Is This Legitimate?

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Is This Legitimate?

Post by airwitch23 »

Hello all!

I haven't been on in a long while! From this past November to mid-May things got really bad overall. But I am glad to be getting out of all that and I feel so much positive energy around me and more coming and I am so ready for it!

And if this is in the wrong section I apologize.

Now onto the topic!

So, I met this guy (I am a guy, too) in September 2011 on Let's call him Bob. Our first and only date (September 2011) went really well. After it I told him he was cute and he returned the complement. But then things with my family got bad and he had a lot of work to do on his thesis. So we decided to meet after the New Year but to keep in contact and we did. We found time to meet in November and then again in January 2012. I knew I was in love with him in January 2012 and was waiting for the right time to tell him in person. But that opportunity never presented itself so I told him via email in February that I had feelings for him (I was too scared to use the L word). Bob said he didn't feel the same but he wanted to be friends and he was very sweet and understanding about it. So I started to move on and went on five dates (one guy was three dates and the other two guys were one date each) over the summer of 2012. Bob and I got very busy and we saw each other in March and didn't see each other until December of last year so 8 months. All the while we kept in constant contact via e-mail, texts and phone calls.

I really thought I had moved on but when I saw him in December 2012 my feelings (love) came back. I saw him again this past February and told him before we meet up that I was having feelings for him. Bob once again said he didn't but wanted to stay friends and we did.

This had been very hard for me. I was truly heart broken.

Once again, we both got very busy and didn't see each other until this past Sunday. But something happened. We hung out as friends and it was really good. After talking at his apartment for an hour we went for a walk around a park. And it hit me then.

This is the is this legitimate part. I have always been very open to energy both positive and negative. I have worried that "What if I have wasted a year and a half hoping he'll love me back?" But when we were walking around the back, I felt a rush of relaxation and non-worry rush over me. The feeling was "It is going to happen. Don't rush it. Don't worry about it. He is meant for you and you for him. It will happen". All of the was translated in the energy if that makes sense. I have never felt more relaxed about it and I have never felt this good about it. Later, when I was home and really truly processed it I literally cried from relief. I now feel that my doubts and worries were flawed energy in a way. I am sure of this now. But even so I have to ask, is this legitimate?

Another thing is I have precognitive dreams. In February 2012 I had a dream with so much detail and things that have come to pass from the dream for Bob and I that I am 90% sure it will happen. But this is was hasn't happened yet. In the dream, Bob very unexpectedly held my hand and then we kissed. It was late winter and between 3-4:30 in the afternoon based on the sun's position in the sky. I told him how I felt the next day. So this and the experience I had at the park tell me something good is in the works I think.

Could the universe be trying to ease my stress about it only or is the universe trying to do that by letting me know it will happen but to have patience?

Sorry for the novel length post but this has been on my mind for a long time and I know you all are the best people to ask.

Thank you!
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Re: Is This Legitimate?

Post by DPhoenix »

airwitch23 wrote:The feeling was "It is going to happen. Don't rush it. Don't worry about it. He is meant for you and you for him. It will happen".
Love is such a tricky thing. One person can know it's going to happen but if they rush it when the other person isn't ready it can fall apart. It sounds to me that he does love you but he's having issues with his own emotions. It sounds to me that he's not sure if he wants to commit to a relationship with you (whether it's from you pushing a little toward it or things he needs to work out for himself).

So the best thing you can do (in my opinion), if you're serious about being in a relationship with him are
1.) Put any and all romantic relationships aside for now
2.) Focus on yourself! Do things you've always wanted to do but haven't. (maybe you've always wanted to go scuba diving, take a certain class or course, meditate next to a scenic waterfall, go skinny dipping! :D start doing things that excite you and juice up your life! Not only will it add value to your life but exciting and spontaneous people are more attractive)
3.) Build up your confidence and self acceptance of yourself (if you're like most people who struggle with these things). Set goals (no matter how small) and accomplish them. Allow yourself to feel successful! Be proud of what you've achieved. Don't see your quirks as being weird and non-acceptable by others. Embrace them! It's what makes you different and special!

Be careful not to make the same mistake most people make. Don't let what you have (relationships, friends, family, possessions, past events, circumstances) define who you are and what you need to be happy. You get to choose who you are and if you don't like who you are the wonderful thing is you have the ability to CHANGE who you are into who you want to be. You can feel happy and fulfilled at any moment if you choose to be. It's about being truly happy & grateful for what you have, spicing up your life with variety & new experiences but most of all accepting yourself (warts and all).

I truly wish you the best!
Goddess Bless! <3
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Purification by fire
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