Astral projection

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
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Astral projection

Post by Yesihearts567 »

Hello everyone my names yesi and I really need some pointers on astral travel astral projection..
I have layer down and done my deep breathing and everything and so far I've had these feelings
• minor tingles
• numbness
• headaches

And coldness which I'm not sure is normal or is when I say coldness i mean like cold from my fingers and hands.. Basically I just want to know if I'm getting there or if I'm not how can I reach to that point... Also I get headaches and my eyes sorta flutter when I try opened my third eye.
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Re: Astral projection

Post by Firebird »

I'm probably not the one to give advise on this one, as I struggle with it too. I find I get a terrible headache also, then when I think I'm getting out there, I freak myself out, and bam!...I'm back in my body. I haven't really given it much effort for awhile, and have been thinking I should.
I recently looked up a movie the Shirley MacLaine did years and years ago, based on her book "Out on a Limb". I wonder how much of this is trumped up for the movie, but her experience was real and she continues to walk a metaphysical path.
It has some very interesting information it.
BB, Firebird
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― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson
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