White Rabbit's Dream Journal

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White Rabbit

White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I've started making a wand and I did some research on what to do. I figured out the basics, but I wanted some ideas on what to do "next".

Last night I dreamt that while I was trying to smooth the knots out of my wand, it began to get too thin and break apart. What was left; however, was a nice animal pelt. (No idea how I got fur from a tree branch!) I said to my friend, "At least I have this nice fur, I can do something with it!" From what I can remember, the friend isn't anyone I know in real life.

Then, as I tried again, I was able to smooth the knots out but the part I had chosen to be the handle began to split a little as if the wood was too dry. (My IRL wand is still moist and wick.) I said to myself, "That's okay, I can bind it with decorations to keep it from falling apart."

After that, I was trying to talk to my boyfriend, tell him I love him, but he was being distant. I was frustrated. He went to go out and didn't even kiss me goodbye. This made me mad and hurt. I explained to my girl friend why I was feeling hurt and betrayed.

When I woke up, I saw my boyfriend there and realized it was only a dream but I was still mad at him! Hahaha.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

Last night I dreamt that a friend of mine from high school and I were hanging out. We were talking nonsense while going into Barnes n Noble. I remember the store being a little dark and that allowed me to sneak some Pokemon cards into my sleeve. My friend won or bought the last Blue labeled bottle of Vodka. People were mad about that but I was all "pff". We were going to leave when I woke up.

I found out a few minutes ago that the same friend is coming to visit. I hope we can hang out, I miss him a lot. <3
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I dreamt there was a Dragon Warning in my area. My apartment had a balcony and a friend was over. I asked my friend if I could borrow a doll and she said no. Then she gave me the doll in the box to watch and even though I knew I could play with it without her knowing, I decided not to.

Some time passed and I figured that since we hadn't seen the dragon yet I might go to the kitchen for some food. That's when I saw it. It was scanning the floors below mine for people. I hid behind something and waited. Eventually I peeked to find it had already scanned my floor and was above us. Still, I was terrified to move. My boyfriend had come down the hall and was standing where the dragon couldn't see him. I told him not to move, I was so scared.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I've been having dream snippets recently. I dreamed I had a censer that you could carry by some chains (the metal ones). I dreamed about a cauldron. Part of the feeling in the dream was that I had spent too much on these items so I will plan on saving more before I get them. I also dreamed that my attempt at a 'glamour' spell was working. By that I mean people seemed to think I was more attractive even though my appearance hadn't changed at all. I'm seeing a lot of snippets of Wiccan related things in general whilst I sleep.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I dreamed that I had worn my jewelry to bed. Specifically my pentacle necklace.
I dreamed that the sun symbol i made was somehow switched to another one I made and didn't like. So I switched them.
I dreamed that my current God and Goddess candles were finally burned down so I could replace them with the bigger candles I have.

I dreamed that i had to lay down more roach poison because they finally ate the old stuff.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I dreamed that someone was given a ritual kit but she didn't want it so it was given to me. I think I was trying to set it up to use it but I couldn't. Maybe the time wasn't right. There was a lot of silver involved with the items given but I couldn't see what they were.

There was some dreams about my past, something about me trying on clothes.

There was something else about me working at my altar, but the details are vague. *ETA: I remember now.*
I was trying to place my pentacle necklace on my altar and found that the items weren't placed right. There was more space on my altar so I tried arranging it. I noticed that my fairy statue was missing and I tried looking for it. I found a similar statue with wings like an eagle and I thought that was my fairy statue but it was an eagle statue. I was a little sad, but I found my fairy statue right after and I put the fairy on the Goddess side and the eagle on the God side. Then, I was trying to offer my second pentacle necklace to someone but they didn't want it so I had to put it back into the package.

And something else about me getting a cloak.

