Deity Tarot spreads

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Deity Tarot spreads

Post by Nixie-Tartarus »

I have been looking but have not been able to find specific spreads for asking/contacting with deity/ies. I know now how to ask questions, however, what spreads do you use when doing this?
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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by azriel »

Someone posted a spread that they used for contacting ancestors and spirit guides, but I have found that this spread works very well with Deities also. I can not for the life of me find the post again but all credit goes to the one who brought this spread to the forum.




1) Information about guide/deity
2) Why are they here
3) Message
4) What can you do
5) Outcome

*If the actual link to the post can be found I will put it up here as well.

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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by Hunter »

Ok quick question how would u read it if 1-5 u got judgment,8 of wands, the star,inverted 2 of swords and justice
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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by BabyBear »

may i ask what your chosen mythology is so i can better help or give you my opinion because to better understand the deity it might pertain to we must know before had what your mythology choice is
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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by Hunter »

I honestly dont have a certain pantheon I follow, but id have to say norse mythology definitely resonates with me.
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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by azriel »

Now this is just my interpretation of the cards that you drew. I believe that more information can be gathered by the one who drew the cards since you can see them before you and connections will be found due to their connection with you. But here is a foundation.

In relation to the cards you drew, the first card usually gives you the hint to discover who the guide/deity is. What the Judgment means to me will be different for you. In this case, almost self explanatory, the guide is probably one who helps with decisions, balance between right and wrong, and who is strong. It does not necessarily mean that they are a deity of Judgment. Have there been any deities you have been interested in or repeating signs in your day to day life? The guide or deity will be someone that has meaning to you, so we can provide as much insight as we can to their identity but we do not know what connects with you. So if any names start popping into your head try researching them and see if they have any connection to the Judgment.

The 2nd card refers to why are they with you now and you received the 8 of Wands. Wands belong to the element fire which can refer to creativity and passions in your life. The 8 of wands refers to success in your endeavors, which I think means that your guide is with you to help make the best decisions to lead to success.

The 3rd card is the specific message from your guide and you received the Star. The Star can be seen as a guide or a form of inspiration in relation to activities you are involved in, your goals, or simply life itself. As a message, this could mean that if you are stuck or have a mind block, but the fire of inspiration will come to you or someone in your life will provide you with the help or support that you need to keep moving forward.

The 4th is what you can do to help resolve or take into consideration the message that has been given to you. Swords is part of air and relates to conflicts. The Inverted 2 of Swords relates to overprotection of oneself or others. It can be seen as a fear of letting people in or trying new things and by slowly letting this guard down one might be able to see what could not be seen before, or accept the help that was offered.

The 5th is the outcome of the situation and I believe that this card as well needs no introduction. Justice refers to a just outcome, but necessarily achieved without obstacle. There will be bumps in the road, but your guide is telling you that they will be there to help you through the tough decisions and inspiration will be there for you to be successful in your endeavors.

I hope this helps or provides a stepping stone for you to make your own interpretations and discover who is your guide!

Unfold your wings and take off into the sky
Before you're burned, become the sun
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Re: Deity Tarot spreads

Post by Hunter »

That was perfect I thank you so much, very helpful im still learning how to read tarot so your assistance is much appreciated.
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