Traditional Witchcraft

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Traditional Witchcraft

Post by MoonlitOrchid »

I was looking into Traditional Witchcraft vs Wicca. Most information I'm finding online is Wiccan with only a reference to Traditional. I did read that there are different types of Traditional Witchcraft but I'm not getting a lot of information. Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me? I am interested in learning more about different types of Traditional Witchcraft. Thank you :D

Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by sanoyikamama »

Traditional witchcraft is much of a make of it what you will. Most traditional witches are individuals who were a)raised in a family that practices non wiccan witchcraft, (b)people who witchcraft cam naturally and were practicing in some manner before hand and then looked into what they were doing or (c) individuals who read about wicca and all that goes with it and decided it was a bunch of rubbish.

Many trads look into paths of magic and sorcery that came before Gardner, things like practices of cunning folk, Hoodoo, New Orleans style Voodoo, Voudon, Santeria, folk magics, left hand path, root working and various other systems. Many of these practices have very close relationships with the dead, spirits of all types and one's ancestors. Being close to and calling upon one's ancestors tends to be a common practice among most trads.

Traditional practitioners don't follow the rede, and believe in cursing, though under their own circumstances and morals. Many don't incorporate religion with their craft. They don't cast circles, but something called a compass round, which is more like a portal. It doesn't call anything in like in Wicca, but rather is meant to take the one inside it to the underworld or another plane in which their workings are to be done. Most trad witches also don't buy into karma. They believe they alone are responsible for their actions and there isn't anything keeping score or giving out rewards but them.

For every traditional witch you talk with you will find a different way of doing things. The reason for this is that is strongly believed that witchcraft is what you make it, or in other words, it's what feels right to the practitioner. In Wicca and in practices were initiation is needed, there are right and wrong ways, but not with traditional witchcraft, as each person's path is their own.

Here's a website you can look around and that I'm apart of for more information [Edited by Xiao Rong: Sorry, forum rules are that we do not post links to other forums here.]
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

MoonlitOrchid wrote:I was looking into Traditional Witchcraft vs Wicca. Most information I'm finding online is Wiccan with only a reference to Traditional. I did read that there are different types of Traditional Witchcraft but I'm not getting a lot of information. Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me? I am interested in learning more about different types of Traditional Witchcraft. Thank you :D
Ah! Someone else who is looking for information on Traditional witchcraft. How wonderful. It can be difficult to find decent websites for information regarding traditional witchcraft. To be honest the description and definition of traditional witchcraft is often as varied as the definition of Wicca and Wiccan. That being said I do have somethings I can share with you on this topic.

I'll tell you basically what my studies and experiences have taught me in a short summary. I will then provide you with a list of books I have found helpful and some traditions that are considered traditional witchcraft. These sources of information should help you on your way.


I personally define Traditional Witchcraft as religious and spiritual traditions of witchcraft which date prior to Gardner and Alex Sanders bringing Wicca to the public. If Gardner was initiated into a witchcraft practice they would have been practicing a form of traditional witchcraft as Gardner created something else when he created the new rituals for his new religion called Wicca or Wica (in his books he reefers to them as the Wica). This religion was more shamanic in practice and the rituals were less ceremonial in structure.

Robert Cochrane AKA Roy Bowers was a public figure at about the same time Gardner came public with his new craft. The craft Cochrane described was vastly different from the one practiced by Gardner or Sanders. Cochranes rites were more ecstatic and about a true union with the soul self and spirit through deep trance work. Cocranes work is often considered a primary source for information regarding traditional witchcraft.

These rites are of a darker origin. The God is one of fear and panic. He is a trickster and a tempter. His is also the master of wisdom and the animals. He will strike terror into your heart and change you. You will face your shadow and darker nature and make it a part of you. By facing him and accepting your darker self you have become a whole person and are no longer just your "ego" but have brought your soul into yourself as well.

