Called upon for a crystal task...

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Autumnal Rose
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Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Autumnal Rose »

I feel I have been called upon for a task but have no idea why or what it will accomplish.

Last year I had a series of strange dreams that involved me being a space tourist and regularly flying through the solar system on an hour round trip (hmm..). Yet in the dreams I was always drawn to the gift shop and spent hours looking at models of the planets. In the dreams I was fixated with the idea of owning images of the planets. But when I woke up I had no idea how to achieve it, I did think about a drawing or perhaps a paper model but it never felt right.

Earlier this year I was looking at crystals in one of my favourite pagan shops and I came across a spherical lapis lazlui that just felt right. And although it was ridiculously expensive and my husband was watching with a peeved expression, I bought it. It looks remarkably like the earth.

Today I was in another pagan shop and found an Onyx crystal. It looked so much like Jupiter that even the shop owner commented on the resemblance. And so I bought it.

And now I feel compelled to go ahead and create the rest of the solar system like in my dream. But why do I feel compelled to do this? It all seems a bit aimless but I don't want to deny the fact that I feel strongly drawn to doing it.
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Ula »

Sometime it's best not to ask why and just do. The answer will come when your ready. I think it will look beautiful when it's done. Maybe the message is in the crystals you'll use. What are there magic properties that kind of thing. Please keep us updated I am interested to see how it turns out.
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Starwitch »

That is so interesting. One of my favorite books, Destiny of Souls, mentioned something like that... In this book, the author, Dr. Newton, regresses his patients back to their past lives and then into the time they spent in the spirit world in-between their lives on Earth. Dr. Newton learned a lot of fascinating information about what we do as spirits in-between our lives on Earth (and we may be able to continue this work while we are incarnated here, depending on how much energy we took with us to the physical world and how much we left behind in the spirit world. Some spirits leave behind more energy because they want to continue their work there.)

In-between lifetimes there are some advanced spirits who work on the task of designing and creating the features of new planets using molecules of energy. It's like molding clay into shapes except obviously much more complex. The spirit must use his or her own energy to mold the molecules that are given to them for this purpose. When you said that you felt compelled to create a tiny solar system out of crystals, it made me wonder if you weren't one of those spirits who does that kind of work in-between incarnations on Earth.

It can be confusing to read excerpts of this book without having read the whole book, but here's an excerpt in case you can get anything from it. Dr. Newton is questioning a subject who is under hypnosis about the work he does in the spirit world. The two paragraphs after that are Dr. Newton's own thoughts on the subject of spirits who create physical objects.
Dr. N: So where are you in your planetary studies?

S: I am involved with creating particles of energy for rock shapes on a full planetary scale.

Dr. N: Is this where most of your attention is directed now?

S: No, mostly I must still experiment alone with many smaller models of topography to learn how to integrate all the elements of matter. So many mistakes happen but I enjoy the training. It's just very slow.


"The Masters of Design [Dr. N's name for the advanced spirits that do planetary creation/design work] have enormous influence on creation. I'm told they are capable of bridging universes that seem not to have a beginning or end, exacting their purposes among countless enviornmental settings. Carried to its logical conclusion, this would mean these masters would be capable of creating the spinning gas clouds of galactic matter which started the process of stars, planets, and eventual life in our universe.

"I am certain there is intelligent thought behind the formation of all animate and inanimate objects. This observation comes from souls who use their light energy for conceiving, designing, and then manipulating the molecules and cell structure of living matter which possess the physical properties they want in finished form. In my last case, I learned that the artistic designer soul of Hyanth formed full-grown trees in the spirit world to see if the finished product was appropriate, and then worked backward down to the seedlings and finally to the tree cells. This is one process for creating matter for functional use."
So it could be that your spirit is somehow involved with the design and creation of new planets or planetary structures in some way (or possibly with the creation of structures within our own solar system). If that's what your spirit is doing in its spare time in the spirit world, it would stand to reason that you might get urges to collect tiny "planets" in the form of crystals to remind you of your spiritual work.

I realize my theory is really far out there, but you never know what kind of idea might strike a chord with someone. It was the first thing that came to mind for me when I read your post so I just wanted to share it with you. It also could be that you simply enjoy looking at the solar system (I love that too) and just want to make your own tiny solar system. I think it's a wonderful idea. It makes me want to do the same thing. I have some round blue stone earrings that would make a perfect mini-Earth. I guess they are most likely Lapis Lazlui, but I'm not sure.

Sorry if I'm getting too heavy and weird for you guys. I know my thoughts probably belong on a New Age board, not a Wicca board, but oh well. Since this is my own board, it's pretty convenient to post here instead of somewhere else. :wink1:
Autumnal Rose
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Autumnal Rose »

Thank you for your thoughts Starwitch Stone. Very very interesting indeed. I shall definitely try to pick up a copy of that book, it sounds like something I would get a lot out of reading. I really like the idea that we have a positive creative function between lives and that each of us play a part in the design of the worlds.

There definitely seems to be something pulling me toward this task and I have started trying to track down the planets involved. I have decided to stick to the nine main planets (I still include Pluto even if science has rejected it!), the earth's moon, the four main moons of Jupiter and the principal moons of Saturn and Neptune. Once I have built up the full collection, I am thinking of using them to create a circle to sit inside and call upon the magic of the universe to assist my spell work.

I could however wish the goddess had chosen to set me a slightly less expensive task!
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Starwitch »

Yeah, lol, crystal collecting can be expensive for sure. Well, I'd love to see your little solar system when you get it all worked out. I bet that would be really cool. And yes, definitely try to get that book. You'll enjoy it so much. It's one of my all-time favorites. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the afterlife/spirit world.
Autumnal Rose
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Autumnal Rose »

Completed crystal solar system - all the solar system planets including Pluto. Also the Sun, the four main moons of Jupiter, the principal moons of Saturn (Titan), Uranus (Miranda) and Neptune (Triton), Pluto's moon (Charon) and both Quaor and Sedna from the Oort cloud. Its been a real labour of love but please Goddess can I have a less expensive task next time...... (I'm currently feeling drawn to collecting pine cones for the Yule tree and am very grateful that this one is free!)

Only thing not showing here is my selenite moon (earth's moon) because its on my Mabon to Samhain altar.

Fallen Moon

Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Fallen Moon »

That's beautiful! :) Good luck with your latest task, it sounds much easier lol

Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Embracing_Insomnia »

Those crystals are beautiful xD the earth one looks almost exactly like a mini earth. It's so cute lol
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by wolfgirl96 »

that is really amazing
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Re: Called upon for a crystal task...

Post by Starwitch »

Hey Autumnal Rose,

I was searching my name and ran across this old thread. I saw your gemstone solar system and just wanted to tell you how beautiful it is. That's such a wonderful idea. I really like it. Sorry you're not around anymore, but maybe you'll get an email notification and see this.

Bright blessings,
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