
Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.

Re: Stones

Post by Aspiria »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:Negative life experiences result in fear based thinking.

Anxiety is basically fear.

According to shamanistic viewpoints, traumatic experiences may result in soul loss. The shaman performs a soul retrieval ceremony to track down these lost parts. The shaman may also restore power or extract spiritual blockages. Shamanistic witchcraft is becoming popular. Shamans generally go through a kind of spiritual initiation themselves. The concept of the wounded healer (Chiron) is not a new one.

Some people who worry a lot benefit from meditation, or pathworking.

There is much that one can do to change the situation - if you adopt an active stance you will eventually win.

Don't forget about diet, exercise and water.

I often find that workings to restore balance work well.
Grounding is important with anxiety. If you're worrying all the time, try hematite - it will get you off the yetziritic ferris wheel :)

Brightest blessings
Dark Moon
Thank you. It sounds interesting but I doubt there's anyone even remotely close to do that. I live in a smallish town (getting bigger by the day, probably around 20-30K) in the bible belt and it's full of small minded people. Not a single day goes by that I don't have christian stuff surrounding me. Radio commercials, tv, people I come into contact with, etc. I will try hematite though. It's good for other stuff too I think. Also, it's VERY hard for me to meditate. I can't quiet my mind. It's like I'm in a house full of rooms, and I am in the main room watching a good show, but there is a tv in every room, so I can hear them all and I have trouble concentrating on the one I'm in front of so I have to keep rewinding. It's very annoying.

Re: Stones

Post by Aspiria »

Aspiria wrote:
-Dark-Moon- wrote:Negative life experiences result in fear based thinking.

Anxiety is basically fear.

According to shamanistic viewpoints, traumatic experiences may result in soul loss. The shaman performs a soul retrieval ceremony to track down these lost parts. The shaman may also restore power or extract spiritual blockages. Shamanistic witchcraft is becoming popular. Shamans generally go through a kind of spiritual initiation themselves. The concept of the wounded healer (Chiron) is not a new one.

Some people who worry a lot benefit from meditation, or pathworking.

There is much that one can do to change the situation - if you adopt an active stance you will eventually win.

Don't forget about diet, exercise and water.

I often find that workings to restore balance work well.
Grounding is important with anxiety. If you're worrying all the time, try hematite - it will get you off the yetziritic ferris wheel :)

Brightest blessings
Dark Moon
Thank you. It sounds interesting but I doubt there's anyone even remotely close to do that. I live in a smallish town (getting bigger by the day, probably around 20-30K) in the bible belt and it's full of small minded people. Not a single day goes by that I don't have christian stuff surrounding me. Radio commercials, tv, people I come into contact with, etc. I will try hematite though. It's good for other stuff too I think. Also, it's VERY hard for me to meditate. I can't quiet my mind. It's like I'm in a house full of rooms, and I am in the main room watching a good show, but there is a tv in every room, so I can hear them all and I have trouble concentrating on the one I'm in front of so I have to keep rewinding. It's very annoying.
And my mind is like this constantly, so it makes it hard to concentrate for school and studying. It wasn't like this when I was younger.


Post by slithering_dragonfly »

Have you ever tried yoga? I found that to be very good both for my anxiety and for learning to calm the mind/increasing focus. It was much easier for me to meditate once I did yoga.

Re: Stones

Post by Aspiria »

slithering_dragonfly wrote:Have you ever tried yoga? I found that to be very good both for my anxiety and for learning to calm the mind/increasing focus. It was much easier for me to meditate once I did yoga.
I've never tried it. Idk if I could manage it with all the crap going on with my body lol. I helped my husband with a job yesterday, we have a moving company, and I'm so sore today and throbbing in my back and all I did was pack china and crystal.


Post by slithering_dragonfly »

If you have a lot of health problems, gentle yoga is best. It's not even really exercise, and is intended for people with injuries and health problems. Might be at least worth checking out. It did wonders for both my anxiety and scoliosis-induced back pain. But you are right, some types of yoga aren't suited to people who have a lot of health issues. So you would want to talk to the instructor of whatever class you take ahead of time, and possibly talk to a doctor as well.

Re: Stones

Post by Aspiria »

slithering_dragonfly wrote:If you have a lot of health problems, gentle yoga is best. It's not even really exercise, and is intended for people with injuries and health problems. Might be at least worth checking out. It did wonders for both my anxiety and scoliosis-induced back pain. But you are right, some types of yoga aren't suited to people who have a lot of health issues. So you would want to talk to the instructor of whatever class you take ahead of time, and possibly talk to a doctor as well.
Thanks. I will look into it. I have fibromyalgia and corroded nerves in my back. I'm getting an MRI on my neck tomorrow so we will seebwhat else will be added to my list.
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