Traditional witchcraft is more aligned to an Underworld tradition. You must really die by spirits and be reforged into a new person within the rites and rituals of traditional witchcraft. Traditional witchcraft is about the deep intertwined forces of the spirit world and the living world. The rites of traditional witchcraft are about manipulating those strands of fate. In the underworld travels and through confronting the God of traditional witchcraft you realize how connected everything is and what "Fate really is".

The Goddess of traditional Witchcraft is one of Death and destruction. She destroys to create. She is half dead and half alive. She is the mother of everything. She takes what is dead and brings it to rest to be reborn. She will destroy your life to create a new one. Inviting her into your life will cause everything to be changed. There will be abrupt endings and fresh beginnings.

Here are some traditional witchcraft traditions:

Clan of Tubal Cain
Cultus Sabbati

Book list:

Witching Way of the Hollow Hill-Robin Artisson
Forge of Tubal Cain-Ann Finn
Horn of Evan Wood-Robin Artisson
Hedge Rider- Eric De Vres
Fifty Years in the Feri Tradition - Cora Anderson
Thorns of the Blood Rose - Victor H. Anderson
Lilith's Garden - Victor H. Anderson
Heart of the Initiate: Feri Lessons - Victor and Cora Anderson
Etheric Anatomy: The Three Selves and Astral Travel - Victor H. Anderson, Cora Anderson
Evolutionary Witchcraft - T. Thorn Coyle
Balkan Traditional Witchcraft - Radomir Ristic, Translated by Michael C. Carter, Jr.
The Robert Cochrane Letters: An Insight into Modern Traditional Witchcraft - Robert Cochrane, Evan John Jones
Pillars of Tubal Cain- Nigel Jackson, Michael Howard
The Book of Fallen Angels- Michael Howard
Children of Cain: A Study of Modern Traditional Witches - Michael Howard
The Roebuck in the Thicket: An Anthology of Robert Cochrane Witchcraft Tradition - Evan John Jones, Robert Cochrane, Michael Howard
The God of the Witches -Margaret Murray
Tubelo's Green Fire: Mythos, Ethos, Female, Male & Priestly Mysteries of the Clan of Tubal Cain - Shani Oates
Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft - Andrew D. Chumbley
The Rebirth of Witchcraft - Doreen Valiente
Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed - Doreen Valiente, Evan John Jones


House Shadow Drake
XoAnon <Cultus Sabbati
Spirit walk Ministry

I hope this helps you start your studies and exploration.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by Holdasown »

You got a lot of good info in the previous posts. I can say I practice traditional witchcraft in that I an non-Wiccan and I consider working with and for my dead ancestors important. Traditional craft has some points that are very different from Wicca. Compass vs. Circle, it can be atheistic, it doesn't have a rede and tends to be individual based as far as rules, ancestors work is important, less structure and more solitary. I tend to work with the gods in my pantheon who are "darker" like Holda and Njorun. The Sabbath and Wild Hunt are also very important in my practice. Fortunately much of Germanic/Norse pantheon is compatible with my witchcraft practice.

Scarlet Imprint is a great source for traditional witchcraft books.
I would recommend Apocalyptic Witchcraft by Peter Grey.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

