
Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Post by raynelae »

Hi everyone :)
It isn't very long until "doomsday"! However, I have different views on this whole 2012 stuff. I think the Goddess is being reborn into the world making Herself be reborn! Things are getting really messy---violence, natural disasters, etc., but without destruction there can be no newness. For things to get any better than what they are, we must change (everyone). We must become in tune with the Goddess and the God to make this transition better for us and the world. Of course things are messy, but we must change the world, trust the Goddess, and let Her be reborn! :) I really believe 2012 is the year of great change.
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by Ravencry »

I also believe it will be a year of great change, especially spiritually.
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by presentcharisma »

As a numerologist myself- 2012 is a 5. 5 is a number of change. I believe the change is associated with the age of aquarius. With change there is always poor choices and mistakes that we learn on the way. However change in direction is a positive move! I am sure most people would agree that the rapid downward sprial the human race has gotten caught up in needs to stop. People are sick of the way things are and are ready... thirsty for it!

December 21st 2012.... well that number would be 11. As you know 11 is a master number of higher spirituality and higher knowing. I believe the changes started with 11-11-11 which was an energy porthole for multiplying whatever our intentsions were for that day. I made a point to send reiki to the world that day and do many good deeds.

Depending on one's personal numbers it would determine how they react with the universal energies. Many people are going to react negatively and strong. But it will be sort of an energy cleansing in order to make the proper changes.

Great topic!
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by raynelae »

You can look around and see that people want change. Now we must make the change for a better world :)
Thank you for the numerology of 2012 Presentcharisma! :)
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by tilarium »

You're right in that it's not doomsday like everyone seems to thing. The Mayan calander doesn't say the world will end, just the current cycle that it's in. We're currently on, I believe, the 13th cycle and will enter into the 14th. Just a renewing and rebirth. With rebirth must first come death, like the pheonix rising from it's ashes.
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by CristryShannon »

I believe that is the year of change too but may lives are going to gonne...all this violence...all those economicals crices (especially in Greece) are not going to have a good end. Im sure that is going to take place a big event on 21/12/12 but im not sure that it is going to be a good event cause the change can be also worse than better...
But if this event is going to change us so to be better, then... im in lets do it! I hope the change is going to be good and not bad... :/
But untill then we just have to wait a few months..(i hate waiting grrr :P )
That was my opinion so no bad coms about it :/
Thank you Blessed be! :D
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by LadySibella »

tilarium wrote:You're right in that it's not doomsday like everyone seems to thing. The Mayan calander doesn't say the world will end, just the current cycle that it's in. We're currently on, I believe, the 13th cycle and will enter into the 14th. Just a renewing and rebirth. With rebirth must first come death, like the pheonix rising from it's ashes.
Yes precisely! that is the way I see it too, actually I "Welcome" this time! The entire world and I mean the "human kingdom, the animal kingdom, Mother Nature" does need a radical change! I can't wait for that to happen! and while some people fear the end of the year thinking it will me the destruction of everything, and others mock the Mayan prophecy, I do hope that no one miscalculated anything and I'm looking forward for the change!

My number is 5 (BTW thanksPresentCharisma for sharing the numerology aspect of the subject :D ) So for me, it will be like a "double" change...I have to say that since the beginning of the year, changes have occured in my life on the physical and spiritual level at an impressive speed! Spiritual dreams also have pourred down on me, revealing a spiritual awakening...

Mayan prophecy, great awakening, major change.... Mote it be! :mrgreen:
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Re: 2012!!!!

Post by raynelae »

March and so far April have been very opening to the spiritual aspects of life for me. even though there have been some really rocky roads it seems like they have led to better things. I can't wait for the total transition :)
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