Clairaudience ?

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Clairaudience ?

Post by Garnetsun »

Merry meet everyone !

I don't really know if this is the good place to put that in, but i couldn't find any topic on natural abilities.
I have been clariaudient for as long as I can remember, hearing voices or animal cries when I talked to myself. The day before yesterday, when I prayed for the first time Lugh, I heard Him said "yes" when I called his name. A distinct baritone sort of voice, that I've never heard before.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had this ability, and how you can work on it, expand it. And your stories with it.

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Re: Clairaudience ?

Post by Heartsong »

Hi Garnetsun!

Personally, I'm clairvoyant, I see spirits and a little into the future at times, but I have had experiences that could qualify as clairaudient. When working with my cards, for example, I often hear in my mind what they mean when they appear in a spread. With my Mystic Faerie Deck especially, I will audibly hear the sound of giggling in the room. Throughout my life, I've walked into places and heard whispering, letting me know that there is a spiritual presence. I've also had flashes of battlefield sounds whenever I am near one. I only hear it, however, I never see anything.

As far as expanding or working on the ability, I've never tried, but I think I can relate it to an exercise I've used to develop my second sight. When meditating, focus specifically on your ears, or the area in your mind where sound registers for you when you hear it psychically. For me, this is near the back of my skull. Tuning into that part of your body and mind, sharpen your intent to listening. It can help to individually focus on the actual sounds around you, filtering through them one by one. This helps you to relax, and not strain yourself trying to "hear".

Another exercise you might try would be to listening to music and attempting to single out notes or each individual instrument within the piece. In this way, you could learn to develop levels of auditory perception and then begin to apply it to your clairaudient ability. :)
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Re: Clairaudience ?

Post by Garnetsun »

Thank you dear Heartsong !

It is what happens everyday for me, and sometimes, nearly without interrutpions, and not always with a stimulation (prayer, meditation and so on). But when I'm tired, it can be quite silencious, or a stong buzzing which can't be made into soounds, cries or voices. But i don't have the gift of clairvoyance.

For your exercises, i'll take the mdetiation. I'm already working on reboosting my spirituality with it, so one stone, two birds.
Your second, i already do it. My hearin is really my strongest sense. Stronger than everyonelse's i've met. I have a huge hearing perimeter -maybe linked to clairaudience-, and i can hear every little thing, a whisper at the other side of the house,a floor below for example. So for th melodies, i can hear every instrument, every note. It can be overwhelming sometimes, like clairaudience, because i can't concentrate on the bigger...sound.
So i'll try to meditate!

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Re: Clairaudience ?

Post by Heartsong »


Please let us know how the meditating goes! There's not a greal deal of information on clairaudience (clairvoyance is such a wide umbrella and specifics about certain abilities are tricky to come by), so I'm very interested in how your ability develops. Good luck! :)
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Re: Clairaudience ?

Post by Lillady »

I myself am clairaudient but not overwhelmingly like you are. For me it is when I am mediating or praying, even speaking to spirits I can hear them loud and clear as if they were right there next to me. I hear the distinct voice whether it be male or female. I can understand how it can be a little irritating at times, especially if it happens all the time. In order to expand on it I have learned to just speak back to whomever is speaking, if it is a noise and not a voice I concentrate harder on the noise to get the object or whereabouts of the sound.

Re: Clairaudience ?

Post by opalmoon »

When I discovered I had some gifts about 3 years ago, it really overwhelmed me because I didn't know what was going on. I can hear spirits, sense them and will "just know" things without knowing why or how I know it. I can touch an object and feel if it has positive or negative energy to it.

When I moved out of state to my hubby's hometown, as soon as we crossed state lines I began to feel sadness, death and like I wanted to cry. I seen visions of death from the past. I knew nothing about the area so I had no idea why I was feeling all that. When we moved into our house we began experiencing activity. I felt the presence of many spirits there. After a while I began talking to my husband about what I was feeling and hearing. He would validate it by telling me stories about what happen here or there and if he didn't know, I would go to the library and research it.

When we would drive around the town I would share with him what I felt. There are many places in that city that had bad things happen and I would feel it every time we passed that area. We still own the house and are renting it out right now. We have moved back to my home state.

It took me a while to accept my gifts because I was taught that it is wrong to have these gifts and if you had them you worshiped the devil. I realize that of course that is not true. Many people of all faiths experience this. It is a real gift and how you use it depends on the person is what I believe. newangel

Anyway....that is a portion of my story.... newangel smileydance
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