Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

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Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by Cinda »

So being new to this path, I had never been in this local shop that currently only sells gemstones and such. They renamed and cut way back recently. I felt dizzy and drunk the whole time I was in there, especially walking by the high vibe case (didn't know that's what it was til the end). I could hardly focus. I did get a pendulum (sunstone) and some chakra stones, as well as a crystal, moonstone, sunstone, howlite, and charoite I think it was. They just felt like I needed them. Haha! The crystal literally buzzed in my hand. The owner (woman) was very giggly, and her husband looked at me in the crowd and said "she's very empathatic and sometimes strong vibes from some people get to her...haha!" Okie! I could hardly focus to pay! I seriously felt drunk and loopy.

I was fine the minute I walked out the door.

I've had so many "odd" experiences in my life, right down to this path falling in my lap during Yule of all times, so this doesn't shock me THAT much, but still. Wow! I already know I want a few other stones as I'm reading about them, and wonder what my return trip will be like.
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Re: Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by LoneWhiteWolf »

Wow, that actually sounds quite amazing! You sound very open to the all energies of the stones.
It must of been a beautifull place, filled with wonderfull stones and of course people :)
Did you feel particularly drawn to those stones? Could you sense them calling to you within the mixture of other energies in pside the shop? Or did they catch youre eye simply because the looked pretty? (Theres no shame in that)

I found this path in life late november, just last year. So i guess me and you biothjoined around Yule time! Im still studying, reading, and building my little alter on a three tiered Wolf water fountian statue i got given by a friend for helping her :)
I havent actually found/bought any tools (not that we witches need tools), but i do know that i want some tumblestones for my fountain, and some crystals to preform protection magic on for my loved one!

I'd be very interested to hear how youre return trip goes. Maybe next time you'll be able to handle it better now that you've got a few energy filled stones on youre own! :D
Do you think the gem shoo will be a place you'll visit often? Befriend the owners maybe?
Wish i had something like that near me.
~ Feel the earth under your paws and explore. ~
~ Even the narrowest path could lead to the widest opening. ~

Re: Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by Cinda »

Not sure about the stones calling me. The crystal definitely did and does. I passed various bowls of crystals, touched them, read their cards, this one I stopped and was immediately drawn to. This particular crystal was the 3rd or 4th in the bowl I touched.

I didn't see names before I picked them, didn't know what one was til I got home (howlite). The charoite I liked because it's purple, and pretty, but there were lots of purples I didn't feel the need to buy (there was an amethyst in the chakra kit I bought I guess), and in reading it's a stone I very much needed (anxiety, OCD, etc...). I'm not fond of the look of sunstone, but I just had to buy that pendulum. Not the pretty white ones I liked. I didn't realize it was sunstone either until I was paying. So there's an odd mix of reasons I bought what I did.

I'm definitely still reading. Trying to do a sort of year and a day. Decide if I'm wiccan or just a witch, etc. Reading about elements and deities, reading on stones and Tarot and runes. It's intoxicating to read. Haha! I can't read enough. I have to keep it hush from my family, so that makes it hard. And my husband is snoopy (yes, it's not healthy and we've done therapy, he's gotten better) so extra precautions. Paying cash, not ordering on Amazon (my account has prime so we both buy through it), etc. Total pain. Haha! I have a few altar items I've gathered that I keep inconspicuously.

I will be curious how my next trip there goes as well. They are only open first weekend of each month, and I won't take my kids (uh, breakable stuff!). Getting there sans kids will require some skill. I'm tempted to make an appt. Go without the crowd. But that makes me nervous as the owner and I clearly had some weird vibe. Haha!!!

I wish we had more stuff local (obviously, I want to pay cash... haha!) So I could touch stuff. I had looked at ordering stuff before, but man, this experience has me a believer in touch and that connection to a special tool or item. I need to go to Barnes and Noble today to buy a gift and plan to check out their tarot cards and maybe pick up another book, not sure which one and I'm sure the staff won't have much to say. ;) But I've got some ideas what I'm looking for and hope they have something I want.

Re: Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by littlepsychic »

I had a very similar experience at a witchcraft store one time, my dad and I went in and were looking around when one of the woman working there came out from the back of the shop. I got really dizzy and the air felt so heavy, similar to what you said I felt drunk. A few minutes after we left the store it's like this feeling lifted off of me. I told my dad the way I felt, and he said that I was experiencing our energies crossing paths. The woman who worked there was quite gifted, needless to say. This was my first experience with this, but usually when I go into witchcraft stores or sometimes even cross paths with people on the street I get this feeling. For me it's always been like a little marker of who has a "gift", but sadly I don't know anything above my own personal knowledge and experience so we can never be too sure.

It could have been the owners energies crossing paths with yours; or like LoneWhiteWolf said it could have been some of the things in the shop calling out to you. Either way it's a pretty cool tool to learn more about :) .

Re: Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by justbry »

The two gemstone/crystal/meta place I frequent either have a Smokey Quartz or a Black
Tourmaline near the entrances. So when people leave the store all that energy gets grounded
and people won't leave so overwhelmed ;]
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Re: Overwhelming feeling in gemstone shop

Post by SnowCat »

I wonder about a strong connection to the Element of Earth as well. Stones and minerals are of the earth, so if someone has a strong connection to that Element, it might be a factor in the reaction to the merchandise in a metaphysical store.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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