Make your own oils, incense, dream pillows, teas, aromatics, magickally charged bath salts, candles, soap, yummy pagan holiday treats, and more!
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Post by greenvixen »

ncense has been used for thousands of years as a formed part of religous and magical ceremones in lands as far apart as India and North America.
Incense has been used for the purpose of purification, invoking angels, to bind and repel demons.
It is said to release specfic engergies in the fragances and carry prayers and petitions to the goddess and god figures being invoked.
Many people use incense for their home, meditation as well as for rituals.
Our ancestors would have burnt flowers and leaves to create the same effect as incense.
Like herbs, oils, incense can be empowered for specfic purposes.
Incense is transmitted almost instantly on the smoke and so trends to be more concentrated and powerful then the slower burning oils. It is therefore very effective for rituals requiring instants actions.
There are two types of incense; one is smoldering charcoal blocks, the other is sticks and cones.
As well as the single fragrances, there are combine fragrances to envoke a particular mood. You can experiment yourself by combinig different incense.

Allspice is used in spells for money, strenth and action.

Apple Blosson:
Use apple blossom for love, fertility, optismism, inner beauty and youthfulness. It is particularly good in rituals concerning babies and children.

Use avocado incense for desire, increase of beauty in oneself or the environment.

Basil is used in rituals for fidelity and prosperity.

Use bay for healing, prosperity, protection and marriage.

Benzoin is used in rituals for money, in increases mental powers and concentration.

Bluebell is used faithfulness in love and betrothals.

Carnation is used in strengh, healing and family devotion.

Cedar/ Cedarwood:
Cedar and Cedarwood are best for healing and cleansing redundant influences and negative thoughts.

Like its herbal counterparts, Chamomile incense brings money, quiet sleep and affection, and is used in spells to do with all matters of the family.

Cinnamon is for spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, money, love and passion.

Cherry brings new love and divinatory abilities

Cloves are used in spells for love and money; they repel hostility and improve memory.

Use copal for protection and purification; it is especially good for cleansing crystals.

Cypress is for times of transition to a new phase, letting go of sorrow.

Dragon's Blood:
Dragon's Blood is used for love and proctection, passion and male potency.

An initiator of change, travel and fertility, fern will also bring hidden wealth, maybe in terms of potential.

Use Fig for wisdom, creativity and creation, fertility, hamony and balance.

Use frankincense for courage, joy strenth and success.

Freesia increases trust, especially after loss or betrayal; it also brings belief in a better tomorrow.

GUM arabic (acacia):
Use gum Arabic in rituals for dreams, meditation, psychic protection and development.

Heather is used in passion, fidelity in love and good fortune; it maximizes opprtunities and is particularly effective in weather magick, especially rain-making.

Honeysuckle is used for money, psychic powers and protection.

Hyacinth assists in overcoming opposition in love; it brifngs happiness and desire for reconciliation.

Hyssop is used for making love commitment, for healing and all forms of protection, especially fjorm psychic attack.

Ivy is effective for fidelity, married love, permanent relationships and constancy.

Jasmine is used in Moon magick and prophetic dreams. It brings sensuality, money and passion.

Use juniper for proctection from psychic attacks and physical theft; for cleaning, healing and house moves.

Lavender is particulary good for love and reconciliation.

Lemon / lemongrass:
Both repels spite, protect against malice and gossip; they bring passion and increase psychic awareness and are good for those who travel.

Lemon verbena:
Lemon verbena will break a run of bad luck; it brings love and protection against negativity.

Use lilac for all domestic matters, acceptance of the frailty of self and others, and to ease nostalgia; lilac cleanes negativity.

Lily is for purity and breaking negative influences in love; it is fequently used in Mother Goddess magick.

Lily of the valley:
Lily of the valley increases mental abilities, brings happiness and restores joy.

Marigold is used for dreams and guarding against infidelity. It is effective in rituals concerning legal matters, luck and money.

Use mimosa for protection, love prophetic dreams and purification.

Known to the Druids as the all-healer, mistletoe is for healing sorrows, overcoming injustice and finding what is lost. It is also good for male potency.

Moss is used for good fortune, prosperity, money and permanence, whether in work or relationships. It frequently appears in water magick and divination (use with candles on water.)

Mrryh is good for healing, peace, protection and inner harmony.

Sometjimes mixed with other fragrances, myrtle is used in spells concerning fidelity in love, marriage and mature love. It may also be used in matters of property and security.

Use nutmeg for fertility and healing,escpecially of the enviroment; it will also bring a gradual increase in wealth.

Orange Blossom:
Beneficial for marriage and permanent relationships, use orange blossom also for restoring trust and increasing confidence and hope.

Use pine for healing, fertility, purification, protection and money; it also returns hostility to the sender.

Poppy may be used for divination, fertility and making oneself less visible in danger; it also brings luck and sleep.

Rose is for gentle love, attraction, dreams of love and reconciliation.

