Energy vampires

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Energy vampires

Post by __Oracle__ »

The more I research it, the more it makes sense ! I just feel so drained around negative people or when I go to the store. Many people don't even realize that they are doing it! I tried the energy exercise when I went out in public to try to block my energy from any surrounding energy vampires and it worked. It does take a lot of concentration. Tonight I went to pre black Friday sales and was unable to concentrate ( I was more concerned with not being trampled to death). Now I feel horrible, I barley have any energy and I was not even there for to long. I bet things like that are basically an all you can eat buffet for energy vampires! Now I must recharge my battery's, maybe try to go into a deep meditation. Any other suggestions are welcome. Hope everyone has a safe holiday.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets » ... -vampires/ here's some ways to deal with energy vampires. I'd never heard of it before but I totally agree with this website and can relate to it, so here ya go! The intro is: Have you ever faced negative people before? Do you know how to deal with negative people? If you are regularly exposed to a fair diversity of people, chances are you probably encountered at least a few negative people, with 1 or 2 really negative ones. How do you feel after your encounters with them?

Hope that helps you/interests you:)
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by __Oracle__ »

TheGirlOfSecrets wrote: ... -vampires/ here's some ways to deal with energy vampires. I'd never heard of it before but I totally agree with this website and can relate to it, so here ya go! The intro is: Have you ever faced negative people before? Do you know how to deal with negative people? If you are regularly exposed to a fair diversity of people, chances are you probably encountered at least a few negative people, with 1 or 2 really negative ones. How do you feel after your encounters with them?

Hope that helps you/interests you:)
Thank you I found this article very helpful
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by LifeAuras »

I had an experience like that when i was in my teens. I was in a buss going to a skate park. The buss was full of people not to crowded but lets say 60%. All of a sudden i started to feel drained and started to loose my feet. Got off on the next stop and sat on the curb to shake the dreaded feeling. After few minutes i got well again got on the next buss still crowded but nothing happened like in the previous buss. Even then i thought that was the case, people draining your energy. Have not felt a similar feeling ever since. But Drainers is the best explanation i can come up with.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by __Oracle__ »

LifeAuras wrote:I had an experience like that when i was in my teens. I was in a buss going to a skate park. The buss was full of people not to crowded but lets say 60%. All of a sudden i started to feel drained and started to loose my feet. Got off on the next stop and sat on the curb to shake the dreaded feeling. After few minutes i got well again got on the next buss still crowded but nothing happened like in the previous buss. Even then i thought that was the case, people draining your energy. Have not felt a similar feeling ever since. But Drainers is the best explanation i can come up with.
It happens a lot more often then people think. People could be out shopping be perfectly healthy and get dizzy or light headed feeling completely drained. I believe if someone knows they can drain others they can cause some serious harm.

Re: Energy vampires

Post by thethrone »

I wasn't paying attention to these events when i was younger, and they were happening to me by certain people of my environment (not family) .

Also cartomancers say that something similar happens to them,they have headache and dizziness like their energy is missing... if the querent isn't really interested in the prediction, or if the querent is mocking the cards( Tarot and Deste mostly) . Though I admit i haven't experience this because i don't use the cards professionally for lot of strangers, i only do readings for my friends.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by ness »

Good post!

I actually go through these in phases. Sometimes I go through a phase where I would OLNY meet Energy Vampires who are negative and unnecessarily rude. Actually I am in a phase like that. Whereever I go, whatever I venture into, I am ending up with energy vampires. I can see it clear as a day. I have been carrying clear quartz all day because of this. I wonder why I am meeting so many of them. I am not sure if I am attracting them in any way.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by Shub Niggurath »

I highly recommend watching this video to everyone who's struggling with energy vampirism or wants to know more about it. Teal Swan is sharing a really interesting perspective on the topic:
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by Xiao Rong »

I am still trying to figure out how energy vampirism or energy transfer works, so here are a couple of observations I have had:

1) The difference between extroverts and introverts is not just outgoing vs. shy (contrary to popular opinion), but how they generate their energy. Whereas extroverted people gather their energy from the people around them and social interaction, introverted people create their own energy and "give" it upon social interaction, so they need alone time to recharge (this certainly fits with my experience as an introvert; I'm not shy and I don't hate people, but I do need time to recharge and I do have to be careful about how it's "spent"). So energy transfer is constant and natural between people, to some degree or another.

