cleansing crystals and Alexandrite

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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cleansing crystals and Alexandrite

Post by laureah21 »

Hi everyone,

I have always loved gemstones and used to collect them when I was little. I have a large collection of smokey quartz from inherited my gran as well as rough black opals (from outback Australia). What are these gemstones used for?

Also I recently got engaged and managed to have a ring made from NAtural Alexandrite, I LOVE this stone, it is so mysterious and beautiful, and was what I always wanted in a ring.

I was wondering if anybody knows what it is used for? Also if there is anyway to cleanse a ring, or if it is necessary. I just worry about mining practices these days and the negativity surrounding them.

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Re: cleansing crystals and Alexandrite

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Smoky quartz concentrates energy whereas clear quartz expands energy. It calms the mind and focuses our thoughts, and gently grounds us.

Alexandrite -chakra 7, planet mercury, element water.

A good choice for a stone to wear everyday.

Mystics of the XIX century affirmed that Alexandrite establishes harmony between physical, astral and mental bodies of the person, making its wearer more peaceful and compliant. Alexandrite strengthens creative abilities and fosters imagination. It may boost intuitive abilities. Alexandrite is a stone of prosperity and longevity. It balances mind and emotions, pacifies soul and promotes spiritual growth.

Alexandrite is a stone with strong powers; it reacts to a change in the wearer’s health by changing its color. It is believed that Alexandrite can improve blood circulation, purify blood and strengthen blood vessels vessels; it also positively influences spleen and pancreas

Black opal

Witches and magicians prize black opals for their mystical and magical properties. Black opals are associated with sensuality and the reproductive chakra.

Black opal's magical properties are based in the stone's absorption of all colors. The stone's qualities makes it possible to charge it with magical energy. You can wear a black opal to aid astral projection and to protect you in your astral travels. Black opal increases your magical prowess and your psychic abilities.

Don't wear black opal if you are experiencing negative emotions - the stone will magnify them.
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