natural remedy for yeast infection?

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natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by valerian moon »

sorry, guys. but if you've never had one then please don't complain about people talking about them hahah.
anyway, i have chronic yeast infections due to type one diabetes, and the worst part is i can't even control my diabetes and it's not type 2 so i can't get rid of it w/ diet and exercise. my questions was does anybody have any herbal or natural cures for yeast infections? i'm not talking about treating the symptoms, i'm sick of treating the symptoms, i want this gone! pronto!
advice? recipes? all gladly accepted.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by Isis3Anubis »

This is NOT medical advice just my info I've picked up from a few books but garlic on a tampon, yeh I know it's gross and must sting but the first herbal book I bought was called Hygiea written by some hippie chick. Also, eating anything with yeast will cause your infections to increase so white sugar, and bread should decrease. Mushrooms increase yeast too.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by creatrix »

Put tea tree oil on the tip of a tampon, don't get any on the outside of your vagina. You can use olive oil on the outside to help with the itching. Insert the tampon and repeat as often as needed. I hope it will work for you. Also increase your intake of acidophilus - you can buy the probiotic pills and take them every day. Good luck!
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by YanaKhan »

You can also do sumac bathing. Boil 2 tablespoons of sumac in 1 l water, filter and do it with the infusion. I know it helps, but it takes a while. Also iodine helps with all sorts of infections. The correlation is 1 - 2 drops for half a liter of warm water and you do vaginal shower with that. But this should NOT be done more than twice a month.
It's also very very important you don't wash your underwear in the washing machine. It should be washed with baby soap in a boiling hot water.
You should avoid the white sugar and eat more grapefruits and yogurt.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?


I second probiotics! And thanks for the tips.. I don't get them much.. But my daughter does.this may help her greatly!
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by cloverfox »

I love that someone asked this! I had my first yeasty-beasty a couple years back form antibiotics and it was a pain to get rid of! I tried all of the over the counter stuff and it never took, then tried dipping a tampon in Greek yogurt and it was too messy.

Then finally, relief happened.....and this is what I swear by and tell ALL of my girlfriends to do....seriously, just stick a whole piece of garlic up there and leave it overnight for at least 2 nights in a row. I saw someone mention putting it on a tampon, but raw form is best. It's seriously a magical cure, if you will.

Just unwrap a good sized garlic clove and thread a needle with some strong thread through it for easy extraction in the morning!

Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by GreenGato »

I've had a lot of outdoor jobs so yeast infection is a serious thing. I usually unwrap two cloves of garlic and just stick them into my vagina before I go to sleep at night and when I wake up I fish them out. I've never had a problem getting them out before but some people put three cloves in a thin layer of cheese cloth and tie up the end and put that in their vagina for easy retrieval. I would never use crushed garlic because of the way garlic oxidizes.

Greek yogurt can be used on the vulva to help calm the usual skin irritation that goes along with yeast infections. I would not recommend any of the tampon related solutions because tampons have a nasty habit of breeding not so good bacteria. If you want to use yogurt to calm your vagina as well at the vulva you will most likely need a speculum. I have never used yogurt for this before.

Check out the zine Hot Pants a DIY gynecology for more information and remedies. I think it really powerful for people to be able to take care of their own bodies, especially female bodied people

Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by Odirlurea »

I have had chronic yeast infections for over two years now, and being young that really sucks, so I did a lot of research. The things the doctor gave me helped cure the infection but it had a big impact on my body and it would always come back. They could never find what the problem was so I assumed I just had a difficult vagina and decided to tackle the problem myself.

I have been taking garlic supplements for a while now and I rarely have yeast infections anymore. When I have them it is because my body was weak after a stressful time, and what really helps for me to get rid of the pain and the itchiness is rinsing it with water with tea tree or lavender oil in it.

I don’t take the supplements every day, I’m not a doctor and I don’t know if there are any risks if you take it daily for a long period of time. I take them when I feel my body is a bit weaker than normal, when I'm going through a stressful time or when I feel a little itch down there. Once I take the supplements the itch goes away.

Also, I have learned that for me artificial sugar is something I should avoid when I try to avoid yeast infections or bacterial infections down there. My body is just very sensitive and something like that just disturbs the natural balance down under. Also cotton underwear and menstrual cups have helped a lot. I rarely have yeast infections now.

Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by Nevermore1 »

Colloidal Silver works well also. Either soak a tampon with the liquid or put some of the gel on one. I did that for 3 nights and it cleared up a bad infection that OTC antibiotics didn't.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by dolphinpatronus »

I know I'm joining this topic late in the game but I'd like to add my 2 cents lol

I used to have chronic issues with this when I was younger & found that a daily probiotic (acidophilus in particular but now with the active live combos available I'd go for those) helped immensely.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by lithe_forager »

thank god/goddess/ect i have chronic yeast infections realized taking baths with eucalyptus, although soothing, is not good for the lady bits. but i now have used baking soda in the bath and it definitely relieves some of the unpleasantness of yeast infections. thanks for the tips ladies.
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by Firebird »

I'll drop in 2 cents.
Apple cider vinegar douche is a temporary quick relief, about an eighth of a cup to pint of water.
Abstinence from all sugar forming foods, like potatoes, breads, rice, fruits and fruit juice, and absolutely no alcohol and sodas, (sugar free or otherwise.) NO sugar of any cookies, no candy bars..
Untill the yeast subsides. :surprisedwitch:

Hang in there ladies...they seem to vanish after menopause.

Blessings, FF
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by SnowCat »

That's true about menopause. The pH of the region doesn't change constantly.

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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by dolphinpatronus »

firebirdflys wrote:I'll drop in 2 cents.
Apple cider vinegar douche is a temporary quick relief, about an eighth of a cup to pint of water.
Abstinence from all sugar forming foods, like potatoes, breads, rice, fruits and fruit juice, and absolutely no alcohol and sodas, (sugar free or otherwise.) NO sugar of any cookies, no candy bars..
Untill the yeast subsides. :surprisedwitch:

Hang in there ladies...they seem to vanish after menopause.

Blessings, FF
I'm nearing menopause & they seem to be flaring back up but maybe it's my lady bits having one last hurrah lol
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Re: natural remedy for yeast infection?

Post by Firebird »

I got my worst ones of my life during the perimenopause phase...that's when I cut all sugar forming substances. It was better than the alternative which was to cut the lady parts out!!!!!
And the antibiotics, yeah...just sign me up with a yeast treatment because without would follow.
but even now after menopause, antibiotics don't shred me like they used to, a simple apple cider swoosh, and you're good to go!

Bb, ff
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