Hole in the Sun !

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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

That's pretty scary, to be honest...
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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Zale »

Kinda reminds me of the song Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden

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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Kassandra »


Disturbing video, but cool song, works perfectly with the subject of this thread.

Unplugged (and less-disturbing, lol) version:


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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Firebird »

Ack Kassandra!!! you beat me to it :lol: I was right behind you with Soundgardens vevo vid, and yeah, lots to wonder about in that one...
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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Kassandra »

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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Kassandra »

MsMollimizz wrote:My heart skipped a beat when I saw this ! It's scary !
http://news.yahoo.com/spacecraft-sees-g ... 40642.html ...A space telescope aimed at the sun has spotted a gigantic hole in the solar atmosphere — a dark spot that covers nearly a quarter of our closest star, spewing solar material and gas into space.

Honestly, at the present time at least, I would be less concerned about what's happening way up there with Helios itself, and more concerned about what's currently happening on that tumultuous little third planet orbiting Helios, Terra III.



Now, one could Snopes and Metabunk this all away if one cares to (both of which are cointelpro, btw). My thought is this is but one of many goodies on this planet, hidden in plain sight for all to see and never believe, until it's too late. And so it is. I know, go back to your rabbit hole, Kassandra. OK, will be more than happy to. :)

But I'm not lying when I say I've looked inside the Trojan horse, and have concluded with confidence that there's a good chance we'll watch it all fade away, in the worst of ways...though this is still avoidable, with awareness.

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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by Alura Noel »

My question is, how does one sift through whats really going on and what isnt? There are so many conspiracy videos on youtube... Makes it hard to believe it until it happens to every individual.
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Re: The Sun Has Flipped Upside Down

Post by Kassandra »


Ha, that whacky star of ours, always doin' stuff...

NASA: The Sun Has Flipped Upside Down

(NaturalNews) The sun has "flipped upside down," NASA announced at the end of December. Although the star that defines our solar system has not physically flipped, its north and south poles have reversed in a natural process marking the midpoint of what is known as the solar cycle. According to Todd Hoeksema, director of the Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University, the sun goes through a natural cycle that averages 22 years.

In each half-cycle, areas of intense solar magnetic activity known as sunspots gradually move from the sun's equatorial region toward the poles, eventually disrupting the magnetic fields at the star's North and South. Eventually, the sun's magnetic field shuts down entirely, then reboots with the positive and negative poles at opposite sides.

"It's kind of like a tide coming in or going out," Hoeksema said. "Each little wave brings a little more water in, and eventually you get to the full reversal." This cycle then repeats, ending when the poles are back in their initial locations. The recent reversal marks the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24, which began in 2002. Earlier in December, solar physicists announced that "the sun's north pole has already changed sign, while the South Pole [sic] is racing to catch up."

Solar Cycle 24 has been full of surprises. It was initially predicted to reach its midpoint in 2012, but scientists revised this estimate to 2013 when 2009 was marked by "extremely low activity" that, if it continued, could have led to another Little Ice Age.

To mark the long-anticipated solar reversal, NASA has released a video simulation of the second half of Solar Cycle 23. "A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is, literally, a big event," said Tony Phillips of NASA. The video begins in 1997, showing the sun with its positive polarity (marked by green lines) at the top and its negative polarity (purple lines) at the bottom. The video shows the lines gradually moving toward opposite ends of the sun, having completely switched places by 2002. This marked the end of Solar Cycle 23 and the beginning of the current cycle.

Cosmic effects

The solar reversal will have significant effects that reach past our own solar system, although few of them will be felt on Earth. "At the height of each magnetic flip, the sun goes through periods of more solar activity, during which there are more sunspots, and more eruptive events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections," said NASA's Karen C. Fox. For us on Earth, these effects will mostly be limited to an increase in the breadth, frequency and visibility of the aurora borealis and aurora australis - the Northern and Southern Lights. The magnetic reversal might also lead to freak geomagnetic storms, temporarily disrupting satellite or radio signals.

"It's not a catastrophic event," Hoeksema said, "it's a large scale event that has some real implications, but it's not something we need to worry about." In outer space, however, the effects will be felt more strongly. "The domain of the sun's magnetic influence (also known as the 'heliosphere') extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto," Phillips said. "Changes to the field's polarity ripple all the way out to the Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space. Cosmic rays are also affected," he said. "These are high-energy particles accelerated to nearly light speed by supernova explosions and other violent events in the galaxy."

These effects may impact space exploration. Intensified cosmic rays, for example, might damage space probes or even pose physical dangers to astronauts. They might also have effects on Earth's climate, although the exact nature of these effects remains unclear.

Source: naturalnews.com/043408_NASA_magnetic_pole_reversal_solar_cycle.html
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Sunday, January 05, 2014

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Re: Hole in the Sun !

Post by shatteredsouls »

Thank you Msmollimizz for bringing this topic up. I am unaware of this at all. I need to read more news. Haha! All this solar system is confusing for me to understand, I'm not quite the science person. I only know it doesn't bode well for a hole to happen in the sun.
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