Rosemary is use for love and happy memories; it also improves memory and concentration.

Use sage in rituals for health, enhanced mental powers and wisdom.

Sandalwood is effective for spiritual and psychic awareness and healing; use it also matters of sexuality.

Use strawberry for innocent love, especially new love, friendship and happiness.

Tamarind is love, especially new love, and the rebuliding of trust.

Thyme is used in rituals for courage , divination, health, love, money and purification.

Vanilla brings passion and enduring love; it also increases mental powers.

Use vertiver for love. It can also break a run of bad luckand bring monry. It is protective against theft and all kinds of negativity.

Use violet for secrecy, modesty and uncovering hidden talents


Post by greenvixen »

Essential Oils And Their Uses
Acacia Used as a holy oil, to anoint altars, incense burners & candles
Almond Said to attract money & good fortune when added to incense
Allspice Rubbed on the feet & chest, this is to add strength to one's will power
Ambergris Very popular as a protection against evil & ill luck
Ambrosia said to turn a shy or timid lover into an aggressive tiger
Angelica A peace oil. Said to attract friends & popularity
Anise To increase clairvoyant abilities
Apple Rub on the body to attract peace of mind ,contentment & happiness
Apricot used by both sexes as a love oil to heighten passion & bind lovers together
Aster A quieting oil which soothes ruffled feelings & calms tensions
Avocado According to legend, this will bring one happiness, wealth & long life
Azalea Wear to magnetize others to you
Banana To excite great passion in another
Bay If used on the body, it is said to purify the soul
Bayberry Brings money to the pockets and blessings to the home
Benzoin Add to any incense to heighten it's effectiveness & for cleansing & purifying
Bergamot wear on the palm of each hand to protect from all harm
Blackberry Apply to all seals, talismans, charms & candles for good luck
Blue Bonnet A gamblers favorite to bring luck
Calamus To get another to do your bidding, rub some on your palms & touch the person
Camphor Add to controlling incenses to bring quick power to them
Carnation Used for gambling luck
Cedar Anoint a Seal of Long Life to protect you from misery & misfortune
Chamomile Worn by the daring to incite sexual feelings & attract attention
Cherry Add to the bath to cause one to be cheerful & good humored
Chocolate An enticing oil designed to soften the hearts of foes
Chrysanthemum To increase ones strength
Cinnamon Used for good luck, money-drawing, fast action & love
Citronella Attracts friends to the home & customers to a place of business
Civit Rub on the hands for protection & apply beneath the breasts as a love drawing perfume
Clove Acts as an aphrodisiac when applied to the base of the neck and on the thighs
Clover Place on a lover or spouses pillow to ensure faithfulness
Coconut Anoint on a fast luck candle for luck in a hurry
Coffee Has healing properties when added to the bath water
Cucumber Takes away rowdiness & unruliness when rubbed on anyone acting "ugly"
Cypress Brings calm & tranquility in stubborn cases. Used by parents of willful children
Dill A crossing oil that is believed to cause great distress if rubbed on a person
Dogwood Rub on the outside of doorknobs so that evil will not be able to enter
Eucalyptus Believed to be a strong healing oil
Evergreen Used by ladies to stimulate a man or by men as a nature-builder
Frangipani An attraction oil, can cause others to tell you their secrets
Frankincense A sacred oil for anointing objects & to bring many blessings
Gardenia A protective oil which will stop other from creating strife in your life
Geranium Said to act as a hex breaker ,good when used with a "Blockbuster" candle
Ginger Adds spice to one's relationship when applied behind the ears & knees
Grape This oil is used for gaining popularity & for money drawing
Heather Anoint your purse or wallet with this daily so you will never be without money
Heliotrope Protects you from physical harm & at the same time, attracts wealth
Hemlock Used to arouse jealousy between people
Hibiscus Anoint the temples to draw wisdom & better concentration
Holly berry For women who wish to be treated royally by their lovers
Honey Is recognized as having seductive ,enticing qualities
Honeysuckle Anoint on the temples before a test to help you pass
Hyacinth Attracts love & luck when used in the bath water daily
Hyssop A holy oil, dress all candles with this before you use them & add to bath water
Iris Reputed to make the wearer very attractive ,good oil to use when going dancing
Jasmine A powerful love oil, used to bind someone to you
Juniper Worn to acquire wishes, honors & glory
Lavender To promote peace in the home ,add to mop water & to stop gossip
Leather Worn to draw friendship & helps to heal the sick when applied & Psalm 146 read
Lemon Used by healers to in aid in calling the spirits, also for protection of the home
Lemongrass Said to be very soothing & quieting to the nerves
Lilac Anoint the back of the neck to improve the memory & draw health & long life
Lily A quieting agent ,used on the forehead of someone who is emotionally upset
Lime Add 3 drops to controlling incense & burn once a week to keep your mate faithful & loyal


Post by blackdress »

salamat ;)


Post by AspenGlow »

Love these 2 lists! Thanks:))
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