Magickal names and numerology?

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Magickal names and numerology?

Post by Akairyuu »

Hi I was just wondering if Magickal names have to have the name numerology as your birth date or can this rule be skipped?

I'm wondering this because I would love to use Akairyuu as a Magickal name as I very drawn to it, but the problem is it has a different number to by birth number. I have tried making names of similar dragon theme with the same numerology as my birthdate but they just don't feel like they stick. The name has to be Dragon themed; I have a strong affinity with Dragons and I strongly feel that I must reflect that in my name. The name Akairyuu is linked to both my interest in the Japanese culture and my affinity with Dragons and I feel very attached to it; is it possible to have a name that doesn't reflect your birth number?
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Re: Magickal names and numerology?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Though numerology is one of the things often taken into consideration when choosing a magickal name, it's not something everyone considers doing. Different people look to different sources for inspiration. Some choose the name of an ancestor to honor, the name of a god they wish to serve, the name of an animal whose strengths they wish to embody, even names from all sorts of myths and legends. Go to a pagan convention and call out for Merlin. I know you'll get at least a couple heads to turn. :wink:
I came by my names by choosing them from a list of suggestions my former high priestess wrote. Nothing too special about that process. :| My magickal first name is that of a goddess. My magickal middle name is a Japanese word. My magickal last name is something that came to me in a dream.
The important thing here is to go with what feels right to you. If you love your name and feel like you'll still love your name years from now, keep it. It sounds like you've put plenty of thought into your name and didn't just go for something that sounded cool, powerful, scary, or deeply embedded in fluff.
Stand before a mirror. Look yourself in the eye and feeling the magick deep down in your toes, say out loud, "I am Akairyuu and I am proud of who I am!"
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Re: Magickal names and numerology?

Post by Seraphin »

It really depends on the magickal tradition or approach you are following. The common Western form is to chose the name based on the numerology of your birth so that the name is in line with your life purpose. How you go about actually choosing that name is usually up to the person to decide, as the process should be a personal thing.

How my fiancee chose was that she went through a name site and chose names she liked the sound of, inspired her, or that she liked the meaning of, :lol: I think she ended up with a list of 100 or so.

I then worked out my birth/life path number:
0+7+2+2+1+9+8+7= 3+6 = 9

She then sat down and worked out the numerology of each name on the list using the Pythagorean system:

1 a j s
2 b k t
3 c l u
4 d m v
5 e n w
6 f o x
7 g p y
8 h q z
9 i r

And underlined each name that fit to that number, once she finished (well actually, in her case was bored of the process) she wrote a new list with just the "9" names and then put it away.

A couple of weeks later she tried to recall a name from the list, and the first one that came to her mind (in fact it was the only one she could recall :D ) she chose, Cybill.

Of course you don't have to go to that much trouble, some people just chose a name that inspires them from a story or their study or pratice for example my magickal name is Seraphin, it's a Celestial Being. I chose it because I'm drawn into Angels and Daemons alike as I'm studying and practicing Angel Magick. Some combine things or animals that inspire them liker Silver Ravenwolf.

I would also consider whether you are going to keep the name private or use it publicly, if publicly I would suggest against using popular names such as Merlin, Pendragon, Gandalf, Dumbledore, etc

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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