How to interview your oracle deck

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How to interview your oracle deck

Post by Psychedelic-Feline »

Hey guys, I thought I would post this reading I did yesterday for my new deck. It is a special spread to get to know or 'interview your deck'. I would love any thoughts or feedback :)

****** 5 ****** 6 ******
********** 4 **********
****** 3 ****** 2 ******
********** 1 **********

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
2. What are your strengths as a deck?
3. What are your limits as a deck?
4. What do you bring to the table -- what are you here to teach me?
5. How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?

1. (Ace of pentacles) Giving me a peek into the spiritual realm
2. (The Star reversed) To tell me the truth even if its hard to hear.
3. (10 of pentacles reversed) It can guide me but not fix my problems
4. (The hanged man) The ability practice and not waste my knowledge.
5. (5 of pentacles reversed) Don't be sneaky, I must be open an honest with my emotions.
6. (7 of wands) Going on many journeys together.

This deck will not make everything easy for me or sugar coat things. Our relationship is bound on equal respect and honesty. Conquering my emotional energy is key. If I put forth the effort to learn properly we have a great chance at doing wonderful work together for a long time.

P.S. I tend to read from how the art and symbols resonate with me. Sometimes I will get a sense from a card that doesn't follow anything close to the textbook description.
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Jade Rose
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Re: Interview...

Post by Jade Rose »

I love that spread!

I remember I did it for a few of my decks, and I have written the cards drawn in my journal.
I'll post them later in a few days hopefully. Some of the results were nice, others not so much haha. I remember my Steampunk tarot scared me for some reason. I've yet to reconnect with it.

From the looks of your cards though, if I can add something: I think the deck wants to teach you to look at things from a new perspective, that you can overcome your problems if you choose to look at them differently, no matter how hard they seem to be. Especially with the Hanged Man being in position 4.

I'm not sure though, I like to look at the imagery too so that I get a feel for what the cards mean,what deck were you interviewing if you don't mind me asking? :)
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