A visit to the cemetery.

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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A visit to the cemetery.


2 days ago, I went walking, to calm down, and gather some goofier dust.
I got there around 40 minutes before sundown, and the way to find a right grave, I go on instincts and intuition... I also had my phone.
Deciding to take pictures ..
I saw 3-4 orbs and faces of at least 3 beings, human. But by that time, the sun had gone down, and the images are so faint.i posted them on FB, however, it's still hard to see. I tagged the spots where they were so when others looked, they knew the general places to look.
6 people saw immediately.
I finally felt vindicated that others saw what I've been trying to explain.

I went to the grave, gave honor, wrote the name down, ..and did all the necessary things, before I took a bit of soil.

No one (outside my family) believed, now they do.
I've been seeing beings, energies from the Otherworld, since I was a child.. I never was fast enough to get my camera out to snap pics. Except once... My friend was murdered, and at her grave, I stared out into the sky, and started to see golden glitter across my feild of vision.
I had my phone handy, and got a pic. Everyone who has seen it, is in awe.

I have so much more, however, it's getting late, and have things to do.
Blessings My fellow friends.

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Re: A visit to the cemetery.

Post by SnowCat »

What a fantastic experience. Way to say "told you so!"

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: A visit to the cemetery.

Post by Sheyene_Cripe »

Oh my that has me curious now I love communicating with spirits but I do it unsafely haha not really a laughing matter i know
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Re: A visit to the cemetery.

Post by Firebird »

I have a few pics of orbs at the cemetery where my dad and g-ma are burried, very cool you were able to capture the images.
I went to the cemetery yesterday too, my husbands little sister was 14 when she was hit by a drunk driver and killed, we made a nice bokay of mums, gerberas, mini carns and marigolds. Then placed an apple and a pumpkin on either side of her stone, we burned a copious amout of sage, the smoke really kick up and blew all around as soon as I lit it. Like she was saying thanks.
A visit to the resting place of ancestors is always part of the Samhain season for me, it really kicks off the holiday.
bb, FF
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― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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