I do plan on buying a cloak soon.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

Took a nap and dreamed that the God was granting me gifts as I walked along a circular path. I remember something about the God not giving me another gift until I continued on a circular path but somehow I wound up walking on a square path. Realizing this, I got back onto the circular path in hopes of receiving a new gift from the God.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I dreamed that someone took the candles I had prepared for a full moon ritual off my altar. I have a problem with people touching my things in the waking world so I was clearly upset.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I dreamed a couple nights ago that my uncle died. My grandmother, who has passed in the waking world but was very alive in my dream, was devastated. It was hard on her as well because she was already dealing with being sick.

Before she passed she was very ill, but I dreamed she was okay. She passed on fine. This dream was a bit disturbing for me but I do know death in dreams is not always a direct message.
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I had a dream about a real-life friend who came out to me recently and my real-life boss.

In the dream, my friend and I were in a coven with my boss as the leader. My friend was working on a character, I think he was developing a deity of worship. He had two cards with illustrations on them. He then made a golem with a female form and his character's male head as a temporary thing. The character seemed a bit confused when it came to life. My friend walked away for a while and my boss came asking me some questions. I think she had a golem male form and asked me what the character's names were. I told her but I had the feeling I shouldn't.

My friend came back and I told him what happened. Later on, we saw a post card with my friends drawings on them and my friend was really mad. I apologized to him a lot.

Then my boss showed up and she dropped the n-word and it was clear how she felt about certain things. We were trying to show her how ignorant she was. I said "ig-nant" for some reason and my friend said, "Good choice of word..." And my boss laughed at us. She seemed demonic.

She said something about a tattoo and showed us a tattoo on her leg. I saw some Celtic work and in my dream it was implied she had a swastika. I started telling her that if what happened to those people (victims of the Holocaust) happened to her, she wouldn't feel that way. She laughed and began to tell me that it could never happen to her...

And my phone woke me.

Colors and images for me to note:
Red and orange in a positive light.
Yellow in a negative light.
Red and orange in a negative light.
Green, blue, and black in a negative light.
The implication of the swastika.


I also had a snippet of a dream about a bottle used to capture bad dreams (as an alternative to a dream catcher net). I can't remember all of the details, the bottle was small and I think there was a thought about "How am I supposed to have my dreams?" or "What am I supposed to do with them?"
White Rabbit

Re: White Rabbit's Dream Journal

Post by White Rabbit »

I had a dream that I had a set of teeth behind my wisdom teeth that needed removal. My therapist used something to knock me out for one tooth, and then the second. We were in Chinatown. After she was done, she was gone. There was a lot of rioting going on in regards to racism against black people. Someone I know wanted to clean an altar that was in Chinatown but he couldn't go because of the rioting.

When the rioting stopped, I decided to go shopping for fabric. I walked into two stores that only had ribbons or thread. The second store had some fleece scraps that would be good for making something for a baby. I thought of getting it to make something for my friend at work, but realized it wasn't enough so I left.
(** Note: I had been to these stores before, most likely in the dream world, and I remembered everything being the same since my previous visit. **)

The clerks were not happy, but what could I do? They had nothing I wanted.

As I was walking, I found a citibank debit card and thought maybe I could use it to buy something and destroy the card later.

The day is Thursday (today, effectively) and I go into a third shop that has a sale going on. A cutting board with guillotine for 50$ instead of 100$. I considered it, and looked around.

On a table they had copies of one of my beloved childhood books! (Of course I can't remember the names now which makes me frustrated.) I was very happy about that and looked at them all. They bargained with me saying I could get 4 for 4$ and one for free. I wanted all of them, which was 10, so that would have been 8$.

I reached under my shirt and into my panties for the debit card. Which is when I saw another woman try to buy something and they were trying to scan her ID card but it wasn't working.

I decided to put the card away and pondered buying the books. One of the workers there was telling me not to. I said, “I have 25$ now and I get paid tomorrow...” She said, “We're saying this for your own good.”

They offered to hold them for me until I get paid.

I really wish I could remember the name of those books. If anyone knows a way to access this type of memory, please PM me.
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