Talisman Correspondences opinions?

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Talisman Correspondences opinions?

Post by Akairyuu »

Hi everyone :) Sorry I've not been on in like forever, I've been rather busy with university lately.

Anyway to cut to the chase, I recently had a bit of a scare with my digestive system and I think I may have IBS (I have always had issues with my digestive system). I've been working on improving my diet (Though I have to say I never really had that bad of a diet in the first place :/) and would also like to make a talisman to help me along.

As far as Talismans are concerned, I do know how to make them it's just I'd like some opinions or help on the correspondences.As for what I want from the Talisman, it's basically to banish or keep illness away from my digestive system.

Anyway for correspondences, this is what I've thought of so far:

Planet(s) Moon and Sun
Day: Day of the Moon (It's the closest time that has the waning or new moon in Virgo)
Time: Hour of the Sun, sunrise (If possible)
Moon phase and sign: New Moon in Virgo
Colour(s): Yellow and light blue
Element: Fire

For the gemstone, I'm thinking of using Citrine (If I buy a new one) or my Yellow Jasper (Or perhaps any other stone that you may recommend).

What do you think? I'd appreciate any other suggestions :)
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