moldavite questions

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moldavite questions

Post by RestoringtheGoddess »

ok people :)

here is my question :)

I read somewhere that you are only supposed to have one moldavite piece for it to work properly....

but I actually have a necklace and a chunk of moldavite...

the information I read made no sense so I'm asking all of you if that is true... that for moldavite to work you only are supposed to have one piece and no more??? I wish I had saved the link I found it on but I read that long before finding joining this wonderful forum so I no longer have the link

also what are the properties of moldavite....
I heard it is like the most powerful of all the crystals and it actually
moves you forward so fast in life and brings enlightenment????
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Post by MidnightWolf »

You can use more than one piece. Perhaps it meant that you may be overwhemled with more than one piece because it is a very powerful stone. I have a moldavite necklace too :)

Moldavite accelerates spiratual growth and raises personal vibrations. Eases homesickness.

I would add more but I am on my phone :( Hope I helped :)
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Post by RestoringtheGoddess »

MidnightWolf wrote:You can use more than one piece. Perhaps it meant that you may be overwhemled with more than one piece because it is a very powerful stone. I have a moldavite necklace too :)

Moldavite accelerates spiratual growth and raises personal vibrations. Eases homesickness.

I would add more but I am on my phone :( Hope I helped :)
yes you did help :)

thanks for the tips :)
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Post by MidnightWolf »

Good good. Just out of interest, what does your moldavite necklace look like? Mine is a silver eye of horus with a piece of moldavite in the center :)
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Post by RestoringtheGoddess »

MidnightWolf wrote:Good good. Just out of interest, what does your moldavite necklace look like? Mine is a silver eye of horus with a piece of moldavite in the center :)
awww mine is just a thick piece of moldavite in the shape of like an oval held in a silver rim with a pendant hole at the top for the necklace chain

I also have a piece of moldavite with what the seller told me has a piece of baby moldavite inside (looks like a seed) so she said it is like Mama Moldavite and Baby Moldavite inside!!!!!!
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Post by MidnightWolf »

Aww...cute :)


Post by hotmad »

wow, after ur description, I want to make a Moldavite necklace too!! I used to have a bracelet with about ten moldavite but it took be a long while to really get used to wearing it.
Do becarefull when purchasing Moldavite. As the place where Moldavite is found, Prague, they restrict the export of moldavites. And hence, there are alot of fake ones from China selling the same prices as the real one but they are plain glass. A friend of mind saw the process and said they actually used normal glass bottle and process it. They now have so called moldavite chunks, big pieces which are supposed to be rare but now they comes in crates. There are also moldavite carvings which are supposed to be rare too. I was cheated when I was young buying a moldavite carved with star of David about one and a half inch big. I paid about three hundred over usd for it which is supposed to be very cheap. only to realised that it has very low energy, almost nil.
Nowadays, as they realised that people who purchased Moldavites feels its energies before buying it and man made moldavites doesnt have those kind of energies, radiations were inserted to it and whoever holds it feels really strong energy but not knowing that your cells are being killed by the radation. this will cause cancer if you wear it for a long time. Lead are also believed to be added to it.
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Post by blackwavy »

I had a piece of Moldavite. I lost it the next day after purchasing it. Its sooo expensive. I didn't want to get the gem quality. I wanted the rough unrefined one. Its very small and that's probably why I can't find it. The vibrations are quite nice.
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The Book of Stones

Post by djoya »

Moldavite: Transformation~Rapid Spiritual Evolution~Chakra Activation~Cleansing~Protection~Increased Incidence of Synchronicities.

Element: Storm

Chakras: All, especially the Heart (4th) and Third Eye (6th)

It is powerful and should be used in moderation until one is acclimated to its frequency. Moldavite is an acctivation stone not a healing stone.

Affirmation: I open myself to transfermation and I invoke the manifestation of my highest destiny.

*Your body will tell you how much you are capable of wearing*
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Post by One Walker »

Moldavite is one of those stones you have to be especially careful with when you endow it with a tasking-and you DO want to take the time to give it a specific task! Here's why:

As djoya said, it is about transformation. Specifically, shaping things. It's good for those instances when there's something about YOU that you don't like and want to change, or remake yourself. The thing is, you must be VERY specific. You never want to task it by saying: I want to be more like this person or that person because what you'll get is EVERYTHING that person is. The whole package. All the good but all the bad too! You would rather want to take that specific attribute you are looking for and task the stone to help bring you those specific energies and vibrations.

If you do not task a Moldavite stone it tends to lock you in the position you're currently in-something like being caught in a rut. That's why you don't want to leave it without a specific task. It can also cause you to 'drift' or remain in flux and hence confused, off-balance, un-centered, mallable to any and all outside influences, etc. That is also why you shouldn't use more than on of these stones at a time. You can see how they might tend to cross each other up and create some havoc.

Anyway, hope this helped some!

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Re: moldavite questions


I know this is an old thread.. But I was seeking out this particular stone/ crystal and scanning through archives.
I had a chemist friend who owned a peice. .. I never heard of it before and asked to see it.. (he was very very depressed that day, thinking his marriage was in a down spiral. He also was self medicarpting with Xanax, and was drinking as well.
Okay, so I got the peice in my hand, and tried to push energy into it, so wen he wore it, maybe hed feel bettr. I felt a immediate buzz when I held it. He told me of its origins, how moldavite came to be on Earth.

It's made when a meteorite crashes into the earth, and the heat of both rock and earth create it. (pretty cool huh) so I held it, while trying to release positive energies into it. .. For about 20 or so minutes, while we sat and watched a band play at the local dive we were at. After a bit, we,(my husband and I drove him home near closing time) I advised him to set it under the full moon, which happened to be that night, but he did not. He wore it. To bed.
The next morning, his wife was woken up by the necklace. It was glowing this beautiful green color . They sent us pics, and holy crap.. If I didn't see it I wouldn't have believed it.

What you need to know about this magickal stone.. (I did some major research then!)
Don't wear it ALL the time.. It will give you side effects. Sometimes irritation, or the feeling of cautious of this. Don't cleanse it in salt. Water is the best.
It DOES HAVE A HABIT OF GETTING LOST.. Eventually it will pop up again.. And sometimes, it may not. I got myself one. The number 1 issue I had with this stone were dreams. VIVID DREAMS.. No preminition types, but the kind that make you feel unrested the next day, or night, whenever you wake up.
It can get tiresome. There is a lot of other things, but it varies with individual.
The place where they mainly find it IS in the Czech Republuc, where that meteor hit.
Be weary of fakes. They are easy to make, or find.(green bottles of broken glass.. If yours looks like that, great high chance it's not the real deal.
They are very lumpy. Small tiny bumps on the surface. Greens browns.. Is what colors I've seen.
I hope , if you ave a passion for stones and crystals, you add this to your collection!

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