Ideas for pet protection and well being?

Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.

Re: Ideas for pet protection and well being?

Post by FullTideMoon »

It is great to hear she is doing great. Unfortunately, not just 3 hrs ago, we had to put down our beloved cat Sushi. My dad had to move back in with my mom and I and since we already have a cat, Housing wouldnt allow another one (eventhough just about everybody here owns multiple cats along with dogs!). So, we had to keep her with my aunt for the time being. I was asked to come by and take a look at her and she looked half gone already. I advised my dad to take her to the vets and she was so jondice, it was clear her liver was failing and organs were shutting down. We had to give her back to the Lady today. She has served our family well during rough times and we will meet her again over the rainbow bridge. I will say, that out of allof this, at least now I know what to look for when a cat is going into liver failure so that I may help others in the future.

Re: Ideas for pet protection and well being?

Post by Skyleaf »

I am very sorry to hear about Sushi. Years ago, one of my cats went into liver failure. The initial symptoms were very subtle. He seemed kind of mopey and a little unsteady on his feet. That's all, but I took him in. He had to stay at the vet's for a week, and his liver was in bad, bad shape. When I took him home, he was so jaundiced his skin was golden.

But he lived! He's kind of my miracle baby. He'll turn 18 next month, and he's still chasing the younger cats around and playing with them.

I'm still worried about my little girl cat, Nike. I'm treating her, and she does eat some, so she has an appetite, but she doesn't look well.

To the OP, if you're not averse to working with archangels, Raphael is the healer. You can call on him for healing energy.
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