Defining Energy

Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)
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Defining Energy

Post by Klia »

Hello everyone,

Now this may be a 'duh' topic, but when I first started out in Paganism (and still am), I couldn't find a good source of what energy is. Especially in terms of Wicca, Paganism, and natural healing topics. So this is for you guys to help you out in case you don't understand it. Please reply with your experiences and information regarding the subject. Let's get started.

What is Energy?
Energy is the movement an object/matter. The only time matter doesn't move is at absolute zero. Energy can be in the form of a person walking, a ball rolling down the hill, the atoms and molecules vibrating inside rocks, etc. Everything on this planet has energy. Every bit of energy creates its own energy waves that are usually seen as colors. This is because energy is transported through a medium (air, water, wood, etc).
High energies have long waves like the color red. This is why brake lights are red - so we can see them from very far away. Low energy rapid waves, like the color white. It is easier to see brake lights in fog than headlights. So the longer the wave is, the more we see it. The tighter the waves are together, we don't see it as much. Get it?
These colors are also what people see in auras.

What's the point of learning about Energy?
Energy is very important in physics and a magickal lifestyle! Happy people have a strong vibrational energy, causing their auras to be a better, more happy color (reds, pinks, yellows). Their auras can beam inches off of them if they are excited, or be dull and little if they are sick (green, blue, black).
Chakras also are proof of energy. Our body's system is constantly moving and creating energy. If you just ate, your stomach chakra will prove its energy with a pendulum moving ecstatically over the area. When your third eye isn't open, your pendulum proves it by not making a movement. If you have to go to the bathroom, your 2nd chakra will be more affective in your body because that is the part that is most active at the moment.
Even holding a pendulum proves energy. The pendulum will mirror your thought process. If your movement for a 'no' answer is side to side, that's because your body responds to lies, or no answers in that type of energy movement.
Have you ever played the game 1 lie, 2 truths? When you tell yourself a lie or something you know is not true (like "I have 16 toes") your body responds in a "oh no that's not right!!!" energy. Reading people's energies can help you determine who is lying, telling the truth, has something they need to get off their chest, is heartbroken, nervous, excited, loving, etc.

Can you feel Energy?
Yes! Feeling energy is very important and fun in magick and its lifestyle. You can possibly feel an open chakra vs. a closed one. You can feel energy from elements, crystals, people, animals, plants, dirts, everything! You just have to be open and patient.

Examples of Energy
1. When you put on your best friend's hoody. Do you feel, just for a second, like you've become them? You quickly feel their personality and it feels like yours too. If they are an extremely happy person, you will feel for a very short amount of time their happiness and joy in life. Perhaps they are confident, you may feel confident. Or if they're sad and negative, you may for a moment feel the same way. Now this feeling should only last for a couple seconds. If you're an empath, it might last longer.
2. When you work out at the gym. Have you ever touched a machine and gotten a 'shock' from it? Perhaps someone was angry or sad when they were working out, leaving their energy and essence on that machine. For a second, you'll feel how they feel. It can be disturbing if you're in a good mood and come across an energy that isn't so pleasant. It will effect you emotionally and make you think.
3. When you run your hands above a crystal. Hovering your hand above a crystal can cause a 'zap of energy' in your fingers or hand. This crystal's energy has bounced off of you. If that stone doesn't resonate with you, you may feel blah or ick afterwards. If it does resonate with you, you'll be excited. (I've found that untumbled stones, in their most natural state, give off more energy than tumbled ones.)
4. When you walk into a house for sale. Do you feel like mean, nasty, angry people lived there? Or do you feel a sense of calm?
5. What about the corners in your house? Corners can be stale and eerie feeling because they are not often used. In Feng shui, decorators make the most out of corners because even by walking by an empty corner gives you an empty feeling/energy.
6. When you come home after a long, horrible day and throw all your belongings down at the front door. The next time you walk into that room you will be reminded of that energy and dread cleaning it up.

Please give examples of your experiences when feeling energy.
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Re: Defining Energy

Post by Lillady »

Wonderful information! Thanks so much for sharing. As for my experiences when I feel energy. I am empath so it is like an automatic reflex for me most days. I can stand beside somebody and know whether they are happy, mad, upset etc. With my close friends it is even worse. I can also sense it in areas or buildings the types of people that are around. I take it in stride though as much as possible. I enjoy being able to use my energy to heal others when I am able.
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Re: Defining Energy

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I thought this might be an interesting tidbit to share: I was at the playground near the elementary school I went to. I stood in the spot where the twisty slide used to be and I felt dizzy. :o The school building itself gives off quite a bit of energy too. I remember touching the building one day (years after I had last been there), and feeling the energy flowing into my hands was unbelievable. That was my first experience like that, so I stood there for a while, like "Wow, so new!" :)
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Re: Defining Energy

Post by Klia »

Thanks guys! You both seem to be more sensitive to energies than I am. I am just beginning and it's definitely something really out of the blue and 'weird' feeling.
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