I have never grown anything before

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I have never grown anything before

Post by lunabloodrose »

Hi. I have never grown anything before and would like to start my own herb garden. I live in Amarillo, Texas. I know in some cases where you live affects what you grow. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or information? Like when is the best season to grow herbs, I am assuming summer, but I don't really know. I just have never done it before. Anything would help :)
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Re: I have never grown anything before

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Springtime is best, but my experience is you can grow them anytime from seeds in somewhere that's warm. Just use a pot and potting mix, sow the seedlings as per the directions on the back, and most herbs like lots of morning sun and water.

Its very easy if you're willing to care for them.

Stuff like schallots and ginger and chilli I just took out of my refrigerator and planted. Same goes for tomatoes, just plant one.

Have fun!
I am that which is attained at the end of desire

Re: I have never grown anything before

Post by lunabloodrose »

thank you so much this is a big help :)

Re: I have never grown anything before

Post by Seeker »

I have found, most of the time, looking up your zone and using a local college study as your growing instructions works a lot better. But usually you'll plant herbs in the spring after the last frost. Some herbs can grow year round in the ground, I've got a rosemary bush that I planted that gives me TONS of rosemary for a couple years now.

We also use heirloom and organic seeds. They are not genetically modified and usually grow better. I like AnniesSeeds.com
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