How Do You Meditate?

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How Do You Meditate?

Post by sfk11 »

What's the best way to meditate? I don't think I ever meditate enough!! What or who do I channel when meditating?
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Silus7 »

Before you think of channeling when you meditate, you must learn how to calm and quiet the mind first. It's definitely much easier said than done, but it does take much patience and acceptance of yourself to modify the skill to your particular needs. To start off, try meditating with a candle. Focus only on the flame, how it burns, and let everything else around slowly fade away into the background. Play some calming soothing music, and try to slow your thoughts so that you are completely serene. Its not easy right away, I still have trouble completely going into zen mode, but it is very achievable. I have some guided meditations that my mother had put together for me to help me develop my meditation skills and learn how to raise my vibrational levels in order to help set my intention for whatever I needed to center myself for. If you're interested, I would gladly share them with you.


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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Heartsong »

I don't think there really is a 'best' way, since everyone finds different methods that work best for them. A candle mediation is a good place to start, as it helps you develop your focus and concentration. When I first started meditating, I had no where private that I could retreat to, except when I was bathing, and I still highly recommend meditation either in the bath or shower. The sound of the water is soothing, at least to me, and the heat is relaxing.

Something else to keep in mind with meditating is that you can't really shut your mind entirely off. If a stray thought comes across, let it, but don't hold it. I like to use a simple visualization exercise when my brain won't shut up, which is basically I envision a volume dial in my head. As I turn the dial down, my thoughts become quieter and more manageable, and you can adjust the dial as needed to comfortably meditate in peace.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

Silus7 wrote:Before you think of channeling when you meditate, you must learn how to calm and quiet the mind first. It's definitely much easier said than done, but it does take much patience and acceptance of yourself to modify the skill to your particular needs. To start off, try meditating with a candle. Focus only on the flame, how it burns, and let everything else around slowly fade away into the background. Play some calming soothing music, and try to slow your thoughts so that you are completely serene. Its not easy right away, I still have trouble completely going into zen mode, but it is very achievable. I have some guided meditations that my mother had put together for me to help me develop my meditation skills and learn how to raise my vibrational levels in order to help set my intention for whatever I needed to center myself for. If you're interested, I would gladly share them with you.

I would be interested, if you don't mind. I am working on meditating as well. I love any kind of good suggestions that may be helpful.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by cloverfox »

I've actually tried meditating recently, and really all I do is light some candles in my window and sit in front of it, close my eyes and give myself positive affirmations and thank God/Goddess for my day and look forward to the next day.

Sounds simple but it makes me feel good!
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Aderyn »

I use an app on my phone called Dormio (it's free!). It has many types of free music on it and I find that it helps me with meditation; from guided meditation, music to help you sleep, meditation music without words... it's really useful. :) It helped me achieve a quiet mind and a calm heart.

If you try it, let me know what you think.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

I'll be sure to check that out. I have had a hard time finding a meditation app that I like so I'm always up for recommendations.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Nightwatcher »

I have a slightly different problem; once I quiet my mind I fall asleep!! Any suggestions? ^^;
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by ness »

When it comes to meditation, I think the first thing I focus on is my breathing. I am someone who gets every impatient even when I am in a spa! Focusing on my breathing is the only way for me to come to that moment and slow down. The duration I focus on breathing varies depending on how often I meditate. If I meditate often, then its easier for me to go from focusing on breathing to meditative phase. If I haven't done it in a while, then I have to focus on breathing for 5-10 mins before I am even capable of going into a meditative phase. During this time, I focus on my breathing at different chakras. I imagine a light flowing with my breathing through my chakras and that helps visualize my breathing and sometimes I even visiualize colors.

Another thing that aids me greatly is playing Shamanic drumming. It really helps me go into a meditative state. Most often than not, I listen to it while I am meditating. Its hard to not be in a trance state when you listen to that drumming! Just close your eyes, breath deep and listen to this on headphones -
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Nightwatcher, you might be interested in various forms of moving meditation. I've recently started taking Tai Chi and it's an excellent way to achieve that kind of mindfulness without any danger of falling asleep (I also get really bored with the sitting-down, focus-only-on-your-breath type of meditation).
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by Siona »

Xiao Rong wrote:Nightwatcher, you might be interested in various forms of moving meditation. I've recently started taking Tai Chi and it's an excellent way to achieve that kind of mindfulness without any danger of falling asleep (I also get really bored with the sitting-down, focus-only-on-your-breath type of meditation).
I second that. I've never had much luck with the sitting still, empty mind sort of meditation, but when I found out about things like walking meditation I had much better experiences. Here's one example of a walking meditation technique, but there are lots of them around. Doing something like lightly drumming, rattling, or even counting out chants on a set of prayer beads can also be helpful for some people, the slight movement can keep you from falling asleep.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by LifeAuras »

Hi there

I remember when i first started meditating.... I read about it in a book that was giving instructions on what to do and what to expect from the meditation. In short you had to lie on your back put your hands next to you and to achieve relaxation you had to listen to your blood. Then eventually as your body had started to relax to try to feel it going in your veins all over your body. Then the book said that you are going to feel energy erupting in your mid section. As this energy presented itself you had to start distributing it all over your body with the help of rings.

I tried the meditation and on my 5th night achieved the whole thing. Felt the energy in my stomach and started to distribute it all over my body after few minutes i got bored and put an end to the whole experience by getting up from the bed.

As i see it, this was more of a concentration than meditation.

Then 10 years after i decided to meditate again. This time i started to relax my body from my feet and up. I was concentrating again. This time i achieved a state where i felt small electrical discharges all over my body. When i tried to get out of the state because the electrical discharges traveling randomly within my body started to scare me, i could not move one single muscle in my body. I sat there in that state and was thinking franticly how to get out of bed. Then i decided randomly to tilt my head to the side. As i tilted my head i regained control of my body witch i rolled after the tilting and finally got up from the bed.

Again i had to concentrate through out the whole procedure.

As you can see up until now i had meditated no more than 10 times. But still got some results.

Few years later out of boredom i decided to meditate again. But this time i decided before i attempt it to try and completely empty my mind and not to think about anything. I started again the relaxation procedure and when i felt i was relaxed enough i simply let go of everything. I felt like i was floating in the sky. I stayed in that state for a long time. And after i don't know how long i simply got out of the state by bringing thought again in me and went to sleep. But this was the most peaceful meditation i had ever achieved.

There is more but i think this is enough to get you going for starters. Good Luck.
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Re: How Do You Meditate?

Post by AnaisStar »

If you have trouble just sitting in silence and quieting the mind you can do different things for focus. You can do candle gazing, mantras, yantras, chanting, listen to guided meditations. All those will help to quiet the mind till you are more comfortable sitting in silence.

I love using a mala and chanting mantras. I use specific mantras to whatever deity Im working with at that time, or feel I want to deeper my connection to, or invoke them.
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