
Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by Tornadofire-Sylva »

Grr, I can't believe alot of those wiccans had to act like total douchebags like that.. I am so sorry that that was your impression of Wiccans.....Thank the goddess I'm solitary, becquse the few covens in my city are so secret, the fbi couldn't find them. Why do those in a coven have to act all snobby and then snub solitaries and non Wiccans? That's just not cool!!
I'm ranting again....
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by raynelae »

TornadoFire, I'm sorry your local covens act that way. I must assure you that all covens aren't so "snobby". Also, if you're interested in being in a group with Wiccans, you could always start your own group.
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by Tornadofire-Sylva »

Yeah, they use the 'loose lips sink covens'. And hopefully I can prevent my friends from trying to practice black magic. Because I know where that leads.
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by raynelae »

I've thought about the subject...covens aren't exactly going to go around advertisting themselves. Some members probably don't want everyone to know they're a Wiccan. Also, covens generally do have rules to stick with...they may not be able to allow new members. And if you're a minor like myself, they're going to want a parent's permission to allow you to practice with them. With that being said, if you're going to start a group then make the rules for the group beforehand. Will your coven follow the Wiccan Rede? How many members will you allow? Will you teach newcomers? These are things you have to ask yourself before you start the group. If you have questions, feel free to pm me..I'll try to give you the answers that I have :)
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by nighwolf435 »

Hello this will be my first post. I am not wiccan neither do I bealive in wicca. But I do believe in spirituality and stuff. Most of this stuff I learned when I was a kid. My mother is a psychic so when i ask a question she answered, but when i ask for wicca she says she don't believe in wicca. So I tough you guys are like new age, nothing I wanted to get mixed in. But when I grew up I read more and got interested. So yesterday I beacame a member of this site to learn more and maybe get some fate in wiccans. I do believe on witchcraft and all that by the way.


Post by Celticgladiator »

I am a heathen, I do find worth and truth in many paths and always enjoy learning and hearing of others experiences. If I can learn from a Wiccan I will, some of my friends are not as open minded but I tend to judge individually by ones deeds and not just the title they give themselves.
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Re: Non-wiccan


Ahhh, .. Differences in a spiritual path... Age old fight it seems. I started out doing my year and a day with Wicca. I clearly new after that, that Wicca wasn't for me. So, I'm a hodgepodge of mixed paths, stomping my own unique path. Don't know what to name it, and solitary seems soooo, I don't know, lonely, when there are so many of us... Eclectic, seems ok, but... Its an over used term. I just like to call myself a polytheist witch... It's simple, and to the point.i believe in a balance of light and dark... Too much of one thing, can be bad for you. (in some form or another) .. I believe nothing is coincidence.. And I love will defend my loved ones any way possible... I will also use healing magick for total strangers, if I feel they need it.
Let's face it though, this world won't be utopia. Ever. We need to take care of it for our children, and teach them to take care of it, and each other, if we can...take strides in creating tolerance.

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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by Firebird »

Hey Mama, I as wondering what happened during your year and a day that made you decide that Wicca wasn't for you??
BB, Firebird
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Re: Non-wiccan


Well, I was reading all about the different Pantheons.. And I started meditating. The more I meditated, I started speaking to higher beings... Not Gods, but other entities, realizing that all the things I was communicating with had different personalities, I came to the conclusion on my own, that Gods and Godesses (probably) did too. .. This is my opinion. I think it's fact, but, however, this is debatable to every being.
Everyone has to find their own path. .. And they must not find it unsteady, or shaky..
I'm not here to argue that it's my way or highway. No one persuaded me any certain direction, although many voiced their opinions. I've simply had to shake it off and walk to the beat of my own drum. I'm ok with this. I think Wicca is a beautiful religion, just not for me. I love the idea that every being has a unique personality.. Has a specific "speciality".. .. Just like us here on earth.. It gives TRUE meaning to as above, so below.. (to me) .. The only thing we all have in common is that we are all different...... Like snowflakes!
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by Firebird »

I have always viewed the Gods and Goddesses like the spectrum of the rainbow, all coming from one light but broken down into many different aspects, thus having many different personalities...
MOTHERofDRAGONS wrote:The only thing we all have in common is that we are all different...... Like snowflakes!
just like us!....Snowflakes!
BB, Firebird
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Re: Non-wiccan

Post by seawitch »

I have always been interested in witchcraft, ever since I was like 9 or 10, but I never associated it with religion. When I first got into it, I was too young to take it seriously and really study it. I just wanted to do spells and was impatient. After a couple of years, I became too frustrated, and stopped. However, I would always think about it and work a spell here and there. Recently, I did a spell that really worked. Since then I had feelings that magic was something that I was just meant to do. In that time that I had taken a break from witchcraft, I have developed a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ. Even though I was baptized Catholic, I do not consider myself a member of any organized religion (I believe God and Jesus are way more open-minded, laid back, and loving than most people like to say they are). So therefore, I just my have personal relationship with them and am very comfortable with it, and it works for me. Out of curiosity, I did read about Wicca. It's just not for me. I already have my spiritual path, and I don't feel anything when reading about Wicca. It doesn't speak to me. My magic isn't religious, it's just magic.
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