Soulmates that cant be together?

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Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by itsjustmeandthatmoon »

Since I was young I've had visions of past life and premonitions. I always thought that my soulmate was far away, had blue eyes, and I would know that it was him the moment I first laid eyes on him. In 2006, when I was 19 years old, that happened. As soon as we first saw each other, we were immediately drawn to another. In my head, I said to myself, "that's him." He has blue eyes and is from Texas, thousands of miles away from me. Yet he ended up in my state for a short period of time. He was engaged, so we were never together.

It is 5 years later, and he married that woman. But all this time he has told me that he loves me and he wishes he had the strength to end his relationship. This whole ordeal has been too heartbreaking to me. Because I just feel like I cant move on, I've waited my whole life for this man and I finally find him and I cant be with him. On Friday, I told him that I need to move on and let go. That night, I had a dream of him. But I didnt feel like I was dreaming of him, I felt that it was literally him, or his soul visiting me in my dream. He hugged me goodbye and I could feel that his shirt was soaked with sweat. It felt so real and I woke up stunned as soon as the dream was over.

What is this? I just need a better understanding of what I've experienced.
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Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by Black_Tail »

There is a theory going around that says that before we are conceived, we meet with people that want to take part in our growth as people in our upcoming lives. You choose a general goal and people volunteer to teach/reach those goals by being reborn along with you and coming into your life. Perhaps he volunteered to teach you when to let go? I mean, there's always next life for him to come back.
That's one theory I've heard.
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Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by Marigold »

This is really interesting to me. I have posted before about soulmates. A number of years ago, I know I found my soulmate. It was just magickal. Unfortunately, for as much as we were drawn to each other, there were always barriers that kept us apart. It was one thing after another. I ended up marrying someone else and having kids and settled into a very traditional and fulfilling life, but in my heart, he has always been there. We have kept in touch over the years. We got back together about seven years ago and everything was going well until, bam, another barrier. Unbelievable.

So my point is that there truly seems to be something external keeping us apart. I have tried to determine if it is something outside of both of us, if it is a force from my husband or if it is my/our own fears about actually being together.

In any case, to answer the OP, I wonder if what is keeping you apart is his wife? Or your own feelings? It may also be that you will eventually end up together. If that is what is meant to be, and it means everyone finds happiness, then I hope that comes to pass.

I like the idea of teachers being born with us. I absolutely know my soulmate taught me so much and truly helped me become who I am today.
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Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by Raconteuse »

Here is my particular view on soulmates, which may be something to consider if not than just another outlook on the subject.

I believe that there is not just one soulmate for any one person but many, be them a best friend (male of female) or lover or many lovers. They are souls that you are not necessarily suppose to be with the rest of your days but many souls you were meant to touch along the way of life and those precious few are just another reason to live your life to be who you are meant to be. If you believe in past lives or reincarnation those souls may have just been the same souls your have touched many times making their lives they way they should be as they do yours.

Hope that made sense :)
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Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by mist »

Black_Tail wrote:There is a theory going around that says that before we are conceived, we meet with people that want to take part in our growth as people in our upcoming lives. You choose a general goal and people volunteer to teach/reach those goals by being reborn along with you and coming into your life. Perhaps he volunteered to teach you when to let go? I mean, there's always next life for him to come back.
That's one theory I've heard.
Yes, every group of people or religion that believes in reincarnation says this. We reincarnate again and again with the same group of souls. You mother may have been your daughter in another life. She may have been your brother or son in yet another life. My daughter, at the age of three, told me that she was my mother in another life.

Don't forget that we reincarnate to 'learn' for God. I don't like that explanation as it's really 'suffering' for God, but the trials that you are going through with that man who's your soul mate were all planned out before you were born. Stay strong.
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Re: Soul mates that cant be together?

Post by Ula »

Raconteuse wrote:Here is my particular view on soulmates, which may be something to consider if not than just another outlook on the subject.

I believe that there is not just one soulmate for any one person but many, be them a best friend (male of female) or lover or many lovers. They are souls that you are not necessarily suppose to be with the rest of your days but many souls you were meant to touch along the way of life and those precious few are just another reason to live your life to be who you are meant to be. If you believe in past lives or reincarnation those souls may have just been the same souls your have touched many times making their lives they way they should be as they do yours.

Hope that made sense :)
I have always believed that as well. My best friends are my husband and a friend I have had since 1991. I knew within seconds of meeting them I would have them in my life forever.
Lady Persephone

Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by Lady Persephone »

Soulmates are not always meant to be romantically evolved. A soulmate can be your very best friend as well.

Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by HerbalFaye01 »

if we choose (conciously or unconciously) to be born into a life to learn things......or just to be near someone again, there are other variables which interfear or change your path ever so slightly that may delay what it is you ment to do when you chose to be reborn. sometimes it means you will have to be reborn again to make it to you my humble opinion. all i can say is i believe that past livesinfluence and alter current lives. i'm not sure we always choose to learn something from life or what happens in that life (i can't believe a rape victem would choose to experiance that sorry if you believe that, but i just can't). but life is ment to be lived or we wouldn't get this time to be here and now........ok i am realising i am hitting bunny trails i ment to say soulmates are a difficult thing to know in rhama (i am not sure how it's spelled is pronounced ray-ma) and not logos. especially when you factor in other souls running around doing what they need to do. i hope this helps you. if it doesn't just drop it into a pot of salt and let it stew.
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Re: Soulmates that cant be together?

Post by Lunair »

I think I know how you feel itsjustmeandthatmoon but not really. I mean Ive had yet to meet my soulmate but for some reason it feels like we can never be together. I cant tell you how many love spells Ive performed in the past to find a soulmate and they've never worked. I would try to put all my energy and thought into the spells and waited for days and when nothing happened I would always lose hope thinking "Maybe love isnt meant to be, maybe I dont have a soulmate, maybe Im doing this for all the wrong reasons". Yet I still have hope even after every failed spell and every prayer to the goddess for a soulmate. Is there such a thing as having no soulmate? How do you know when you meet your soulmate? For you I do believe there's hope even if its in the next life or with a different soulmate. Bless it be.
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