experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication?

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experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication?

Post by lithe_forager »

so i went to my local metaphysical store and a tumbled stone really jumped out at me, there was no sign saying what it was but i felt the need to purchase it anyway. turns out its shattuckite - the stone of psychic communication. It assists with the development of psychic visions, intuition, mediumship, channeling, psychic knowing and automatic writing, all from a position of absolute truth.This stone allows you to communicate better with the spirit world, as it heightens the vibration of your connection.

so with that in mind, a lot of practices involve wearing crystals continuously for 3 to 4 days and sleeping with them as well. so far i have been wearing shattuckite for about 2 days, i feel like i have more control in my dreams, Artio the bear goddess has showed up in my dreams and waking life has seemed to move slower. Personally I do not deal with a lot of mediumship or channeling, because i feel like if someone wants to contact me, they will. (most of the time, while i am sleeping and i do prefer it that way. on account of some incidents early on when i first started practicing) i leave most spirits and beings in other worlds/dimensions alone, unless they come to me first.

I would be interested in the other qualities of this stone, i dunno...i guess i am looking for other experiences regarding this beautiful gem. lately i have also been attracted to merlinite. maybe something somewhere is really wanting to contact me, because i have been really drawn to these stones.
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Re: experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Oh my! Thank you so much for this post, lithe_forager! Thank you!
It might sound random but I was drawn to a curious tumbled stone in an oriental store the other day and I purchased it without knowing what it was either (just like in your story above) and thanks to you now I know it's Merlinite! I couldn't figure out what it was but now it all makes sense! :D
Unfortunately, I can't help you with your question about other qualities of Shattuckite - never worked with that one before. But if you decide to get Merlinite too we could exchange our feelings about them and how it worked for us :)
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Re: experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication

Post by lithe_forager »

merlinite is so beautiful

https://www.etsy.com/listing/201136690/ ... pe=gallery

i've been looking at this guy for awhile.

it was so crazy i looked up my stone and it said in clear letters "stone for mediums".....dang. somethings trying to get a hold of me. most of the work i do is energy healing, I am working on past life regression, but really don't want to dabble with too many spirits right now.

i guess its true that some stones pick you.
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Re: experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication

Post by SnowCat »

The stones are using the Internet now? I shouldn't be surprised. The Element of Earth connects and grounds us all. Why shouldn't rocks, minerals, and crystals use technology to help us? It's communication.

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Re: experiences with shattuckite, the stone of communication

Post by random417 »

SnowCat wrote:The stones are using the Internet now? I shouldn't be surprised. The Element of Earth connects and grounds us all. Why shouldn't rocks, minerals, and crystals use technology to help us? It's communication.

Most technology is based on, and contains crystals. Working with technology directly is an application of crystal magick
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Do that, and no other shall say nay.
For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
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