My familiar and I

Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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My familiar and I

Post by fetters-of-fenrir »

For a very long time I have resisted establishing a connection with a familiar. I'm not sure there is reasoning behind it I just know it was natural for me to work alone. One night, about two weeks ago, in a state of distress, I made a connection with my dog as a familiar.
Since, some unexpected things have occurred.

A day or so after my dog was handled and her throat/neck was used to keep her from biting. Hours later I felt an odd soreness in my own throat. I thought nothing of it. Then, the next day, my whole throat ached. It was so strange and the aching lasted for about two days. I understood the parallel between what happened to my dog and me.

Then, yesterday, she was laying next to me and she started scratching at her face and right eye. She has allergies so this is normal for her, but she was doing it faster than usual.
About an hour later my right eye got extremely agitated and bloodshot. In an effort to cleanse my eye it swelled badly.

I want to know if I can break off this connection with her or if there is some way to dull it. It isn't that I'm afraid of what's occurring to me but what could she be experiencing because of me. I'm not in a positive state right now and haven't been for about four months. I don't want her to experience my negativity in a metaphysical way.

Any insight would be wonderful.

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Re: My familiar and I

Post by dreadedpsychopomp »

Perhaps you could ask her help with what you're going through? That's ultimately what the familiar bond is, whether between spirit and witch or animal and witch: deep companionship and aid. If she didn't think she can handle it and want to help, I don't think the bond would have formed. I'm no expert here though. This is just my instinct on the matter. I hope you both figure it out.

Re: My familiar and I

Post by fetters-of-fenrir »

I guess I'm just rally hesitant because I don't want to harm her in anyway and my emotions and feelings are very upsetting. I guess I don't want that for her...
Today I meditated on a spell and she came over to me and tried to circle me. Not sure what that means..
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Re: My familiar and I

Post by Lillady »

I agree with dreaded about speaking to her and breaking it to her as easily as possible. She loves you so she will understand you're meaning. Try helping her come up with ways of showing you her needs so you can help her when need be. As far as the circle thing, my cat does that as well, moves my stones sometimes trys to eat my sea salt from my circle. Its cute, anyhow I think he is just wanting to be involved with your practice :)

Re: My familiar and I

Post by fetters-of-fenrir »

Thank you guys very much for the advice.
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