A strange type of Hydromancy?

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A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by p3nathan »

Hi guys,
Yule is near, exciting... but that's not what I'm here for.

I've always had different psychic abilities and been able to use divination, particularly tarot cards and crystal gazing. Recently I've been experiencing something else. When ever I'm near running water, I occasionally hear voices. I don't know whether it's some form of hydromancy based clairaudience or whether I'm actually hearing water spirits but it seems to be happening more and more often. When I'm washing dishes, when I'm running a bath. They started off as murmurs, only just distinguishable from the sound of the water running, but they seem to be getting clearer and clearer. Anyone else had experiences like this or similar?

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Re: A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by Alura Noel »

Hmm. That's pretty interesting. I wouldn't refer to myself as a psychic so I can't give any helpful tidbits. If you're open to receiving things, you'll probably notice a lot of things. You're listening out for them now. The running water sound kinda reminds me of white noise. A lot of people hear things that way.

I haven't had anything like that happen with hearing random voices. I pick up on odd and randomly timed things, usually hearing wise. (And only with people I have a close bond with usually when it comes to my name being called).

Like there has been so many times where I thought I heard my phone ringing. I check it, and nothing. Then a moment later, it starts to ring for real.

Or I think I hear my name being called, check and I wasn't called but then everytime I am then told that they were thinking about hollering for me.

I'm curious if anyone else has any other experiences with hearing sounds.... and willing to share some experiences.
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Re: A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by Firebird »

Omg, totally!!!. By the creekside I hear whole conversations, but it's like in a language that I don't understand. I try to listen harder but still am unable to make out words in English. But it is very distinct.
The language of water :D
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Re: A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by Kassandra »


Well, water is a conduit, after all, so it's not surprising. From what I understand, many ley lines are along waterways. I guess when you're a spirit and traveling on the lower spheres, it's easier to follow waterways. Maybe it's the difference between taking a well-worn, well-lit hiking trail to get somewhere, versus having to hack your way through the bush with a machete in the dark to get there. Maybe that's why it is said that spirits tend to gravitate toward ley lines/waterways.

When I'd sage out my house, I noticed the bathtub and shower space has a totally different energy than the rest of the house, almost like it was a portal, of sorts. I used to wonder why I'd perceive cool claircognizant stuff during showers and baths until an acquaintance of mine, who's really into this stuff, pointed out to me the quality of conductivity that water has --not just physically, but metaphysically, what people call, subtle energy. I think she's right, and I think it's this aspect of the water that you're sensing, p3nathan.

p3nathan wrote:hydromancy based clairaudience or whether I'm actually hearing water spirits
How 'bout...both? It may be possible for you to parlay your sensitivity to the subtle energies of the water, and any spirits hanging around it, into a consistent method of divination that you could actually use, and get answers to questions. It might be worth it to first learn an already established physical hydromancy method, and see how that goes. This may become your "thing," one of your psychic specialties, who knows.

And for other readers who didn't already know but may be interested, whenever "-mancy" is attached to a base word, then we're talking about divination. So, hydromancy is, I guess you could say, the act of purposely examining the physical aspects of water in order to divine information about some inquiry, use the water as we would a deck of tarot cards, get a reading. Here's a Wiki article on it for more info (I looked over it, it looks pretty solid --I would make a separate post of it, but I don't have time at the moment): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydromancy

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Re: A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by Kassandra »


Alura wrote:I pick up on odd and randomly timed things, usually hearing wise. (And only with people I have a close bond with usually when it comes to my name being called). Like there has been so many times where I thought I heard my phone ringing. I check it, and nothing. Then a moment later, it starts to ring for real. Or I think I hear my name being called, check and I wasn't called but then everytime I am then told that they were thinking about hollering for me.
= claircognizance, textbook examples, in fact

Alura wrote:I wouldn't refer to myself as a psychic
Perhaps rethink that. :wink2: Haha, really, the word "psychic" is just the English version of an ancient Greek word, "psykikos," which meant "of the soul." It just means the natural soul technologies inherent to all humans via our DNA, that's all.

A big deal has been made about "psychic ability," depending on the agenda...

On the one hand, you got religion, education (so-called) and science playing them down as much as possible (they're "evil," or "not scientific, can't be proven"), so that the masses will be dumbed down, won't have a sense of their true identity, abilities and personal power, thereby maintaining a childlike, fear-based dependence upon either gods or upon science...and be easier to control, over all.

On the other hand, you got Big Entertainment (the TV-Theater-Video complex) playing them up, adding tons of "embellishment" to obtain ratings and product sales. Most of what you see portrayed in the media about this subject is sheer b*@#sh%@t, a complete circus sideshow. But, they can rely on the masses to eagerly eat up anything dangled before them, and pay lots of money doing it.

So, the agendas abound on Terra, lol. In the end, psychic abilities are just natural to us, like walking, or sneezing, and no big deal, though big deals are made of them, depending on the agenda. Don't fall for any of them, walk a Middle Path of peace and self-love, remember who you are. I'd encourage you to rethink the image in your mind of what a "psychic" might be.

Alura wrote:I'm curious if anyone else has any other experiences with hearing sounds...and willing to share some experiences.
So that this thread stays on the topic reflected in the title of the original post, I would ask that a new thread be started on this. You could also dig one up from the crypt (find one via the search function), and bump it up to the present, simply by posting on it.

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Re: A strange type of Hydromancy?

Post by p3nathan »

Fascinating perspectives guys, and it's good to hear other people's experiences. Thank you very much :)
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