Are You In the Broom Closet?

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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by MsMollimizz »

littlepixie94 wrote:I think my problem is I don't want to lose a friendship with someone over it , I lead two different lives I'm the quiet mum at the baby groups and a Wiccan as soon as I get home . I live in a small village and I know what these small minded people will say , they always twist the truth for the local gossip lol
I would think if a friend does not support you about your choices,
then it's time to find a friend who will...
There are a lot of us around...
...ask the Universe to send some your way !
I've met others at the library you know, in our section the 133's
My pentagram is big, 1 1/2inch and it's usually hanging outside of my
shirt, dress, or whatever I'm wearing. I got a bumper sticker for my
van, only problem is it was pink ! Good thing the sun faded it !
It reads: Born-again Pagan ! On the other side of the back, hubby's
"not I but Christ" think they may not get the idea since it's
on his side of the van ???
I am all the way out of the broom closet, until I need to take the
broom out to blow-off the cobwebs ! But I am not always able to
do that...Moon not in right phase, my cat don't want to go...etc.
I told my Mom 20 years ago, we went camping once and I brought
SRW's BOS on that trip. Mom helped me with a spell, she found
a clay flowerpot for a negativity spell. Amongst all the trash and
junk all around, I was amazed she found a whole one !
My hubby was not religious when we got
together. I told him a couple times...when we moved down here
to this desert to help his Mom and Sis with rent. He started going
to church with them(Episcopalian), I went to keep peace in the
household. Their pastor(title?), Father Liz knew but didn't say
until I said something. She had lots of questions, kindly type...
Fr. Liz asked about us not believing in the devil, all I could tell
her was that there are bad people and good people...the evil
in the things we do. Can someone elaborate on this for me ???
Okay, before I start babbling... ::coolglasses::
Gentle Rainbow Light
Until one has loved an animal,
part of their soul remains un-awakened.

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance,
it is the illusion of knowledge." Steven Hawkings

Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by littlepixie94 »

I just my partner because he became quite horrible and racist to say the least ! Called me a freak etc ... I told a very close friend the other night and he was very open about it and he is wanting to come with me to witchfest for some moral support as I have never been before :) I am so happy with his reaction as he hates religion but when I explained it's not all spells and evil and it's all about the positivity he was very accepting :) thank you my fellow wiccans for the support :)

Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by littlepixie94 »

I just left my partner **
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

littlepixie94 wrote:I just left my partner **
Sounds like a smart move. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but it's fantastic that you have found a friend you can be yourself around.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by LiebeUndLicht »

Depends who I'm with, my parents know, my mum was the one who introduced me to Wicca which is cool. All of my close friends know and they're kinda just like whatever, we never talk about religion anyway, so that's cool. Sorry to hear that about your friends :evilwitch:

I was reluctant to tell my friends but actually they were fine with it, it took me about a year to come out to everyone though... blessed be :fairy:
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I guess I could say that I'm half in and half out. I've told the people that I've thought it would have an impact on, and that's about it. My mom seems to have her own way of dealing with it. We don't really talk about it, but if I buy any new books, she'll read a few. My boyfriend knows all the witches that I know and have practiced with, so it's nothing new to him. He makes the occasional joke about it. His recent was a crack about my cooking:
"That's some Pagan Voodoo magick isn't it?"
"Yes dear. I call it 'Food-doo'" :P
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by mangosandy82 »

My family dont know im wiccan. My family are all christians and bible thumpers. They would think I was possessed or something. lol....but anyway, only my goodfriends know and boyfriend know. Ill never tell my dad or family. They are closed minded people.

Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by candycosmos »

I've only just started down the spiritual path of witchcraft, so I don't feel right about letting people know about it just yet - it feels as though I haven't "earned my stripes," since there's still so much I don't know and would like to learn before identifying as a witch! That said, there are a few very close friends that I know take me seriously, and I haven't felt weird about letting them know that this was a direction I wanted to take. I'm not sure that I would ever tell my family or my less close friends about it, though, if only because of the connotation of the word "witch!" :flyingwitch:
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by YanaKhan »

I've never really been in or out the broom closet.
My husband knows a little about my practices and I'm "into the occult" (his words, not mine), but has no idea about the extent of it. I haven't told my mom and dad, but they kinda figured some of it out and I'm sure they won't mind at all as they are both very open minded people. Besides they are not religious, so whatever makes me happy, they will accept. My husbands family have no idea about anything and I don't intend on telling them - my mother and father in law are extremely nice people and I don't want to freak them out. My sister in law is kinda fanatic, similar to BabyBear's family. She also banned Harry Potter from her house and her oldest daughter spent hours in my house reading it (she was 19 at the time). I sometimes feel tempted to tell her about me being a witch just to see her reaction (I know she will freak out big time), because she has the ability to drive me insane with her crap, but I know I won't.
My brother and other sister in law are just like my parents - they will only care if what I believe in makes me happy. I see some signs in their daughter she is interested in Wicca and intend to talk to her when they visit. She is 14 and I think I could help her at least find the books she will like.
As for my friends - some know, some don't but I'm not really a person who likes sharing. I kinda keep to myself.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »

I find that my friends are more accepting than my family in general. When I came out of the broom closet, my mom told me to kill myself, and then she said if I ever talked about Wicca again, she'd make us move to Pakistan where there's no psychological help for me.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by dreamcatcher »

So, I personally am still in the broom closet family-wise and for the longest time friend-wise too. It was only a couple weeks ago that I told a group of really close friends and I was expecting a lot of "What the hell? Seriously? That's super weird." and of course a lot of more negative things but I was actually EXTREMELY surprised by their reactions. All of it was positive ranging from a couple people who immediately got really excited and started pelting me with questions about what I do specifically and how I got into it etcetera, other were just sort of yeah whatever makes you happy, and more than half actually just shrugged and said that they'd thought so for a while so no biggie. (I actually think that a pair of them might have actually had a bet on whether or not I was or not)
And that's with a couple of my friends being extremely christian/mormon.
One girl actually wants me to teach her and get her started on the path because she said that she'd always been interested but scared of messing things up, but she feels like she would be able to do it if I helped her along a bit.
I mean, these are all high school age and in general very open people to start with, but I think that most people would be okay with it if you're friends with them, and if not, then I don't really see why you would want to stay friends with them if they're that closed minded.
Now there's just finding a way to keep my parents calm if I tell them and stay safe from my very catholic grandma. (One of her friends stopped going to church three times a week and only goes on sundays now, and my grandma will no longer talk to her at all so I can't really imagine what would happen if she found out what I was)

But anyways! I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be scared of your friends? And that if they're really your friend, they'll accept you even if they personally don't like it.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by cloverfox »

I would say that I am in the closet of sorts. If someone asked me though if I were Wiccan, or practiced Wicca, I wouldn't know what to say, because it is neither yes nor no. I am a believer, but also in denial.

I have this strange sense that I was "born" a witch, or was meant to harness it, however, I do not take advantage of it as I should or could.

I guess it is complicated. *sigh*
Myrrdin Greyoak

Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by Myrrdin Greyoak »

I am totally out with my beliefs and have been since the start. At first my mother was the only one who seemed to have a problem with my being Wiccan, but once I explained what Wicca was and our beliefs and ethics she became a bit more understanding. As for the public I don't really give a rat's ass, if you don't like what my beliefs are that's your problem, but if you willing to listen and want to know more I am more than willing to explain. Sure I've had my share of haters but for the most part I haven't really had any major problems, I guess living in New England isn't all that bad, especially for a Southern boy.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by Moonfire »

I guess you could say I am. Or at least halfway. My mother and stepfather know and accept it and as do my closest friends but my father and his side of the family...well I can never tell them. They are very, very christian and often use it as an excuse for their ignorance. This is the side of the family that I have heard trash talk other family members for being gay behind their back. And these are members of the family that have been close with them and built up a bond. Because I had to move away at a young age, I don't get to see my family often at all so I never really built up the same bond. If they found out that I was a witch...I genuinely feel that they would pretty much disown me.

My dad...he wouldn't be quite as bad but I know telling him would not go over well at all.
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Re: Are You In the Broom Closet?

Post by SnowCat »

I'm very out of the closet and in your face about it, like any self-respecting cat would be.

Snow :flyingwitch:
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