Abramelin's Oil

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Shub Niggurath
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Abramelin's Oil

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Here's an easy recipe for Abramelin's Holy Oil used in rituals and spellwork, easy version.
Can be used on skin and as an incense oil.

Essential Oil of Abramelin:
  • - 1 pt Myrrh Oil
    - 1 pt Calamus Oil or Galangal Oil
    - 1 pt Cassia Oil
    - 1/2 pt Cinnamon Oil
    - 7 times the total weight of the above in Olive Oil
To make the oil, simply mix the ingredients together and let it "marinate" in a dark place for at least a week or one full moon phase if you prefer. Make sure you use natural oils for better results and to be sure that they're non-toxic (most of the artificial oils are toxic and you shouldn't use them on your skin).

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Re: Abramelin's Oil

Post by random417 »

Is this AC's version? I had some I made with his recipe, that I initially thought had too much cinnamon, so I didn't keep the recipe. After using something else though, I kinda miss the tingle
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Re: Abramelin's Oil

Post by Shub Niggurath »

It is kind of inspired by AC's method (using essential oils instead of plant material/powder) except this one is based on the German translation recipe (the French translation doesn't include Cassia oil), plus the olive oil measurements were calculated more accurately.
AC's recipe wasn't calculated correctly and thus was burning the skin (Thelemites still use his recipe though, called "Holy Oil", not "Abramelin's"). This recipe doesn't burn the skin and can be used as an incense too ;)
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Re: Abramelin's Oil

Post by Firebird »

Wish you could get galangal oil at the corner store! The rest is fairly easy to come by.
I remember one time my ToT buddy and I made the one with plant materials in it. It really came out great.
Once I used it in a ceremony without telling anyone of the ingredients. Some were annointed with a pentacle. Come to find out you can be allergic to cinnamon, because about 15 minutes into the ritual one of the guys who had been anointed had this red emblazoned star rise up like a welt on his forehead. Ooooops. He didn't notice right away but the rest of us did! It really looked pretty cool. When we finally told him, he didn't say that it hurt, just his forehead felt kinda bumpy.
After that incident, I announce what one will be annointed with just in case anyone has allergies or wants to op out for any reason. I use mugwort quite frequently and since there is usually more women than men...and mugwort is an abortifacient ...well, it is important to let people know what will be on their skin.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Abramelin's Oil

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Galangal oil might be hard to get but Calamus oil is quite common so that's good.

And your story is very educative - we should always pay attention to what we use to anoint ourselves during the rituals or we might end up like that guy you mentioned or worse.
Anyway seems like you know a lot about anointing oils, maybe you could share some more recipes, Firebird? :)
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