Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

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Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Hello Firebird,

I read in the description of your sub-forum that you're experienced in fertility and healing so I thought maybe you could help or give me some tips on my feminine problems and how to heal them :oops:

I'll be quite open with my problem, maybe someone else is going through something similar and it could be helpful not only for me. If anyone gets easily offended or creeped out by this kind of stuff... please leave while you still can :?

So here's the thing: Since I was around 13 and got sick for over two months (Bronchitis) my feminine stuff got totally out of control to never go back to normal. Irregular menstrual cycles were getting worse and worse as the time passed, going to the point where I had my period three times a month or didn't have period for a few months. And that's what I'm struggling with to this day (I'm 24 now).
When I was around 17 and had multiple neurological tests done in the hospital (I'm suffering from migraines since I was born), the doctors found out that I also have a small tumor in my thyroid gland.
Further investigation, doing multiple thyroid gland tests, hormone tests, seeking help from endocrinologists and gynecologists were always leaving me with opposing results, making no sense at all (even specialists had no clue).

My question is - do you know any techniques, homeopathy, herbal/natural methods, anything that could help me heal? It's really frustrating and seems like it's getting worse and worse. (Like right now, 3rd period this month - I'm weak cause of the blood loss, feeling drained all the time.)
Having no clue and getting no help from doctors makes me desperate and thus I'm seeking for any alternative methods of balancing, healing and getting more in touch with my feminine problems.

I'd be grateful beyond imagination if you could help, Firebird.
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Re: Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

Post by Firebird »

That must be real rough, sorry you are having to deal with.
A little disclaimer here, I am not a doctor and the fertility that I spoke of in my blurb doesn't necessarily mean in the literal sense but in fruitfulness in all aspects of ones life. However the group which I am Ordained in was heavily influenced by the founders, who were midwives.
There are some things which you might try like atempting to regulate your cycle with the moon. Do you keep a journal or calendar of your cycle? Maping your days that you bleed will get you acutely intouch with your body, even if it is irregular. You may find some sort of pattern in the irregularity.
Spend as much time in the moonlight as you can, without staying up too late. Try to keep really regular sleeping hours, and don't view the computer or other device that emits blue rays in the hours before you go to bed. These practices may regulate your circadian rhythm, which in turn may help your monthly cycle.
Unfortunately, the headaches may be playing a part in this, and if you don't already, you might try meditation. There are some utube videos that have binural beats with music or nature sounds, and these can be pretty helpful, also look for delta sleep. Now that is in conflict with the blue light, so you will need to cover the device or wear covers over your eyes, but there have been studies that suggest we absorb the light even through our skin. This is a really good reason to turn off the tv when one is asleep.
I will look up herbs that support the female reproduction system, right now all I can think of is don quai. Which is a real good one.
Hope you get some relief from those migraine, that really sucks, oh I also wanted to say you might check into food allergies, they can wreak havoc in our bodies.
Thanks for stoping by the den...
Stay in touch more to follow.
By the light of illumination! Excelsior!
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Re: Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Thank you very much, Firebird!
You gave me a lot of precious tips I wouldn't even think of :)
Especially staying in the moonlight, avoiding sitting in front of computer/other deviced before sleep and trying the binaural sounds - love those ideas! Oh, and definitely going to try to find Dong Quai, never heard of it before.
And you got me with the sleeping patterns, they're really irregular and I tend to stay up late - you motivated me to try to change it and regulate my daily cycle. Maybe that will help :)

Oh, and of course I do have a menstrual calendar to map the cycles. The only pattern I've noticed so far is that I usually menstruate more often during the Summer. But couldn't figure out what it could possibly mean.

Thank you so much for everything, Firebird! You're a wise woman! <3
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Re: Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

Post by Firebird »

Do you have a health food store near you? Sometimes they are pretty knowledgeable on what to take and when. The dong quai, might not be the best if you are having more than your share of periods in a month. At least don't take it while you are bleeding. It is a pretty safe herb though.
Has any doctor given you any idea why you have menometrorrhagia? Because if it is from a hormone inbalance that may be harder to pinpoint times of ovluation.
The link provided below is to the page of a woman who is very wise in the herbal world. Susan Weed.
And you may find valluable info there on fertility.


I want to also mention that a ritual designed with procreation as the outcome could be an option. :wink: :wink: let me know if you would be interested in that.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Fertility, feminine problems. How to heal and balance?

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Yup, I already did a research on some herbs and bought a few online: Bloodwort (Achillea), Greater Plantain (Plantago major), Black Hollyhock (Alcea rosea), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and some other. Also, a kind witch suggested herbal pills made of Chaste Tree berries (Vitex agnus-castus) which regulate the cycle and hormones (I think they're only available here in Europe but not sure).
Of course I'm not gonna use all of that stuff at once, that might be deadly :D But once I get my hands on all of the herbs I'll decide which one to try first and see how it works.
Oh, and yes, it's most likely because of the hormone imbalance which makes ovulation impossible to pinpoint.

As for the ritual I think I'm not gonna bother you because something magickal already happend :D My good old occult friends somehow found out about my situation and decided to perform a huge cleansing and healing ritual for my sake (we're going to perform it in a week or so) so we'll see how that works. :fairy:

Thank you once again for all the amazing tips! I already tried falling asleep with healing binaural beats last night and guess it already helped a little with regulating my sleep pattern - woke up much earlier today than I usually do and feeling great and energized! I'll continue doing it every evening + sitting in the moonlight. Feels like it's really going to help me! smiley_dance
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