2) I have been in the vicinity of people who have left me feeling drained of energy, but I would not consider all of them to be energy vampires. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I volunteer on a domestic violence hotline, and this happens a lot -- one experience I remember vividly is an hour-long conversation with a caller who just need to talk and vent (I did very little speaking). Afterwards, I immediately passed out on the couch for a nap; I was so completely drained that I couldn't even sit up. Since I only had that one experience with her, I don't know if that particular person constantly drains energy, but people who are suffering for whatever reason do suck energy from the people around them, even if they aren't "naturally" energy vampires or intentionally predatory. (my theory is that in domestic violence situations, abusers take energy from their victims, and their victims have to get it from somewhere else). Giving away my energy is okay with me when I take a shift on the hotline; in some ways, I am volunteering my energy, and I can handle it for the duration of the shift, though I take special care to recharge the next day. But in general, I would hope that victims have a support network, so that they don't totally drain a single person, but rather spread out their energy deficit over a number of healthy people who each absorb a much smaller cost. I've also heard my therapist (who is very aware of energy issues) talk about how she once worked with someone in hospice care who was dying, and working with her was utterly draining -- eventually, she realized that the patient was literally keeping herself alive by taking energy from the people around her (probably not intentionally).

3) I can think of at least two people whom I would characterize as energy vampires -- far beyond the normal interplay of introverts and extroverts (neither of whom, I think, believe in "energy", so I'm sure it's not intentional). One is a particularly negative person who was my roommate for a while; the other is a very good guy whom I consider a pretty close friend. But both had the effect of leaving me feeling very drained and tired after conversations with them, and it wasn't until after they had both moved away that I realized they were probably energy/psychic vampires. With my friend, it helped to set some boundaries (e.g. you can't just park yourself in my living room for long periods of time; I need privacy); with the roommate, it pretty much only helped when she moved out and took all her drama with her. So "energy vampires" also exist; I wish I had thought to use real shielding techniques around them.

So all in all, my conclusions thus far are:

1) Energy transfer is, to some degree, natural and healthy. This is the basic principle behind Tai Chi, whereby the key to health is the circulation of energy.

2) We each generate our own energy in different ways; it's important to know how you recharge.

3) People who are suffering are often low on energy, sometimes critically low and for long periods of time. They may not inherently be energy vampires, and deserve compassion for their circumstances. Nevertheless, it's helpful to be conscious of when they are taking too much of your energy and help them find other sources of energy (whether that's other supportive friends, or finding ways to help them reduce stress, or giving them the space to recharge their own energy)

4) There are some people who are chronically low on energy and, intentionally or unintentionally, tend to take energy from the people who are around them, particularly from a few targets (these are whom I would consider true energy vampires). Around these people, knowing how to guard your energy is going to be very helpful.


* I am not including in this discussion people who self-identify as energy/psychic vampires, because I have not personally experienced their effects, and because I know little about them.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

I had some reoccurring incidents with a energy vamp last year....oof. It got kinda nasty. It was starting to actually drive me to illness. Luckily, I got rid of him peacefully.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by ness »

Well said, Xiao Rong! My theory of belief is same as yours.
I also agree with your theory of introvert and extrovert. I am not an introvert but I need to have my time alone. Thats when I recharge and I don't go out looking for someone to give me good energy. This does happen... when someone is positive, I do pick up their good vibes and it does make me feel good. If this happens, it is only natural that other end of the spectrum also exists where people take energy from us (intentionally or unintentionally).

My ex bf was an extrovert to the T. He relied on his friends a lot on good times which gave him lot of energy. It is an interesting cycle I have observed. He has a positive way of receiving energy from others, that didnt cause others to feel drained. So, essentially, he gave out a lot of energy which in turn brought out energy from others. He basked in it. Because of this, people were attracted to him and he easily made friends. People loved being around him.

Sharing energy is a natural process. I think there is a positive way to do it and a negative way to do it. Some people give out energy and in a harmonious situation, this only produces more energy that is shared by everyone. Win-win for everyone, everyone goes home feeling good. Then there are others who don't share energy but only absorb. These are the people who leave us drained.

LevitatingCat - That video did offer a different perspective. I do not agree with the basis of her theory that we only get our energy from source and nowhere else. Energy in its basic nature is transferrable from one form to another. But, I do agree with her when she says that the victim and the vampires are at some level at the same vibration for the energy transfer to happen.

For instance... when I start feeling that I am running into people who are draining my energy, I do a self-analysis. I am sure that there is something that is attracting them to me. Most often than not, I have been vulnerable in these times... either I am stressed or I am pre-occupied with other things. I have noticed that these are the times I feel more drained by others. Also, these are the times I havent had time to recharge myself because of the things thats going on.
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Re: Energy vampires

Post by Shub Niggurath »

ness wrote: LevitatingCat - That video did offer a different perspective. I do not agree with the basis of her theory that we only get our energy from source and nowhere else. Energy in its basic nature is transferrable from one form to another. But, I do agree with her when she says that the victim and the vampires are at some level at the same vibration for the energy transfer to happen.

