Memories From a Past Life??

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Memories From a Past Life??

Post by -Lypsy- »

So I have this very vivid memory from what seems to be my childhood in this life. It has my parents, and my siblings,but my mother says it never happened. I'm not really sure I believe in reincarnation, but at this point, I can't really think of another explanation for this.

The Memory: In the memory is myself, at about 4 years old, my younger brother at the age of 2, and my sister as an infant along with both my parents. It takes place at an old plantation style house. There were two trees in the front yard with a hammock, that me and my brother play on while my mom and dad look at the house, like they're interested in either renting or buying it. The whole thing happens in first person, but there's a filter on it, like the brownish effect on old pictures. The whole thing seems like an actual memory from my childhood, but my mom says it never happened, and that they never looked into buying/renting a house like that.

Could this be a warped memory of a past life? People tell me it was probably just a memory of a dream, but if that was the case I'd remember waking up. Plus, I can always tell when I'm dreaming and when I'm not. This definitely doesn't feel like something I dreamed..
Any input is appreciated. (:
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Re: Memories From a Past Life??

Post by The Judge »

The same thing has happened to me on many occasions. It is possible that your subconscious is connecting dreams and memories together. It is also possible these are memories from a past life, however, it is more likely to occur during meditation than sleep or a mental search of memories. Not to say it can't come up that way.
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Do not forget, for in this you shall learn nothing
-The Judge

Re: Memories From a Past Life??

Post by -Lypsy- »

Thanks for the reply, but you see, I wasn't meditating or sleeping when it came to me.When I was about 12, I just suddenly remembered it. I have no clue what triggered it at all.
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Re: Memories From a Past Life??

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

Most of my past life memories (and some of them are things I've just "remembered" spontaneously) occur this way, and some even show my present face as my past self (I suspect because I have internalized this image as "Me") but I have never seen my current family in a past life memory.
If it were a dream, you wouldn't necessarily remember waking up.

If I were you I'd try meditating on it, see if you can remember more. When I have spontaneous past life memories, I can expand on them and get more information about my past life. Questions like "what was I doing there?" etc may help trigger other memories. I'd suggest trying to uncover more. If it's a dream, there's nothing there to uncover. Let us know if you find anything!

Re: Memories From a Past Life??

Post by -Lypsy- »

Alright, I'll try that. Thanks a bunch. (:
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Re: Memories From a Past Life??

Post by SnowCat »

I've seen past lives in what seemed to be a dream, except that it had a different feel to it. The sounds and smells were too vivid for the experience to be just a dream. I've also run into a feeling of extreme familiarity with certain places. It sounds like the sepia toned plantation experience was almost like walking into a wall. Something I look for is the time period of the surroundings. That usually gives me a clue as to the "when" of the event.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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