my suicide attempt experience

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valerian moon
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my suicide attempt experience

Post by valerian moon »

let's go through this step by step, using my experience as a guideline, shall we?
1) take a bunch of pills.
2) panic
3) tell somebody and get rushed to the emergency room
4) get left alone by the nurse until you fall into a coma and piss yourself
5) don't get your stomach pumped, resulting in your stomach trying to purge what's left of the poison for the next two weeks. in other words, unbearable pain
6) wake up in a completely different hospital because the staff at the first one didn't know their ass from their elbows and dropped you twice before getting you into the ambulance
7) find out you're in diabetic ketoacidosis because hospital #1 didn't give you a single unit of insulin, even though you're a type 1, insulin dependent diabetic. become even more sick.
8) finally open your eyes to find that you can't see. the room is blurry and spinning, and you can't even make out the outline of your crying mother because the image keeps moving.
9) try to take the ekg off your chest, only to be restrained by three well built nurses
10) eat breakfast
11) vomit breakfast, along with leftover pills and bile, all over the floor. if you're lucky.
12) have your catheter taken out. basically it's a nurse all up in your pee hole.
13) cry because "WHAT HAVE I DONE?"
14) get medically cleared...
15) only to be mandatorily sent to the mental hospital
16) take care of the kids at the mental hospital because there are 6 year olds there for doing what kids in the ghetto do
17) get raped by your roommate
18) give up on life
19) get discharged
20) after all that you'll be so thankful to be alive, trust me.
You may call me Valerian Moon, or simply Val.
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by Starwitch »

Not the ideal suicide. I'm shocked they didn't pump your stomach. I thought that was standard procedure in pill overdoses.
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valerian moon
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by valerian moon »

Ehh, hospitals in Florida tend to be overwhelmed and understaffed. Like, I'm sure the nurse didn't leave me alone to pull out my IV on purpose, but he was swamped with patients, and by the time he left I was already so out of it that I pulled out my IV without realizing. But it did leave a cool bruise.
My mom told me that I was already in critical condition so they transferred me to the children's hospital (I was 15 at the time) and I was brought to the ICU, in a coma. I was relatively fine, but my stomach hurt like hell for a few weeks and I couldn't hold down food without them feeding nausea medicine through my IV. A new IV hahah.
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by Vesca »

That's actually fairly useful information on a personal level (I'm not suicidal, but I do work with people who are and have never seen every hospital situation out there).

Also, pretty good deterrent for those who are contemplating it...
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by valerian moon »

Vesca wrote:That's actually fairly useful information on a personal level (I'm not suicidal, but I do work with people who are and have never seen every hospital situation out there).

Also, pretty good deterrent for those who are contemplating it...
When I'm trying to keep people from attempting suicide I try to be aggressive with them like this. I tell them all the gross details.
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by Vesca »

One the gold tidbits I've learned over the years of helping people work through those feelings... tough love can often be the only route.

Not always, but some people NEED that authoritative direct voice telling them exactly what's going on in reality so they can bring that perspective into their own.
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Re: my suicide attempt experience

Post by Lillady »

I have been in those shoes before and sometimes being aggressive like that with those that do have suicidal tendencies doing this actually helps to shake them. Its a good method. Thanks for sharing and I hope it helps those who do have these thoughts rise above the depression and bad thoughts. Life is worth living!
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