For instance... when I start feeling that I am running into people who are draining my energy, I do a self-analysis. I am sure that there is something that is attracting them to me. Most often than not, I have been vulnerable in these times... either I am stressed or I am pre-occupied with other things. I have noticed that these are the times I feel more drained by others. Also, these are the times I havent had time to recharge myself because of the things thats going on.
Yeah, I don't agree with that source energy aspect either, it's silly. But the rest is pretty accurate. Especially, as you mentioned, being on the same low "frequency" with the vamps when the draining affects you or being open/leaking emotionally due to stress.

Also, I think I agree with every word Xiao said. Very well put together.

Re: Energy vampires

Post by Soul »

Fascinating subject. I first learned the terminology "psychic vampire" or "energy vampire" from the writings of Judith Orloff, perhaps 15 or more years ago. (I imagine that some people might distinguish between "psychic" and "energy" even in this context.) The introvert-extrovert dynamic resonates with me because, although I like helping other people, I also need my alone time to recharge. And I do recognize that extroverts more likely suck energy from other people. I also believe it is not as subconscious as we like to think it is. I believe that most of the time, the suckers know they are feeding off other people's energy, but they justify it in various ways. I've heard some people even say that it's a "good" thing. Go figure.

The woman in the video lost me early on when she began talking about "Source" from too much of a New Agey and not enough of a psychological perspective. She does not define "Source" nor give any rational basis for it. She just presumes it and goes on to propose her theory. Then she contradicts herself in a convoluted way. She admits that what another person says and does actually causes us to shut off our energy flow from our own Source. This is still people manipulating and victimizing others for the sake of power imbalance. Further into her presentation, she uses animal analogies (vampire bat landing on cows and sucking the cows' energies). She then goes on to repeatedly use the terminology that energy vampires "attack" and "feed off" other people and "they respond by taking other people's energy." Regardless of her stated theory, at the beginning, that energy comes only from "Source" and we are tricked into cutting off our own energy flow from our own Source, the elaboration of her ideas explicitly states that psychic/energy vampires do take energy directly from other people. And I disagree that no one is evil or has evil intentions. (It seemed like she was trying to assert this notion, but maybe she corrected herself later on.) Sometimes a psychic/energy vampire does actually have conscious evil or ill intentions toward another person. Excusing the predator -- as someone who suffers from low energy and is trying to get more -- is as bad as blaming the victim.

The video woman's theory fails Occam's razor. Her message is self-contradictory in various ways. And that's because she has made it more complex than necessary. It seems she got the bulk of her ideas from other researchers and teachers and then tacked on this "Source" part of her presentation to make it hers. (I've heard all this elsewhere, except the nebulous "Source" aspect.) After she proposes the "Source," she then goes on to explain psychic/energy vampirism much like everyone else who teaches about it: that the "vampires" do take energy directly from other people. Then at the end, she returns to her "Source" theory with the water hose analogy. Maybe in time, she'll re-evaluate and homogenize her overall concept. She could use a good professional coach (or an editor) to critique her presentation. At least she articulates well and seems to have a good presence on camera.

Such energy drain can occur even online. I've offered counsel and coaching to people online and then felt drained afterward and needed to replenish my energy. Granted, there are many varied states of intention among people. Some people really are not psychic/energy vampires but are people experiencing a crisis or a problem, and they need compassion and help. (That could be any one of us at sometimes.) But other people really are looking for opportunities to intentionally manipulate others. Just as mental health professionals have to use their own coping mechanisms to combat the techniques of intentional energy vampires, each of us also needs to know good coping mechanisms in our everyday lives. We cannot always simply walk away from someone we have to interact with. (Cutting a phone call short is easier, but still requires tact.) Before our energy level gets too low, or if it's already low, we need good cognitive skills to recognize what's happening to us, and how to take control or at least direct the conversation/interaction in a positive way, so we do not become further depleted. We can compensate in this way and others until we can get into a situation to replenish our energy.

I also agree with and appreciate all that Xiao posted above.

Peace and Blessed Be,
Levitating Cat wrote:
ness wrote: LevitatingCat - That video did offer a different perspective. I do not agree with the basis of her theory that we only get our energy from source and nowhere else. Energy in its basic nature is transferrable from one form to another. But, I do agree with her when she says that the victim and the vampires are at some level at the same vibration for the energy transfer to happen.

For instance... when I start feeling that I am running into people who are draining my energy, I do a self-analysis. I am sure that there is something that is attracting them to me. Most often than not, I have been vulnerable in these times... either I am stressed or I am pre-occupied with other things. I have noticed that these are the times I feel more drained by others. Also, these are the times I havent had time to recharge myself because of the things thats going on.
Yeah, I don't agree with that source energy aspect either, it's silly. But the rest is pretty accurate. Especially, as you mentioned, being on the same low "frequency" with the vamps when the draining affects you or being open/leaking emotionally due to stress.

Also, I think I agree with every word Xiao said. Very well put together.
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