How to stop a malicious person?

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How to stop a malicious person?

Post by Indigo_Pheonix »

This is a little complicated. It has to do with my fiance, and his past. He was married, had a son, then got divorced. The mother's step-mother and father convinced her to do it. Then they "took" their son from them. They have money and power, he is a sheriff, she is a social worker. After many tries and a lot of money, my fiance, still lost the court battle. Even though the mother and everyone said he was "fit" to have his son, and at least visitations, they ruled that his son was "fine" where he was.
So, he had to walk away, they won't let him see him, talk to him, or have anything to do with his son. They basically stole him.
Years have passed. My fiance, had another son. (They told him that he's not his brother.)
The mother passed away a few years ago. (Complications with diabetes.) Her son was not allowed to attend the funeral. I heard the step-mother was smiling the whole time.
So, now they (step-mother) is going after my fiance for child support and back child support.
They do not deserve or need the money. They are being vindictive for no reason.
I have never met these people, and I'm afraid of what I'd do if I ever did.
It's not fair to him, they stole the most precious thing he had, and now going to send him to jail, cause he/we cannot afford the payment.
Not to mention his other son, will be losing out.
I want to know if there is a way, to stop this. Or at least make the evil she sends out come back to her. I'm not into curses or hurting anyone, but if there is anyone who deserves it, it's her.
Any advice?
I'm tryong to be supportive without getting involved emotionally.
Dream Wolf

Re: How to stop a malicious person?

Post by Dream Wolf »

This is a legal issue, and all I can really offer is sympathy. I do know curses, but i won't give them because casting a curse comes with a price.

The best I can offer is that you pray and make offerings to Frigga, who is a goddess of Wisdom and Motherhood, she's known for being vindictive against people who harm children, in anyway.

I would also suggest doing a lot of research on similar cases in the past. Also, make sure your Fiance's lawyer mentions the positions of the Step mother and father, it could be implied that they are using their influence to make things go their way, this will also trap the judge on such a case, since if he rules in their favor it looks like he's showing favoritism, which is against the law.

Also if the case goes against you at first appeal with the higher court, the higher the court the less their jobs will have to do with it.

Also, Nightmares are sign of guilty conscience so pray for those to hit them, its not curse but a couple months of sleepless nights can really hurt a person.

Hope all goes well for you and your family.

Re: How to stop a malicious person?

Post by Spenc »

I have checked the information and links provided by you in this topic. These are really great. I have never found such interesting information before. Thank you so much for sharing.

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