sanoyikamama wrote:Traditional witchcraft is much of a make of it what you will. Most traditional witches are individuals who were a)raised in a family that practices non wiccan witchcraft, (b)people who witchcraft cam naturally and were practicing in some manner before hand and then looked into what they were doing or (c) individuals who read about wicca and all that goes with it and decided it was a bunch of rubbish.
I'll add a (d) here-those who were looking for something deeper and meatier for their practices. I have found that with traditional witchcraft a lot of the people started with Wicca, They then wanted something that would take them into a deeper relationship with spirits. (e) Those who were looking for a craft that originated before Gardner brought out Wicca. Aside from those two points I think you did a good idea of working with traditional witchcraft concepts here. I also think that your statement about Traditional witchcraft being what you make of it can really be said for basically all forms of witchcraft out there.
sanoyikamama wrote:Many trads look into paths of magic and sorcery that came before Gardner, things like practices of cunning folk, Hoodoo, New Orleans style Voodoo, Voudon, Santeria, folk magics, left hand path, root working and various other systems. Many of these practices have very close relationships with the dead, spirits of all types and one's ancestors. Being close to and calling upon one's ancestors tends to be a common practice among most trads.
You hit the nail on the head by stating they look for pre Gardner practices. Cunning folk is actually a practice related with traditional witchcraft. Right here is the reason why traditional witches look more for anthropological information than modern source books as a basic set of information. Anthropologist provide both historical and cultural information. This is also why many study folklore and fairytales as sources of information rather than modern myths and mythcycles. Often time they also look at the deep source texts. For example Germanic style traditional witches will spend a lot of time studying the Eddas and the Sagas of the Germanic tribes in order to gain as much understanding of their Gods as possible,
sanoyikamama wrote:Traditional practitioners don't follow the rede, and believe in cursing, though under their own circumstances and morals. Many don't incorporate religion with their craft. They don't cast circles, but something called a compass round, which is more like a portal. It doesn't call anything in like in Wicca, but rather is meant to take the one inside it to the underworld or another plane in which their workings are to be done. Most trad witches also don't buy into karma. They believe they alone are responsible for their actions and there isn't anything keeping score or giving out rewards but them.
I like how you put this here. Yes many traditional witches do not follow the rede. Their ethical and moral choices are based on their personal practices. They would practice gray magic while most modern Wicca would be classified as white witches following the rede. I wrote an interesting article about what I feel real traditional witches practice. This right here is also the reason I mentioned earlier about the wanting something meatier and deeper.

I have found for myself that most modern Wiccans will embrace the love and light aspects of witchcraft. They embrace the positive magical changes and forces they have access to. As I said in the article many books claim that today real witches don't hex or curse when that is simply not true. As such I have found that those who seek traditional witchcraft often seek something that embraces the full and true reality of life. Nothing is created without something being destroyed. Which is why I personally find that the rede "an harm none" is basically impossible to follow. Every magical action I take has the potential to cause stress and harm in another person's life. My most common example is one of employment. However it is also equally important to remember and consider that one persons blessings would be another persons curse.
sanoyikamama wrote:For every traditional witch you talk with you will find a different way of doing things. The reason for this is that is strongly believed that witchcraft is what you make it, or in other words, it's what feels right to the practitioner. In Wicca and in practices were initiation is needed, there are right and wrong ways, but not with traditional witchcraft, as each person's path is their own.
I'm not going to get into the Wicca and initiation thing here other than to say that you have thousands of solitary Wiccans who have created their own thing. What unites them is a bare basic concept of a wheel of the year, a duothiestic path, and the rede as the basis. Aside from that it is totally independent. I would also say that there are several traditions of Traditional witchcraft which are also initiation based traditions some of these include the Roebuck, 1734, and Cocrane traditions. In the end all witches must come to find their own paths and their own truths. Witchcraft religions are mystery religions which means they must be experienced in order to understand them. This also means that personal experiences are held in high respect.
sanoyikamama wrote:Here's a website you can look around and that I'm apart of for more information [Edited by Xiao Rong: Sorry, forum rules are that we do not allow links to other forums] .
Ooh. What is your username there? I'm pretty sure I am Loona Wynd there. Its either Loona Wynd or Wyndy Wytch, I second that site. There is another one out there I have also found that is useful but I can't quite remember its address. There are not as many traditional witchcraft sites and informational places out there as there should be.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

Holdasown wrote:You got a lot of good info in the previous posts. I can say I practice traditional witchcraft in that I an non-Wiccan and I consider working with and for my dead ancestors important. Traditional craft has some points that are very different from Wicca. Compass vs. Circle, it can be atheistic, it doesn't have a rede and tends to be individual based as far as rules, ancestors work is important, less structure and more solitary. I tend to work with the gods in my pantheon who are "darker" like Holda and Njorun. The Sabbath and Wild Hunt are also very important in my practice. Fortunately much of Germanic/Norse pantheon is compatible with my witchcraft practice.

