casting circles

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casting circles

Post by desprate123 »

Do you have to cast cicrles to make a spell effective? (Im sorry 'bout asking so many questions but The Complete Idiots Guide To Wicca and Witchcraft didnt explain alot of stuff enough)
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Post by sheherazade »

usually for your protection.
i don't always cast circles but if i don't i create a bubble of protection around myself & my work area.
hope that helps
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Post by hedge* »

I think casting is a good practice to get into. It helps you focus and it's good training. But you don't HAVE to do it.

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Post by sheherazade »

oh...i definately agree.
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Post by Orion »

And it always makes you feel comfortable when you have defined 'your space' around you, :)
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Post by JBRaven »

Circle casting is used to keep your energies from going astray. Also it is used for protection. I use a circle everytime I cast and most of the time I pray.

Post by CrystalDragon55 »

When you are spell casting, think of yourself like a power generator, and the circle as the battery. On your own, with out a circle you can generate lets say 12 volts, but the battery can hold 50,000 volts. When the spell is done would it be better to have 12 volts to carry out the spell or 50,000? Not to mention that when you are raising the energy the circle acts as a power cleaner. When you raise the energy you are bringing in all the energy around you, when it passes through the circle it is cleaned. 12 volts of iffy energy or 50,000 of clean energy? its your choice.

On the comment of asking questions, that is one of the reasons we are here, to answer questions and help guide each other, and who knows one day you might be able to answer one for us. :)

Post by Aloron »

Yep. Well the whole point of a circle is to transform your working area to another place and time. To place you on a separate plane in order to carry out your magical workings in a spiritual setting. It acts as a barrier to keep good in and bad out and is used to focus your energy to be released in a more organised and manageable way.
*Whispers in the Night*

My point of view.

Post by *Whispers in the Night* »

when it comes to praticing you should do what you feel most comfortable with.i for one cast a circle,but not every single time i all depends what you are doing,and casting a circle brings more energy and more power into what you are doing too.just you have to make sure you close the circle or evil spirits could get have to keep track of your circles.
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Post by AnuChild »

I cast a Circle because it separates me from where I am. It protects and deflects - and keeps my energy within the small circle so I can use it, instead of my energy dispersing every which way.
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight

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