to wear which wakes them.

For yourself, applejuice induces sleep as well as temperature changes ie your body cooling after a hot shower. I can totally relate to that feeling of being so fatigued you can't sleep. It's sh!t. You could also try a meditation/relaxation exercise from youtube.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by MsMollimizz »

I'm embarrassed to say this, but here goes !
I wet the bed until I was 13 ! Step-father thought I was
just being lazy. Mom took me to a Dr. and to appease
my step-father Dr gave me sugar pills, it didn't help.
Finally the Dr had me measure my pee and make note
of when it was. This went on for a few weeks...I was
then put on some pills designed to help my bladder
stretch from me holding it for awhile. It took no time
and I was dry ! So, it's not just a heavy sleeper,
because I am also.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by YanaKhan »

Thank you, MsMollimizz, this is good to know. Can you remember what the pills were?
I haven't put an update here, but apparently this was something she had to "grow" through. We went to the doctor and had her blood and urine tested, she is healthy.
Anyway, she's not doing it anymore. I was surprised to find out it was about 40% of all children that wet the bed till the age of 10 - 11. So, I'll keep that in mind for the second one :)
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by Holdasown »

My son will wet the bed if I don't wake and take him. He is 9. I do no liquids after 7 and he has to go at least twice or we have a wet bed. There are basically big kids underwear that will hold urine. If you think her being wet will wake her you can try a pad on the bed but if you really don't want to have to get up at all the underwear would work. We don't use them because of price. I would rather just get up.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by YanaKhan »

Holdasown wrote:My son will wet the bed if I don't wake and take him. He is 9. I do no liquids after 7 and he has to go at least twice or we have a wet bed. There are basically big kids underwear that will hold urine. If you think her being wet will wake her you can try a pad on the bed but if you really don't want to have to get up at all the underwear would work. We don't use them because of price. I would rather just get up.
Yeah, I know of this kind of underwear. She actually wakes up after the first drop and starts crying. This was the reason why I used to wake her up - it was a lot less stressful for her. We did have a pad on the bed, the last 6 months there wasn't a drop on the sheet. We only needed to change the underwear. Anyway, she hasn't wet the bed in 2 months now, for which I am sooooo thankful. I finally get to sleep at night for more than 5 hours :)
I hope your son stops soon too.
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Re: Some help on child night weting the bed ...

Post by Iset »

Ok even though this has been solved I just thought I'd put some more thought on it:

I used to wet the bed as well, but what was happening was I did it once by accident and then I would worry myself so much I would do it again and again. I was getting anxious about wetting the bed and that would make me wet the bed from anxiety. Eventually my mom clued in and started to make me calm down about the situation and as I get less worried about wetting the bed.
I've changed my username from RisingPhoenix to my craft name Iset!
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