Personality Type?

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Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

I am curious as to people's personality types? I'm an INFJ

This is a short quiz to determine your Myers Briggs personality types.

Furthermore, how do you think your personality type influences your practice?
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Re: Personality Type?

Post by Alatoru »

Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(6%)
You have distinct preference of Introversion over Extraversion (67%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)
You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (6%)
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless it roots reach down to hell. - Jung

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

Alatoru, how do you think your personality type influences your pagan practice?
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Re: Personality Type?

Post by Alatoru »

Just as it should, since I am following druidry path, path of wisdom, knowledge, I think that emotions should be less important when it comes rational thought. Emotions can make us blind which is not wise. I do support to be emotive, but in a control sense. :D
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless it roots reach down to hell. - Jung

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

Interesting. I think emotions can make us blind if we let them. If we use the knowledge of emotion they have the opportunity to teach us much.
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Re: Personality Type?

Post by Alatoru »

I can't always control my emotions, of course, that's hard to do, but I way too often think what's best to do, analyze things. Sometimes I can't fall asleep for like 2-3 hours just because I overthink everything
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless it roots reach down to hell. - Jung

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

Ah understandable. I've definitely experienced that. Possible occupational hazard lol (I work in the mental health field) ;)
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Re: Personality Type?

Post by Alatoru »

Sinse I was a little kid, I wanted to become psychologist. I was always attracted to understand human's nature.
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless it roots reach down to hell. - Jung

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

It's fascinating!

Re: Personality Type?

Post by Soul »


Thanks for starting this thread. Throughout my life, I've been very interested in the synergistic relationship between spirituality and psychology, and especially how that dynamic is expressed as a person continues life's journey. I believe that changes throughout life can enhance or diminish certain traits. And I believe that trauma can cause changes in one's personality. My views in general are rather Jungian.

I took this personality test (but on a different web site it seems) back in August. However, I wasn't convinced of the test results. There are factors which can influence a person's test responses, factors which can be different from one occasion to another. I'll take the test again and post again on this thread. Since you work in the mental health profession, I might ask your opinion about my considering going in that direction vocationally.

lyric_cerridwen wrote:I am curious as to people's personality types? I'm an INFJ

This is a short quiz to determine your Myers Briggs personality types.

Furthermore, how do you think your personality type influences your practice?

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

My views are also rather Jungian. Ask away :)

Re: Personality Type?

Post by Soul »

I started taking the test and had to stop at number 4, which states, "You feel involved when watching TV soaps." I can't answer this question. I don't watch soap operas. So, if I answer "no" (meaning I do not feel involved when watching TV soaps), does it imply that I do watch TV soaps, and that I feel uninvolved while watching them? I don't watch any TV shows to feel uninvolved. I choose TV shows specifically for their engaging and mentally stimulating content. The test failed at question 4. (Did the test makers devise this question to be intentionally problematic, or does this prove my suspicion that people who presume themselves to be intelligent probably aren't as intelligent as they imagine?) I never cared much for test questions that were only "yes"/"no" or multiple choice, and that did not have an essay or comment option. (Which personality type does that correspond to?)

I tried to go a bit further but then quit altogether after six questions. The test is simply boring. I don't have enough incentive to spend time on it. I'm skeptical about these type of tests for determining life paths, relationship compatibility, or even vocations. But I'm not typical. I've lived more than half a century being more of an individual than the majority of people have. There has to be a more interesting test. Please let me know if you find one. :)

I want to take Jung's test, before the Briggs Myers elements were added.
lyric_cerridwen wrote:I am curious as to people's personality types? I'm an INFJ

This is a short quiz to determine your Myers Briggs personality types.

Furthermore, how do you think your personality type influences your practice?

Re: Personality Type?

Post by lyric_cerridwen »

There are many options for Myers Briggs test on the internet. Google is my friend ;)

Jesus' Personality Type [Re: Personality Type?

Post by Soul »

lyric_cerridwen wrote:There are many options for Myers Briggs test on the internet. Google is my friend ;)

Thanks for your follow-up message. I didn't mean for the tone of my previous message to seem summarily dismissive. If it seemed that way, I'm sorry. I apologize. It's just that, at my age, I do tend to be skeptical about things. And I've found that skepticism is a good way to balance out idealism. I was almost totally ruined by Christianity due my idealistic view of the Christian version of Christ. (The link in my signature leads to my introduction on this site. I summarize there, but only briefly, my spiritual journey. I'm 54 y/o.)

Also, I really don't have time to take such tests, because there isn't any benefit in it for me, no reward, no compensation for my time and energy spent. No advantage resulting from it. So, when that particular test became absurd and annoying at question 4, I realized it wasn't going to benefit me in any way. I'd rather freely discuss ideas instead. And the "yes-no" answer choice for each question seems to imply an "either-or" presumption about personality elements. That could tend to be polarizing and even reductionist, not allowing for a wholistic view of personhood. (I know, I know, the consensus of academics and professional practitioners can't be wrong. ;) )

Maybe we can discuss Jung's ideas anyway. There were a couple other threads I had read/posted in during the past couple months that deal with Jungian thought. I'm interested in exploring archetypes further, as indicators of the emerging "self" and the process of individuation. I'm especially interested in the relationship between psychology and spirituality, and the relationship between the Human and the Divine.

I recently read a book written by a psychologist (who is also a self-identifying Christian) who examined the personality type of Jesus (the literary character in the canonical gospels). The author admits that this is almost a taboo subject in orthodox Christianity, especially among fundamentalists and evangelicals. He concludes that Jesus displays a "melancholic utopian" personality type. Fifty percent or more of the book deals with the cultural, religious, socio-political, and family-of-origin issues surrounding Jesus' character.

Personality type is quite a complex aspect of one's being. I believe that one's personality type, as well as one's sense of "self" (the "I"), is an emergent aspect (or entity) of one's internal processes and external influences -- as well as the process of integrating the internal and external elements. I'm also interested in exploring further Jung's concept of Christ being the representation or model of the ultimate self, the fully integrated self, which Jung called the "Aion." However, I do tend to look beyond what I see Jung's concept of this to be. I am considering the idea that Christ is a metaphor for the evolving sense of self in human consciousness, leading beyond religion to a Humanistic view of self -- even a spiritual Humanism. But I do see Pagan spirituality being able to facilitate this personal evolutionary experience.

I've been intending to begin a thread in the "Christianity" subforum here. That's probably where this topic should go. I'm interested in dialoguing with other people who have journeyed through Christianity and evolved beyond it (not merely rejected it and sort of aborted their experience with it) -- or who have evolved to where they can integrate Paganism with their sense of Christ (perhaps Christ in the sense of Jung's Aion concept).

If I get time soon, I'll start a thread. I need to think about it briefly and consider how to word it, if any differently from what I've stated here.

Blessed Be,
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