What does my choices say about me?

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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What does my choices say about me?

Post by Lorraine »

Just wondering what my crystal choices say about me, have to say that the moonstones are my absolute favourites ( I have quite a bit of moonstone jewellery) closely followed by the labradorite.

I only have these few, but just wondering if there is common theme amongst them or if they re-enforce some major personality flaw :)

~~ amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, moonstone, labradorite, lapis lazuli, ~~

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Jade Rose
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Re: What does my choices say about me?

Post by Jade Rose »

I'm not an expert on stones, but from what I can tell is that they all seem to be useful for different things.

Did that make sense? Haha what I mean is that they all have different properties but I think a few of the ones you listed help in divination (moonstone being one, and lapis lazuli, I think amethyst as well but I'm not sure).

I hope the other members can tell you more!
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