Please help! I need a cleansing ritual...

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Please help! I need a cleansing ritual...

Post by RavenwoodSpellbound »

Okay, so my mother was being nosy and pulled my amulet of Aphrodite and touched it. I immediately felt the negative energies saturating my connection to my goddess. (She is one of those who will tell you that you're going to hell every five minutes).

I apologized to my goddess, but I need to purify my amulet again :( I missed the full moon (it was yesterday).

Blessed be,friends.
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:45 pm

Re: Please help! I need a cleansing ritual...

Post by Althara »

Have you tried:

Smudging the amulet with a purifying incense (such as sage or lavender)
Running the amulet under cool water (if this won't ruin it, of course!)
Burying it in salt or the earth for a while until it feels clean again
Crystal cleansing - either place it on a piece of amethyst, or clear quartz

Those are probably your easiest options!
)(Apollo Obsidian)(

Re: Please help! I need a cleansing ritual...

Post by )(Apollo Obsidian)( »

Hi, Ravenwood! : )
Blessings to you! And I agree with Althara - Smudging with White Sage yields astounding results. White Sage has been used in smudging for many ages and it has unbelievable cleansing power! Great for homes, rooms, and sacred spaces as well! Simply run the stone through the flames and honestly feel it cleanse the Spirit of the Stone, and in turn Your Spirit ( because all is one, after all ) :)

I also have a beautiful piece of pottery my friend made on my alter and I have it filled with Sea Salt. It is large enough to fit a few crystals/gemstones in it and the natural, pure Sea Salt of the Divine Mother absorbs the negative energies acquired by the Stone. You should change the Sea Salt fairly often; I would simply bury it outside (away from Living plants) so that Mother Gaia can take the Energy and purify it. She is Kind and Generous like that! :) This one is option takes a while if you want it truly purified, but it is very powerful!

Now I have a patio garden with a four pots filled with various herbs (basil, minthe, thyme, lavender, rosemary) and flowers. I leave the stones outside on the patio edge to be cleansed by the Divine Father Apollo's Purifying rays of Sun! It takes patience, however, because the longer they can be stripped of the negativity and recharged by the Burning Sun's Rays, the better the results will be.

I have been in LOVE with crystals/gemstones/and stones in general since I began my journey in the Craft. :) So I am used to cleansing them. As an empath, I especially feel when the Stones have accumulated negativity and cleansing makes a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! I wish you Luck and Happiness in your Journey, my friend!!
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