Please help, unsure

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Please help, unsure

Post by laureah21 »

Hi Everyone,

Sorry this may be a longish post but it is my first and I am looking for answers regarding energies and how they can effect us. Please let me know if I am posting in the wrong place, or if my ideas are incorrect. I do not practice any religion but am a spiritual, open minded person.

I have been unwell with many chronic ailments for about 7 years now, arthritis, high blood pressure, thyroid problems,Generalised Anxiety/panic disorder, allergies and low kidney function. I am only 32. I have no reason to have any of these, and Dr's have put me in the too hard basket.
I also had illness when I was around 12 years old that disapated when I moved house. All of which have happened one after the other.

I was speaking to a lady the other day that I met, about energy that is around us, I am not sure if she was Wiccan. I had not discussed my problems but was interested to hear the effect energy from earth and people can have on us.

I have always been VERY susceptible to the way places make me feel, both good and bad. Also people and animals, I seem to absorb there emotions (does that make sense).
People that don't get on well, even if they don't say anything to each other give me the flight response! I also have a slight psychic connection with loved ones.

Places, for example, A place called WIlson Promontory in Australia makes me feel quiet strange... in a good way. When I go there I get really hot bubbly sensation up and down my back and in my fingers, all the hairs on my arms stand on end and I feel like crying, but happy. SHopping centres make me feel overwhelmed and I often imagine I am walking in a bubble, when this happens its like the volume is turned down and its a bit better (Drs call it derealization). When I was younger I lived in a very old house that we rented that made me feel extremely upset. It was a scary, bad feeling and even my parents picked up on the fact I was not comfortable there as they were always telling me they would never let anything hurt me. Spaking to my mum years later about it, she said she never liked the house either. Apparently the man that lived there prior died of a heart attack in the house. I had not known this when I was younger.

Until now I just went along with life thinking I was a bit odd, just the way I am made. It would be nice if I could help ease it a bit.

Is there some type of alternative thereapy that might help me control these feelings a bit better. I was thinking of trying a Reiki master to help?

Thanks for listening :)
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Re: Please help, unsure

Post by Firebird »

Sounds like you may be empathetic, have you read any of the posts on empathy?
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Re: Please help, unsure

Post by Artie »

It sounds to me like you're definitely empathetic. Any meditation/spiritual guidance is a new experience, so it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
If your empathy gets a bit too much for you in a certain place, you can try cleansing the area (if it's a house or office) with sage, and that will help rid of the negative energies in the area.
Good luck~
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Re: Please help, unsure

Post by SnowCat »

What your doctors are calling derealization, I call shielding. It sounds like you have very strong enpathetic abilities, but you haven't learned the coping skills for them. The shielding is a good start. I think a big part of living witb your abilities is going to be learning to identify which feelings are yours, and which feelings are external. It does help when you can identify the crazy feeling as actually being caused by someone or something else.


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Re: Please help, unsure

Post by laureah21 »

Thanks everyone,

Thats very interesting. I will have a look at shielding. It certainly is a spooky feeling. Like viewing the rest of the world from above and it is all quiet and calm. it only happens to me in very busy environments though. I will also look at sage cleansing :)

Please help, unsure

Post by Maria1414 »

Finally someone who can relate :) I know exactly how you feel, I pick up on people so easily and it hits me like I'm the on with the feelings.
With my partner it even goes further, me and him are very connected in spirit he sometimes suffers with depression and gets thoughts he can't control, even when he's not around me I will be able to tell the same as I can see how's he is feeling and what he's thinking. He said he finds it impossible to keep surprises from me if he gives me any sort of hint.

Anyway back to everyone else, when it's the emotion from other people that is trying to probe in my life, I try to turn away sometimes it can be such a negative feeling, after time a shield of itself tends to build and you will find yourself more to your own thoughts and feelings rather than someone else's.

As I've told other people your mind and thoughts is the strongest power you have especially in your position, I find that I can chant spells in my head and visualise myself very clearly in a perfect place.

I have one question...I have always found that if I want something so bad or wish for something and keep to it I tend to get it in the end if its an item or luck for yourself or someone else. Is this something you get as well?

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