Feeling over anxious/stressed. Need to vent

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White Rabbit

Feeling over anxious/stressed. Need to vent

Post by White Rabbit »

So.. I'm engaged and planning on getting married in October.. The wedding planning alone is making me very stressed and I'm lucky to have my mother-in-law helping us out. Still I feel overwhelmed with everything.

I'm also super broke because of it. Paying off this wedding dress before the 6 months time (no interest, yay) has just felt impossible, though I managed to do it.

And now I need to get my cat fixed and that means putting more stuff on Credit. I have 3 different debts right now and just knowing that is totally freaking me out. I just want to faint/cry/hide in a corner.

I know I can get through this, I've been through worse, but I haven't felt this anxious in a long time and since I'm not used to it I don't know how to deal. I never developed any proper coping mechanisms and I just want to scream.

My therapist wants to work on things with me but I don't know what to tackle first. And some of the stuff she wants to work on are things I really don't. x__X And may I am being resistant, I'm just overwhelmed.

Anyhow, thanks for reading. I just needed to let it out.
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Re: Feeling over anxious/stressed. Need to vent

Post by Firebird »

Hi White Rabbit...writing is probably one of the best things you can do to work though an issue, glad you were able to get some of it out over here. I suppose the therapist has you write in a journal anyway ...yes? As for tackling an issue that you are resisting...maybe it is time to dive in...you wouldn't want to bring any outworn baggage with you to the new marriage, and it could be very liberating.
Working on debt is VERY stressful, and I feel for you in a big way, I was looking at over 10,000.00 dollars in debt and that may not seem like a lot to some, but when you are on a fixed income that is tremendous! I consolidated all my credit cards and some medical debt, onto one card offered by my credit union at very low interest. The original payment was 200.00 dollars a month, so...I continued to make that payment regardless of the lower amount that was indicated on the bill. I was very diligent with the 200 dollar payment, and of course there were a few car repairs, and other unforeseen expenses along the way that set me back some, but in March of this year -0- debt!!!!!! That took about 10 YEARS! Paying off that credit card was like the lead weight of the world being lifted!
There are many cat clinics that offer free or cut rate spay and neutering services, but you may have to do some searching and a wee bit of traveling, I had our boy cat done for 10 bucks...what a deal, of course that was 15 years ago... but the deals are around if you look for them.
Many blessings on the upcoming nuptials, Firebird
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Re: Feeling over anxious/stressed. Need to vent

Post by North Star »

Hi White Rabbit,

How are you with meditating? Always helps me, I have been through it all with depression, anxiety, PTSD... you name it. I can never stress enough how more of a focus on meditation helps me now. Writing helps A LOT, get your feelings out, write it like a letter to someone... it can be a great release of emotions to just get them somewhere instead of boiling inside you.

I do understand much of how you feel. When it rains it pours, but you already said the important part... you know this will pass and you will get through it. It helps to vent, just writing that post gets a little frustration out. Hang in there, and get to meditating and relaxing yourself. Go for a walk, try to do something you love (a hobby, crafts, reading, writing...anything). Find a stone that helps with these issues and charge it to bring you peace, carry it with you and hold it when you feel tension building. Sit outdoors and enjoy a book, your mind will be off the stress and you will be relaxed naturally by nature. :)

Blessings to you, an October wedding sounds perfect... love that time of year! I wish you many bright blessings.
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Re: Feeling over anxious/stressed. Need to vent

Post by SnowCat »

Don't let your therapist push you into working on something you're not ready for. I'm not saying don't let her encourage you, but if things get too pushy, find a different therapist.

Getting married is exciting and nerve-wracking. So is paying off debt. Keep plugging. One paw infront of the other.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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