Tarot relationships with birthday?

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*Whispers in the Night*

Tarot relationships with birthday?

Post by *Whispers in the Night* »

how do i figure out my high arcana card with tarot from my birthday month.
i know there is cards for the individual person but i dont know which one is mine or how to find out..
Posts: 568
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:46 pm
Gender: Male
Location: Calgary, Canada

Post by being-singular-plural »

Hello Whispers,

I am not too sure exactly what you are requesting here. I am not sure of monthly correpsondences with the Major Arcana as there are only 12 months and 22 major cards. . .I'm sure somebody created a way of doing this. However, if you read the posts in the astrology section about Numerology and soul cards--I would be happy to provide you with this information. I look forward to your reply.



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