One of My UFO experiences.

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One of My UFO experiences.

Post by Lostseeker »

I thought I'd share a UFO experience I had years ago.

I was about 10 years old, and me and my sister, were in the back yard playing as kids do.

It was about midday. I suddenly heard a humming sound, like a "nnnvvvvvvVVVVVVVV" .

It got louder as though something approaching. Then my sister pointed up into the sky and said "look !"

A ufo approached us slowly from the distance and stopped just in front and above us. Just above the one story house of ours and our neighbours house.

It stopped there, (I think over our neighbours house), as though observing me and my sister.

It was the size of the house, silver, and perfectly round. It had no windows, no wings, no propellers , nothing.

Then, night came quickly (far as I remember anyhow), and what seemed to take us out of our frozen starring state, was my mom came to her window and asked us what was wrong.

All we could say was "look look at that! there's somthing there!!" she left the window.

And we noticed that the ufo was a disc shape now. I then opened the back door to the house and told my sister to go in and get mom.

I stayed in the backyard, keeping my eye on the ufo.

It then began to move. It swayed like a leaf, left to right, and while doing this, it moved slowly to the left, then north into the distance, then to the right behind some houses.

I then ran into the house, wondering why no one had come out to where I was, and I found the front door open and went to the front, to find my sister and mom there trying to look for the ufo.

I got angery at them , cause it made no sense for them to go to the front and Not to the back where I had been alone with the ufo near the end of the experience.

Though after reading up on the subject, it is clear that sometimes, it seems people do odd things during ufo experiences.

That is my experience I had. Since then, the only other experiences I have had are nightmares. Mostly of grey alien beings .

Dreams which feel so real that when I wake from them, it takes a good amount of courage to go back to sleep.
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Re: One of My UFO experiences.

Post by Firebird »

My hubby and I were on a hill near my moms house when we spotted an erraticly moving object, it zipped accross the sky at lightning speed, turn and go a different direction, it started out slow and would reach these really high speeds. Because it was over some other hills you could tell the distance it would travel must have been upwards of a 100 miles or more per each zip across the sky.
We drove back to the house keeping our eye on the location all the way. I ran in to tell everyone to come out and look, by the time they got outside we couldn't locate it anymore, my mom looked at my husband and grabbed his pepsi can and gave it a snif, and said, "what have you guys been drinking" ?? husband doesn't even drink, (what an insult) we were so disapointed we couldn't get everyone out of the house in time to see this.
Well I have one eye witness, besides myself, hubby saw it too.
I saw a similar thing when I was about 18 hiking with a friend at night.

Something is out there :flyingwitch:

“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson

Re: One of My UFO experiences.

Post by Lostseeker »

Interesting. :) Ufo's definitely are real.
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