Sleep Paralysis

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Sleep Paralysis

Post by Wolf-Tigress »

The worst dreams that I have are the sleep paralysis ones. :surprisedwitch: Of course it is where I am laying on my bed and can see everything in my room perfectly, but I cannot move. Other people report something/someone sitting on their chest but I never have that. Someone always walks into the room and I try to tell them I am awake/alive but I can't speak. Then I try to breath heavy and fast to tell them but still nothing. So I use all my strength to lift myself up... which jerks me awake. It leaves me feeling alone seeing that there is no one actually in my room and I am feeling heavy like I am drugged. Once it was a dream in a dream. The first happened as usual and when I tried to move I could move my upper body but still not my lower so I tried again and I actually woke that time still lying down. Often I know when they are coming because I feel like I am melting into my bed and I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open, and my mind will begin to go fuzzy. It scares me because one of my biggest fears is not being able to move. I hate feeling stuck. I saw on here that there was talk about how it could be a form of astral projection... you think? :evilwitch: Let me know what you think.
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Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by SnowCat »

Sleep paralysis can be a strictly physical phenomenon. Our biological suits have built in failsafes to protect us. What if I went out and jumped off the roof in one of my flying dreams? Would I land on my feet or just go splat? The sensation you describe sounds like it could be astral, which would, IMO, be really cool. I love spending time in the astral. It could however, also be an aura related to migraines or a seizure disorder. Not cool.

The dream within a dream thing is less clear cut. I've had those. I think they're related to astral travel, but more localized. Mine usually involve waking up numerous times, until I actually physically wake up. I hope this helps.

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Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by Wolf-Tigress »

Thanks SnowCat!
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Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by Starwitch »

I have all the same issues you described, SnowCat. Are you in any of the sleep paralysis groups on Facebook? I help admin the big group called "sleep paralysis" (not capitalized, just like that.) Here's a link if you'd like to join.

I've had so many weird SP experiences in my life. Many of them have led to astral projection experiences or spirit contact. While it's true that SP can be purely physical (I guess), I'm pretty convinced that there's a spiritual aspect to it as well. I think I'm preaching to the choir here though. You both seem to be aware of that already. I watch a lot of the paranormal shows on TV and I'm always keeping an eye out for SP experiences that happen in haunted houses, or other connections between SP and ghosts. The connections are there to be found if anyone is looking. You often hear of people (awake people) who see a ghost and they become paralyzed. Or like I said, people who experience SP while living in a verifiably haunted house. So yeah, I think there's a strong connection between SP and spirit visitations.

It sounds superstitious, but I had some luck in reducing SP by removing all the mirrors from my room. If you have any antiques, take those out as well. They can have spirit attachments. During an SP "dream" one night, I saw a troll-like entity sneaking past the foot of my bed. I tried to grab him by his face but his skin just stretched out as he kept running. His skin was all rubbery and gross. He was running towards my full-length mirror when I awoke in sleep paralysis, feeling like the dream had been real. I removed the mirrors after that night and my SP almost completely disappeared. It's been about a year and a half since then.
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Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by SnowCat »

I may look into the sleep paralysis groups on facebook. I have insomnia issues, but sometimes I get to the point of being so far under in sleep, it's like I've been anesthetized.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by thethrone »

I also experianced dream paralysis and i hope i will not experiance it again is awful.

I dont know if other people share my opinion but i avoid falling asleep supinely, because i have read that when we sleep supinely we connect with dimension A, a level up from normal dimension and we experience these events.
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Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by Starwitch »

It's generally recommended by experts that you not sleep on your back if you want to prevent sleep paralysis. I don't personally have a problem with it. I only sleep on my back because of a back problem I have.

Re: Sleep Paralysis

Post by Aeracura222 »

I have other inorganic beings on my chest during sleep paralysis and it's not much fun, especially when they are trying to drag you back into the dreaming dimensions - I literally have to fight to stay awake. Fortunately it hasn't happened in a few years - can't say that I enjoy it lol...

I personally believe that when sleep paralysis happens that we're between worlds, we're not quite here, but not quite there, ya know?
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