Would this be considered a curse?

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Lady Cael

Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Lady Cael »

My manager is treating us all, even the very hard working and loyal workers, like myself, like we're just machines and not humans. She's being down right hateful and cruel, because of the stress she's now under, and it's destroying work place moral. I think people who have been here for years are close to quitting.

She's a hard worker her self, and she could be a great manager, if she cared about her workers. She needs to be a lot more empathetic. Could I do a spell to help her be more empathetic, or would that be more like a curse? It's a spell that's supposed to influence her... after all
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Re: Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Lets clean things up a bit, A Curse is a spell that brings harm upon the person who will be casted on, the fact that you want to influence a person is not so moral but its definetely not a curse, and if I have learned anything is that if your influence helps other people, then its more likely forgivable by the Goddess so if you have something I say do it...
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Autumnal Rose
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Re: Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Autumnal Rose »

I'm going to answer this with a no - for two reasons. The first is that even if you do your spell with the very best of intentions, you are still meddling with the will of another person. I personally believe this is wrong. Secondly, you do not know how your spell will come to fruition. A person is most likely to learn empathy through tragedy or hard times. You may well cast your spell meaning her to gain empathy, but how will you feel if something terrible has to happen to her for her to gain that empathy?

I think this is a situation for talking rather than magic. Tell her how miserable she is making you all and offer some positive suggestions for moving forward. Could you all take a bit of the pressure off her by doing a little extra?
Lady Cael

Re: Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Lady Cael »

Thanks for the responses! :). It was such a tempting idea...but there was this nagging feeling in the back of my head that it wouldn't quite be the right thing to do. I'm hoping things will calm back down soon, but she's a little hard to deal with. As for doing a little extra, we're already doing more then that, (we don't have enough workers, but they expect us to run as fast as we did when we had a full staff. ) I think that's why everyone's so stressed out. We're doing way more then what should be expected of us, and we're still getting reprimanded by the management. An assistant manager tried to report her for the one outburst and ended up getting threatened to lose her job if she ever brought that up again, because the higher up and the manager are best friends!

It makes one scared to even try to have a talk with her.... -sigh-

Perhaps there's some other spell I could do to lift everyone's spirits?
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Re: Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Truthseeker »

Lady Cael, the first thing I will say is -ALWAYS trust that gut instinct. I have learned-especially since I realized that I am an empath- that that instinct is always right. It has taken me many (far TOO many) years to recognize this and learn that when I go against it I am always sorry I did. Your God/dess given gifts are there for a reason and for you to use.
The second thing is this- personally (and this is for ME- it may or may not work for you) I see no harm in 'helping' another without their knowledge or consent. If you saw a person on the side of the road unconscious you would do your best to help them- and you would NOT be able to gain their permission. This is not to say that we are allowed to use magick willy-nilly at our whim to control other people. BUT- there is generally a way to improve situations without causing harm. Always use discretion and weigh it out very carefully- it is bad only when your hearts intent is to harm or bring bad to someone. As far as "harm none"- yes, that is where our heart is supposed to be- but honestly this can not apply literally to every single situation. We cause harm every time we start an automobile or send our trash to the landfill. Our goal is to do the least harm possible in all we do and the most good.
Sometimes the wording of a spell can make all the difference in the actual outcome.
Lady Cael

Re: Would this be considered a curse?

Post by Lady Cael »

Harm none can be a very tricky thing to follow. But I will try to follow my gut instinct on things more often.
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