Scarlet Imprint is a great source for traditional witchcraft books.
I would recommend Apocalyptic Witchcraft by Peter Grey.
There are actually more Germanic Pagan Traditional witchcraft books out there than I have found non Germanic Pagan style tradcraft. My favorite is Hedge Rider by Eric De Vres. However Witchdom of the true has been useful as has The Way of Wyrd. My style of traditional witchcraft is Germanic in Origin.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by Lillady »

All of the above is correct information on Traditional Witchcraft. The only thing I will add here is to keep in mind that Wicca is the belief and Witchcraft is the practice. When it comes to the Craft in the Traditional sense, as stated above it is mostly dark, so please be careful and research. Remember that dark practices are not what we support here on the site. You can be one or the other or both. Good luck on your journey. Blessed Be!
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

Lillady wrote:All of the above is correct information on Traditional Witchcraft. The only thing I will add here is to keep in mind that Wicca is the belief and Witchcraft is the practice. When it comes to the Craft in the Traditional sense, as stated above it is mostly dark, so please be careful and research. Remember that dark practices are not what we support here on the site. You can be one or the other or both. Good luck on your journey. Blessed Be!
Underworld traditions are dark but because they deal with death as a transition and embrace the requirement of death, decay, and destruction for life to occur. Its not necessarily dark as in evil but dark as in we embrace the fact that nature is not love and light. Nature is actually quite dark and disturbing when you really look at the natural forces. Traditional witches are much more in tune with the actual forces of nature for destruction and creation. The Goddess of Fate or main Goddess in Traditional Witchcraft is depicted as Half dead and Half alive. She will heal, but she destroys to heal and recreate. There is a lot of rebirth symbolism in Traditional Witchcraft.

The Ballad of Tam Lin is a perfect example of the type of lore you will find in Traditional Witchcraft. There is death, love, truth of the self, and much more in that poem. It touches on Fate and the Goddess as well as the nature of the afterlife often seen in Traditional Witchcraft

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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

Maybe you could try being an eclectic witch? But if you want to choose specifically, just try a bit of both and see want feels right for you :)
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

Saskia wrote:Maybe you could try being an eclectic witch? But if you want to choose specifically, just try a bit of both and see want feels right for you :)
I am personally an eclectic that has a mixture of the deep shamanic works and practices of traditional witchcraft but also the ceremonial style practices of more modern eclectic neo Wicca. My practice has been inspired by many different things. I have met many different traditional witches who have kept aspects of Wiccan practice they enjoyed such as the circles and esbats. Though the Cycle of the wheel they practice then is a bit more broad and encompassing showing both the sacredness of the light and life but also the dark nature and death aspects that occur year round. I have found that eclectic who have worked with underworld deities as well as the lighter paths are often more well rounded seeing the beauty and majesty of natures patterns and weaves.

There is a Wiccan author who writes more about a darker style of Wicca. It still embraces the rede but also gets more underworld and works different types of defensive magic-bindings and mirror spells are considered acceptable by Konstanisno's Dark or Nocturnal witchcraft while many Light Wiccans feel that mirror spells and binding spells border on hexing and cursing and thus won't engage in them.

There are benefits of both practices. There are things that both practices lack. Traditional witchcraft in some eyes is considered more authentic as it would be closer to what the witches of old or the "old religion" actually was when you look at fairy tales and folklore. The Gods of old were not all love and light. They had very dark sides to them that can be seen clearly. Often times modern witchcraft ignores these sorts of aspects of the Gods in order to make them fit into a light and love paradigm.

So I can see why people leave Wicca and find Traditional Witchcraft.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

Which author are you talking about? I'm on a role to try and find more books, I only have one in the house that my mum is letting me borrow, but I know she proabably won't let me keep it, plus I would like some of my own.
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Re: Traditional Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

Saskia wrote:Which author are you talking about? I'm on a role to try and find more books, I only have one in the house that my mum is letting me borrow, but I know she proabably won't let me keep it, plus I would like some of my own.
His name was in the post. Konstantinos is his pen name. He has a book on Notcurnal witchcraft and its squeal Gothic Grimoire. Then there are a few books he has on summoning spirits and doing work with the underworld.
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