Cleansing a crystal

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Cleansing a crystal

Post by EternalRos3 »

Hi guys!
I have been out of practice for a while, recently trying to get back into Wicca. I'm starting out slowly as time doesn't really permit me get caught up as quickly as I would like, and I have forgotten a lot of the basics of what I had learned.

I have always had an interest in crystals and stones, obtaining a small collection of them. However, I hadn't really learned of their uses or how to use them with rituals.
Several weeks ago I received a 'Brazilian' quartz. Though I don't know what to do with it, research has turned up so far that I should cleans/purify the stone first, particularly during the full moon {August 2nd, I believe} and then add my energy to it.

My question is how to go about this, and what is a traditional {as in clear, basic quartz} good for in rituals?
I was also wondering if cleansing and then channeling energy into the quartz is an ok ritual to start out with, since I am getting back into practicing?

FYI - I don't have many supplies available to me at the moment, as I am preparing to move.
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by raynelae »

You can cleanse the crystal by soaking it in salt water. Clear Quartz amplifies magick and is good for about anything. It's highly cleansing.
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Post by AariadaWillow »

+1 on that. But remember that not all crystals will react well to that process. Some gems, stones, precious metals, etc, may react adversely to water, salt, or sunlight. Although admittedly, I'm not able to tell you which ones those would be lol.
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by EternalRos3 »

Thanks guys!
So is there a specific amount of time or time of night to soak the quartz in the water for best results? And do I have to do an incantation or does cleansing not require a blessing?
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by raynelae »

I usually soak mine for about an hour...but it's up to you. Aariada is correct, some gemstones don't react well to some proccesses. Example...moonstones and amethysts shouldn't be exposed to sun. As for a blessing, it's totally up to you :)
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by Firebird »

Most stones can be left in dry salt to cleanse them, it will draw any negativity out of them, and ground them. You could also leave them on the ground or bury in dirt or sand. I like to leave them in (sand, salt, dirt) for 24 hours if possible.. (this I do for stones that are new to me or that I have never used before ), if you are just doing a basic cleanse and hour would be ok. All stones can be charged in the sun provided you do not leave them under the rays any longer than it takes to programe and charge them for your purpose or for a quick charge. Flourite and amethyst are espically vunrable to sunlight. They will loose their color. Quartz is very hard, like an 8 on the mohs scale, it is ok to cleanse in water and leave in water and the sun. I make quartz water elixers for strength and energy and leave the stone in for days. As for moonstone in the won't harm it other than the fact it should be kissed by only the moons rays. Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

I cleanse my crystals using either consecrated water and letting them sit in it (depending on if the crystal will erode in water or not) or if I can't use water I let them sit in the sunlight on a windowsill (where no one else will touch them) for a period of time. Both of these have always worked for me, and the sunlight helps them recharge their power.
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by RainingMoon »

I cleanse my crystals by passing them over a candle. just passing it back and forth over the flame while envisioning the negative energies leaving. Once it's grown warm it's cleansed. Careful though, there's a hazard of burning yourself, but unless you hold your hand still over or in the flame you should be fine.
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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by SnowCat »

I've always cleansed my crystals with sea salt ir by smudging. I haven't tried fire. I'd probably manage to burn my paws off. Feline grace is one trait I did not inherit.

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Re: Cleansing a crystal

Post by AnnaliMoon »

I cleanse my crystals by soaking them in water and sea salt under the moon light. I also pass them through my goddess candle when I don't have all night to wait.
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