Ouija Boards on Halloween?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Re: Ouija Boards on Halloween?

Post by Lunair »

Just used my Ouija board with my friend today around noon. It worked for the first time! This time I went all out by closing the curtains, lighting candles, had our knees
touch with the board sitting in top, and paused our movie thus stopping all distractions. The spirit we came in contact said they were good and that they were there for my friend. I believe they kept getting interfered by multiple spirits because when I asked that same question later they said no. I started another session and it kept spelling "mama" and I know that's not good so I immediately closed the session and said good bye respectively, I told them to not cling onto anyone and to leave. After a couple of minutes my friend smelled like an apple floral scent and now my blanket does but the scent is very slowly fading away. After the session she had a stomache ache and I was colder then when we began but both went away soon after. It was a little weird and I'm still a little jumpy.
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