Am I attracting spirits ?

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Am I attracting spirits ?

Post by lobo_luna_en_ms »

I have been clairvoyant all my life. I dream of things and then weeks, months, or years goes by and then they come true.
But lately I been seeing orbs. When I took video of my youngest son playing with his dog there was lots of activity and orbs around him.
Then just lately when my father pass away I was at my mom's house and I went into my dad's old room I was going to take video but my camera died. I saw light orbs passing in front of my camera light. Every time I try to take pictures my phone would go dead.
But I did get a video of my uncle in line and saw two orbs flying behind him. My aunt passed away the first of the year. She is my dad's sister and I believe she and my dad's spirit was protecting my uncle.
I'll try to upload the video of my uncle and picture of my son with his dog.
If anyone can tell me if they see them and if it is my dad and aunt watching over us.
The pictures of my son was taking months before my dad past.

I can't upload the pictures or the Video. I'll try again later. Sorry guys.
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Re: Am I attracting spirits ?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Lobo, none of us can really tell you if they are there or watching over you as a certain fact. We can merely give you our opinions on the matter and leave it up to you to make a decision about whether or not you personally believe they are. Some of us here, myself included, are paranormal investigators and we can try to get our professional opinion on the photos and videos you have but once more, it's just an opinion.

As for the question you have in your subject line, it is entirely possible. (: It has long been discussed that those who are sensitive to spirits act as a beacon of light. Spirits see us and go "Oh! LOOK! They're able to see us! And understand us! I'm going to go spam them with feelings, and thoughts, and sounds to let them know I need to be heard!". It's very much like a moth to a flame, so it's entirely possible that you are.

If you aren't comfortable with them being around you, then that's another matter and we can help with that for sure. (:
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Re: Am I attracting spirits ?

Post by Nyd »

Interesting about the clairvoyance. I very rarely experience that and most often only about minor things.
But for over ten years I have been writing down my dreams and now they are becoming true...part of the reason I am now trying to find out more about it. :(

As far as Orbs go...whatever they are, I attract them too. I feel I can see them with the naked eye sometimes but that could also be a trick my eyes are playing on me. With all these things it is so hard to say if it is a coincidence or not.

I attract more orbs when I am upset or feeling strong emotion. I have tested numerous things to see when and how they show up.
Of course I get told it is just dust, light, moisture, a broken camera lens...but that was never possible in the cases when I caught them.
I take lots of orb photos on the balcony on the fourth floor. No dust there. As far as moisture goes - I can take images with no orbs whatsoever and then suddenly plenty will appear, then suddenly be gone again. Moisture in the air won't change that quickly :)
Same settings and angles were used of course.
Once I captured a large orb that is rainbow colored. I took the photo several times and it remained in the same spot, hence no dust.
The red mist - Taken several times as well in the same spot, no change in setting. It appeared in two photos and then I wasn't able to capture it anymore.
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to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.
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