Saw my bf or ex in my past life...

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Saw my bf or ex in my past life...

Post by orchid »

Hi. I'm new here btw.. So I've been doing a lot of soul searching and research about life in general and where I would like to be. I started seeing psychics but they confused me more. One had predicted my relationship is going to an end as I have a curse, lol. A month later I think it ended or maybe it has been just a break for us, I don't know. I was told this is the guy I'm supposed to be with as we had many past lives together. However if he doesn't learn his lesson this lifetime then we will end up not being together just like in most of our past lives. He is my soulmate i was told and the strong feelings we have for each other proves it. His eyes (which were staring at me across the room) were calling me when i first laid my eyes on his like everything just stopped and I knew he would approach me and he did. Our relationship went fast too. I was told its a karmic situation. He loves me but his family is in between us and his mother has this hold on him. It's been three weeks and my heart aches everyday thinking about how he gave up easily. And I see his face clearly when I think of him which is odd.. I had a dream his parents accepted me but it was prob wishful thinking..btw is it normal that I dream of him everytime I'd stay over or spend the night with him?

Anyhow, I did some meditation and saw him in my past life. It was really sad and weird. He was my father, but towards the end it felt he was my partner. Looking back now, I'm thinking could it be that the first part was my past (he was my father) and the second or last part could be my future (he was my partner). It was one picture all throughout but the feeling changed at the end. I'm now confused, lol. I thought I'd share this here...
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Re: Saw my bf or ex in my past life...

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

It certainly has a karmic feel. I feel your pain, Orchid, and that you miss him so much and are not ready to let go.

Don't ever take on the mother in law,... You will lose, lol.

It's possible that with enough time and space he may return in this life, but if not, karmic or no, you may be done with this soul now. Light a candle to for him, your debt is paid.

Don't worry about curses, although loving someone who doesnt want you can feel like a curse, relationships may come and go and we don't always have control over any of these things, and even painful heartbreak can be a normal part of life. The good news is that even as love may die, like flowers it blooms again in another season. And so, let the wheel turn as it must.

You seem a sensitive and advanced soul, I am not worried about you.

As Kahlil Gibrain says, 'your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding'.....

In a more practical sense, 'if you're going through hell, keep going !' - Winston Churchhill'.
I am that which is attained at the end of desire

Re: Saw my bf or ex in my past life...

Post by SkazorOrion »

Most of the people if they don't find their soul mate or twinflame they cannot feel the unconditional love and they cannot ascend. Even if they ascend in this lifetime they will have to come back in another lifetime to find their soul mate. But, there is no soul that has only one potential for only one soul mate. If you let go of him, you will attract another one or the same one, when the time is right. Your twinflame or soul mate is not always a lover, it may be a family member or a friend.
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